Best 17 quotes in «asexual quotes» category

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    This was another thing Vale’s mother never understood: Vale was aro-ace, both aromantic and asexual. She’d told her parents she just wasn’t interested in dating any number of times… But they never seemed to get it. To them, Vale’s sexuality was a ‘phase’ that they were certain she would one day outgrow. Their obliviousness was a raw spot for Vale.

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    The meaning of sex is illustrated by two eponymous heroes of British history, King Edward VII (who flourished in the years before the First World War) and the King Edward variety of potato which has fed the British working class for almost as long). The potato, unlike the royal family, reproduces asexually. Every King Edward potato is identical to every other and each on has the same set of genes as the hoary ancestor of all potatoes bearing that name. This is convenient for the farmer and the grocer, which is why sex is not encouraged among potatoes.

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    There won't be any sex for the first three hundred thousand words... that's how you know this is an asexual-to-demisexual story.

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    the man i went on a date with did more than try to "cure me" of my asexuality it's funny because i never thought someone's penis would be considered an antidote of any kind and i don't think that's what my doctor meant when he told me i needed more Vitamin D in my diet but apparently my sexuality was enough of a diagnosis for him to decide to play doctor with me maybe he should’ve put his stethoscope up to my mouth instead of between my breasts maybe then he would’ve heard me when i told him to stop it

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    Would you ever sleep with me?” he questioned once. “Never,” she’d replied, her large eyes shining in the bluish glow from his TV set, “but I love you… in a different way. I’ll always be loyal to you, I’ll never betray you, that’s how I love people.

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    When your friend who died was still alive, did you ever tell him?” “Tell him what?” “That you’re… what’s the word? Celibate?” Tony asked, trailing his fingers along the buttons on the remote control but not really finding himself able to change the channel. His name, his daughter’s name, it all could’ve easily become a statistic, an obituary, had they not left the tower when they did. “I’m asexual, not a celibate,” replied the lawyer, “and sure, I told him…” She froze for a moment, averting her eyes to the ugly gray-and-red carpeting on the floor. “Clarence didn’t care, he was married, anyway. He always used to tell me, “you know, you’d make one hell of an ace attorney, Bailey!

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    Why can't I find someone who loves being with me, as is, as much as I love being with them?

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    But babies become children, and they go to elementary schools that indoctrinate them on how to overthrow governments, and they get interested in boys and girls, or they don't, and anyway they change.

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    All I ever wanted was for our story— the story of me and Mark told through the eyes of a non-sexual narrator— I wanted that story to be available so that other people who might never see themselves in print could have someone to identify with.

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    You get people who think you have a mental disorder, people calling you frigid, but I don’t care. If they’re that desperate, clearly THEY have a problem.

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    I’m not gay,” said Raphael. “I’m not straight. I’m not interested.” “Your sexuality is ‘not interested’?” Alec asked curiously. Raphael said, “That’s right.

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    Finally, he raised his hand and touched his fingers to his forehead. "I can give you this." He lowered his hand and pressed the tops of his fingers to the center of his chest. "And I can give you this. But not the rest. It's not who I am. Or what I am.

    • asexual quotes
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    First of all”—Feenie pointed at her—“you are not broken and I don’t ever want to hear that again. Second, being attracted to one person doesn’t necessarily change who you are. Maybe you’re graysexual instead of straight up ace. There’s just something about the way Takumi’s genetic code arranged his face and body that appeals to your brain chemistry. It’s insta-lust. Enjoy it for what it is.

    • asexual quotes
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    i can love as Aristotle who coined the term “philía” loved his brothers it isn’t that hard of a concept to grasp but because i am not grasping someone else you think there is something wrong with me but i am fine

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    Some people are born in the mountains, while others are born by the sea. Some people are happy to live in the place they were born, while others must make a journey to reach the climate in which they can flourish and grow. Between the ocean and the mountains is a wild forest. That is where I want to make my home.

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    I spent a considerable amount of time when I was, o, adolescent, wondering why I was different, whether there were other people like me. Why, when everyone else was fascinated by their developing sexual nature, I couldn't give a damn. I've never been attracted to men. Or women. Or anything else. It's difficult to explain, but while I have an apparently normal female body, I don't have any sexual urge or appetite.

    • asexual quotes
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    She wore her ferocity like armor, and it was purely asexual armor. Liraz was untouchable and untouched.