Best 53 quotes in «allegiant quotes» category

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    Because you like to hurt people. And you think you're special, you think everyone around you is a bunch of sissies who can't make the tough choices like you can. You are not special. I like to hurt people too. I can make the cruelest choice. The difference is sometimes I don't, and you always do, and that makes you evil.

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    A husband should not discipline his wife, Johanna says.

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    Can I be forgiven for all I've done to get here? I don't know. I don't know. please. -Tris, Divergent Can I be forgiven for all I've done to get here? I want to be. I can. I believe it. -Tris, Allegiant

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    Christina and I don't speak, but I know our thoughts are the same, fixed on Uriah, on his last breaths.

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    Did you just make a joke, Tris? We should have you on painkillers more often if your going to start cracking jokes.

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    Death could not erase her, she is permanent.

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    He is strong, and lithe, and certain. And he is mine.

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    En este mundo hay muchas formas de ser valiente. A veces, la valentía implica dar la vida por algo más importante que tú o darla por alguien. A veces implica renunciar a todo lo que has conocido o a todos los seres queridos por un bien mayor. Pero no siempre es así. A veces no es más que apretar los dientes para soportar el dolor y el trabajo de cada día, y así caminar poco a poco hacía una vida mejor. Y esa es la valentía que necesito ahora.

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    Everything has changed and it won't stop changing anytime soon.

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    Hay tantas maneras de ser valiente en este mundo. A veces la valentía implica dar tu vida por algo más grande que tú, o por alguien más. A veces se trata de renunciar a todo lo que has conocido, o a todo el mundo que alguna vez has amado, para el bien de algo mejor. Pero a veces no es así, A veces no es más que apretar los dientes por el dolor y por el trabajo de cada día, el lento paseo hacia una vida mejor. Ese es el tipo de valentía que debo tener ahora.

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    I don't know, I guess I agree with them. That if everyone would just keep learning about the world around them, they would have far fewer problems.

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    He's one of the last friends I have," she says, her voice breaking. "I don't know if I'll ever be able to look at you the same way again.

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    He wraps his arms around me and holds me tight for a few seconds. His breaths tickle my ear, and I close my eyes, letting myself finally relax. He smells like wind and sweat and soap, like Tobias and like safety.

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    How many different kinds of ruin do you have to see, before you resign yourself to calling it all 'ruin'?

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    I am afraid of her, afraid of what she says-and thrilled by it too, because it means I don't have to accept that I am smaller than I once believed.

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    I don’t know how long i tis before we get cold again, and huddle under the blanket together. -It’s getting more difficult to be wise. – He says,laughing into my ear. I smile at him. – I think that’s how it’s supposed to be.

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    I don’t know how long it takes for me to realize that isn’t going to happen, that she is gone. But when I do I feel all the strength go out of me, and I fall to my knees beside the table and I think I cry, then, or at least I want to, and everything inside me screams for just one more kiss, one more word, one more glance, one more.

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    I feel uneasy. It's not often that you encounter the real person behind a good-natured mask, the darkest parts of someone. It's not comfortable when you do.

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    I find my anger ebbing away, and I'm lost in muffled grief again, this time not just for Tris, but for Uriah, whose smile is burned into my memory. My friend's brother, and then my friend, too, though not for long enough to let his humor work its way into me, not for long enough.

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    If I let a little of the emotion out, all of it will come out, and it will never end.

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    If someone offers you an opportunity to get closer to your enemy, you always take it. I know that without having learned it from anyone.

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    I just wanted to thank you," he says, his voice low. "A group of scientists told you that my genes were damaged, that there was something wrong with me - they showed you test results that proved it. And I even started to believe it." He touches my face, his thumb skimming my cheekbone, and his eyes on mine, intense and insistent. "You never believed it," he says. "Not for a second. You always insisted that I was... I don't know, whole." I cover his hand with my own. "Well, you are." "No one has ever told me that before," he says softly. "It's what you deserve to hear," I say firmly, my eyes going cloudy with tears. "That you're whole, that you're worth loving, that you're the best person I've ever known.

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    I like to hurt people too. I can make the cruelest choice. The difference is, sometimes I don't, and you always do, and that makes you evil.

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    I prefer to look at it another way-which is that if they are persistent enough, even tiny drops of water, over time, can change the rock forever. And it will never change back.

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    It happened. It was awful. You aren't perfect. That's all there is. Don't confuse your grief with guilt." We stay in the silence and the loneliness of the otherwise empty dormitory for a few more minutes, and I try to let her words work themselves into me.

