Best 21 quotes in «memento mori quotes» category

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    ...a morte estava a provocá-los, cantando-lhes em suspiros e silêncios uma canção de ninar que tinha eco nos corações. Memento mori.

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    Ma le fontane, discorrendo tra loro nella notte quieta, dicevano che Marina era passata come Cecilia, il conte Cesare come i suoi avi, che nuovi signori verrebbero per passare alla loro volta e non valeva la pena di turbarsene. Quando, presso l’alba, uscì la luna e si posò sul pavimento della loggia, sulla pompa delle dracene e delle azalee che nessuno aveva pensato a rimuovere, ella parve cercar là dentro, col suo sorriso voluttuoso, ciò che non si trovava ancora, quella notte, nel Palazzo, ma che la vicenda delle cose umane vi ha quindi portato: degli altri occhi da empir di chimere, degli altri cuori da muovere alla passione, invece di quelli che se n’erano appena liberati per sempre.

    • memento mori quotes
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    hay que sobrevivir de un modo u otro, haciendo lo que sepas, la muerte llegará, pero es mejor hacerla esperar un rato con el truco que sea.

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    Inside, upstairs, where the planes are met, the spaces are long and low and lined in tasteful felt gray like that cocky stewardess's cap and filled with the kind of music you become aware of only when the elevator stops or when the dentist stops drilling. Plucked strings, no vocals, music that's used to being ignored, a kind of carpet in the air, to cover up a silence that might remind you of death.

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    Funerals are for the living. If we have not done for the dead while they were yet in flesh, it is too late; let the matter pass at the grave. Day by day we should live for those who are to die; and live so that we may die for those who are to live. Funerals are for the living.

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    In town a man can live for a hundred years without noticing that he has long been dead and has rotten away.

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    No dejes para mañana la diversión que puedes tener hoy.

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    No estoy metido en ninguna competición con nadie, ni pienso en la inmortalidad; me importa un carajo todo eso. Es la ACCIÓN mientras estás vivo.

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    Nunca estoy solo. Lo mejor es estar solo, pero no del todo.

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    Obsérvese la vileza de la carne humana. Da motivos para la humildad.

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    O, worldly pomp, how despicable you are when one considers that you are empty and fleeting ! You are justly compared to watery bubbles, one moment all swollen up, then suddenly reduced to nothing.

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    Para volver a nacer, antes tienes que morir.

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    Puesto que la muerte no tiene remedio Mejor es que nos preparemos a morir Para que podamos vivir de muertos Timor Mortis conturbat me

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    Sauver quelque chose du temps où l'on ne sera plus jamais.

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    tienes la muerte cerca igual que una amante, más cerca, la conoces como la palma de tu mano como esa mancha en la pared como el nombre de tu hija.

    • memento mori quotes
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    Solo se embellece lo que se ama, y la muerte nos repugna y nos cansa. También a ella hay que conquistarla.

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    The real world is simply too terrible to admit; it tells man that he is a small, trembling animal who will decay and die.

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    The very idea of inevitable death, carrying with it the manifest folly of human concerns, is at the core of ruin porn fetish. Memento mori: You and everyone you know will die and become wreckage plowed under and renewed, because that’s they way of all things. Fight it and be terrified; accept it and know peace. Live accordingly.

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    lo que llamamos una razón de vivir es al mismo tiempo una excelente razón de morir.

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    We will die and we fear death. This fear is worldwide and transcultural. It probably has significant survival value. Those who wish to postpone or avoid death can improve the world, reduce its perils, make children who will live after us, and create great works by which they will be remembered.

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    When you are faced with the possibility of an early death, it makes you realize that life is worth living and that there are lots of things you want to do.