Best 6 quotes in «world of warcraft quotes» category

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    Dear ones, wisdom, fortitude, strength, and hope cannot be learned in death. Life is not about reward and punishment," said Xuen. "It is about understanding, accepting who oneself is right now, in order to know what to change, and how.

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    We should all be like children, for the world is our elder, and has many things to teach us.

    • world of warcraft quotes
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    Long live the king May his reign last forever May his strength... Fail him never.

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    Del agua obtuvo claridad y paciencia: por primera vez, después de tantos años, sus pensamientos no estaban nublados. Del fuego consiguió pasión, una nueva apreciación de la vida y el deseo de sobreponerse a cualquier obstáculo. La tierra le concedió firmeza, una voluntad de acero y una determinación inquebrantable. Del viento adquirió el valor y la persistencia: cómo adentrarse y presionar ante la adversidad.

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    I will never, ever stop hoping for peace,' he said. his voice trembled with leashed emotion. 'I have seen too much good in too many people to paint them all as evil and worthy of slaughter. And I will also never stop believing that people can change. But I realize now that I've been like a farmer expecting to harvest crops from a poisoned field. It's simply not possible' . . . 'People can change,' Anduin repeated. 'But some people will never-never-desire to do so.

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    Mia,' she whispered. I turned around. 'What?' I whispered back. She smiled at me a little. 'LEEERRROOOY JEEENNKKIINNNSS!' she shouted, then spun around and ran toward the Z's in the lighting section.