Best 12 quotes in «weightloss quotes» category

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    Sometimes, we can't see our progress. We live our lives every day and can't see how much has changed. I think we all need a piece of reality every once in a while, some item to show us how far we have come from our past to our present. We get so lost in trying to get gratification for our work right away that we forget our small progressive steps. And then, we get a reality check, we see a piece of our past that shows us that everything we've done thus far has been worth it. Maybe you see a piece of writing that you wrote a few years ago, a sketch from the past, or even, like me, you try on a pair of pants that you haven't worn in a few months. And suddenly, everything has become worth it. Your struggle becomes your success. All those days you felt like giving up but you didn't mark the pathway to your future. So keep trying, day after day and look back to the past with a smile.

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    The empowering thought is that busy hands cannot eat!

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    Stop Dieting...Start Eating CUte

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    The slightest nudge can send a fruit pyramid collapsing into ruin. Perhaps this is why there is so little ancient architecture and art left in the world. Perhaps ancient fat people bumped into buildings and statues and made them fall. Perhaps this is the real reason Rome fell

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    We have a right to decide how we want our bodies to look and feel, but unfortunately we do not exercise these rights. Instead, we tend to drift along, victims of our own ignorance of the fact that we can have what we want, if we are willing to take that first step toward developing the self-discipline to govern our thoughts.

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    Get off the Medical System and onto the Self Care System

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    Weight loss is a sum of all of your habits - not individual ones.

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    But ever since I made the decision to drop a few pounds-way less easy than it sounds, by the way-I've become obsessed with my size and in so doing I've inadvertently allowed my inner critic to have a voice. And you know what? She's a bitch. Like now when I see my underpants in the laundry, I no longer think Soft! Cotton! Sensible! Instead I hear her say Damn, girl, these panties be huge.

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    What a joke, coming from a woman who worked for the fashion industry. Really. Starving yourself to fit into a size zero — why did that size even exist? Zero referred to the absence of something, but what did it mean in terms of a model's measurements? Her fat? Or her presence? How much could you cut away before the person herself vanished? It was hypocritical, that's what it was. I said as much, adding, “If you're so keen on me being healthy then you should have no problem accepting me for the way I am. That's what's healthy, Mom. Not being focused on all this freaky weight-loss stuff.

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    I refuse to let a number dictate my self worth and, besides, I like cake.

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    I get better everyday, everyday I get better.

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    It’s all about balance. Balancing exercise, food, and life. No excesses.