Best 11 quotes in «nihilistic quotes» category

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    Dandelion to Geralt: Change your job and become a priest. You'd be decent with your scruples, your morality, your knowledge of people's nature and every single thing. The fact that you don't believe in any gods shouldn't be a problem. I know very few prists who do. Become a priest and stop complaining about yourself.

    • nihilistic quotes
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    I'm made for misery, misery, misery, I'm made to be destroyed!

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    I am superhero! I am the Nihilist! My superpowers include logical detachment, emotional invincibility, and the ability to blend in anywhere. I work alone and am never compromised by romantic entanglements, and I don't have a costume because who the fuck cares?

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    I mean he's honest, he sees the terrible things, he doesn't try to cover them up or imagine them away — the evil of the world, the senselessness of it all, the rottenness of us ordinary people, our fantasy life, our selfishness —

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    I'll never be happy, how can you love me, I'm awful, I'm covered with spiders, I'm doomed.

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    What is causing this mysterious perpetual air of inconvenience to slowly engulf the evening. It is not merely emptiness but an awakening in itself about nothingness. Leave behind what was never yours and accept the fact that momentary pleasures and hideous treasures will perish too soon; so will your pride be snatched away by nothing. Mathematicians often say an instance tends to infinity. But, in actual sense, is anything even close to infinity? Nullify yourself and disappear into zero, for that is what we call the beginning; the beginning of the end.

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    Înainte de a întâlni absurdul,omul cotidian trăiește cu un scop,cu grija viitorului sau cu grija care se justifica.El își evaluează șansele,se bizuie pe ceea ce va fi mai târziu,pe pensie sau pe munca fiilor lui.Mai crede că își poate orîndui viața după voia lui.De fapt,acționează ca și cum ar fi liber,chiar dacă toate faptele nu fac decât să contrazică această libertate.După ce a descoperit absurdul,totul e zdruncinat din temelii.Ideea că "sînt",felul meu de a acționa ca și cum totul ar avea un sens sunt dezmințite amețitor de absurditatea unei morți posibile.A te gândi la ziua de mâine,a-ți fixa un scop,a avea preferințe,toate presupun credința în libertate,chiar dacă îți dai seama că nu o ai.Dar,în acea clipă,știu că acea libertate superioară,acea libertate de a fi,singura pe care se poate întemeia un adevăr,nu există.Nu sunt liber nici pentru că mă perpetuez,ci sclav,și mai cu seamă sclav fără speranța unei revoluții eterne,lipsit de arma disprețului.

    • nihilistic quotes
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    My quietness is a consequence of my deeply entrenched nihilism. I don’t believe there is any real value in my or anyone else’s speaking, and I think that all of human existence is fundamentally unimportant.

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    Oh Irina, there's so much life for us." "Is there? I feel I have no life. There's nothing in front of me but a black wall.

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    Perhaps after all not to have been born is best. How near the human soul must be to nothingness if it can be so tossed.

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    When it occurs to a man that nature does not regard him as important, and that she feels she would not maim the universe by disposing of him, he at first wishes to throw bricks at the temple, and he hates deeply the fact that there are no brick and no temples. Any visible expression of nature would surely be pelleted with his jeers. Then, if there be no tangible thing to hoot he feels, perhaps, the desire to confront a personification and indulge in pleas, bowed to one knee, and with hands supplicant, saying: "Yes, but I love myself.