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    It’s getting more difficult to be wise,” he says, laughing into my ear. I smile at him. “I think that’s how it’s supposed to be.

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    I was beginning to feel that I had finally found a place to stay, a place that was not so unstable or corrupt or controlling that I could actually belong there. You would think that I would have learned by now—such a place does not exist.

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    A weight settles on my shoulders. I knew, of course, that Uriah might never wake up. But the hope that kept the grief at bay is dwindling, slipping away with each word she speaks.

    • allegiant quotes
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    I laugh, and it’s laughter, not light, that casts out the darkness building within me, that reminds me I am still alive, even in this strange place where everything I’ve ever known is coming apart. I know some things—I know that I’m not alone, that I have friends, that I’m in love. I know where I came from. I know that I don’t want to die, and for me, that’s something—more than I could have said a few weeks ago.

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    . . . in the distance I hear a train rushing over the rails, but we are moving away from this place and all that is has meant to us, and that is all right.

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    I should have known, then, that he would gladly trade thousands of GD memories-lives-for control of the experiments. That he would trade them without even thinking of alternatives-without feeling that he needed to bother to save them. They're damaged, after all.

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    I wonder if that fear still creeps up on her now though she worked so hard to face it—I wonder if fears ever really go away, or if they just lose their power over us.

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    Me enamoré de él. Pero no solamente estoy con él por defecto, como si no hubiera nadie más disponible para mí. Estoy con él porque lo elijo, cada día que me despierto, cada día que peleamos o nos mentimos el uno al otro o nos decepcionamos. Lo elijo una y otra vez y él me elije a mí.

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    Me enamore de el, pero no me quedo con el por inercia, como si no hubiera nada más a mi disposición. Me quedo con el por que así lo decido todos los días al despertarme, todos los días que nos peleamos, nos mentimos o nos decepcionamos. Lo elijo a el una y otra vez, y el me elige a mi.

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    Mi sento finalmente me stessa, forte e fragile al contempo… almeno per un po’, libera di essere entrambe le cose.

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    Most of the time I can tell when people are lying, and this must be a lie, because Tris is still alive, her eyes bright and her cheeks flushed and her small body full of power and strenght, standing in a shaft of light in the atrium. Tris is still alive, she wouldn't leave me here alone, she wouldn't go to the Weapons Lab instead of Caleb.

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    One Choice, Breaks free of his past One Choice, Embraces his future One Choice, Exposes the dangers One Choice, Changes him- forever One Choice will free him

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    My mother wasn't a fool," I say. "She just understood something you didn't. That it's not sacrifice if it's someone else's life you're giving away, it's just evil." I back up another step and say, "She taught me all about real sacrifice. That it should be done from love, not misplaced disgust for another person's genetics. That it should be done from necessity, not without exhausting all other options. That it should be done for people who need your strength because they don't have enough of their own. ...

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    Non so che cosa mi aspettassi. Forse di vedere il confine ultimo del mondo, come una specie di gigantesco dirupo sospeso nello spazio? Quello che di sicuro non mi aspettavo era di scoprire di essere una persona che viveva in una casa che da quassù non si distingue neanche, che camminava su una strada tra centinaia, migliaia, di altre strade. Quello che non mi aspettavo era di sentirmi così piccola.

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    Officially, of course, we're all to be treated the same, yes? But that is rarely put into practice.

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    No crees en las cosas porque hagan tu vida mejor, crees en ellas porque son ciertas.

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    She is a woman of muscle twisted around bone.

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    One thing I know: For helping me forget how awful the world is, I prefer her to alcohol.

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    The steps were crowded with bodies then. Now they are clean and cool, like nothing ever happened here.

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    Sí, a veces la vida es una mierda, pero ¿sabes por qué aguanto? Por los momentos que no apestan. El truco está en darse cuenta de ellos cuando vienen

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    The minutes I had left with him fall away like dead leaves pulled from branches.

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    Sometimes, all it takes to save people from a terrible faith is one person willing to do something about it. Even if that "something" is a fake bathroom break.

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    The ability to think isn't exclusive to erudite

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    There are so many ways to be brave in this world. Sometimes bravery involves laying down your life for something bigger than yourself, or for someone else. Sometimes it involves giving up everything you have ever known, or everyone you have ever loved for the sake of something greater.

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    They're damaged, after all.