Best 323 quotes in «assumption quotes» category

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    We assume things because it’s easier, lazier. It stops us thinking too hard…usually about stuff that makes us feel uncomfortable. But not thinking can lead to misunderstandings and in some cases, tragedies.

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    We are often deterred, not by what others think or would think, but by what we think they think or would think.

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    We sometimes feel sorry for someone because of a situation or an event for which they have prayed.

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    We have presumed based not on our own but on others’ deaths that we are mortal.

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    When you make any assumption, you are preparing room for error.

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    When someone asks a question, don't assume they don't know the answer. Clever people will always test you.

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    When you assume, you make an ass out of you and umption.

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    You already beat yourself up for enough things that aren't your fault. People who care don't want to add to that." He paused, and then added gently, "But you assumed it was about you." I finished the beer and sighed. "Arrogance," I said."I feel stupid." "Good," Michael said. "It's good for everyone to feel that way sometimes. It helps remind you how much you still have to learn.

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    Your desire to advise other people, grows in line with your perception... that assumes you're wiser than them.

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    A dangerous book will always be in danger from those it threatens with the demand that they question their assumptions. They'd rather hang on to the assumptions and ban the book.

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    A fair trial is one in which the rules of evidence are honored, the accused has competent counsel, and the judge enforces the proper courtroom procedures - a trial in which every assumption can be challenged.

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    All conventional wisdom has an element of truth to it, but good design requires more than an element of truth - it requires an ensemble of correct assumptions and valid calculations.

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    All forms of yoga involve occult assumptions, even hatha yoga, which is often presented as a merely physical discipline.

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    All reined up in old language and old assumptions, straining to jump clean-hoofed on to a whole new track of being I only suspect is there. I can't see it, because my educated, average head is being held at the wrong angle. I can't jump because the bit forbids it, and my own basic force - my horsepower, if you like - is too little.

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    A liberal education rests on the assumption that nature and human nature do not change very much or very fast and that one therefore needs to understand the past.

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    All the new media are art forms which have the power of imposing, like poetry, their own assumptions.

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    All work flows from some underlying assumptions, and the content of that faith can dramatically change our expectations for our work.

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    Along with others, I have tried to pry economists away from narrow assumptions about self interest. Behavior is driven by a much richer set of values and preferences.

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    Americans long thought that nature could take care of itself-or that if it did not, the consequences were someone else's problem. As we know now, that assumption was wrong; none of us is a stranger to environmental problems.

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    Americans once believed that their prosperity and way of life depended on having assured access to Persian Gulf oil. Today, that is no longer the case. The United States is once more an oil exporter. Available and accessible reserves of oil and natural gas in North America are far greater than was once believed. Yet the assumption that the Persian Gulf still qualifies as crucial to American national security persists in Washington. Why?

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    Analytical tools have their limitations in a turbulent world. These tools work best when parameters are known, assumptions are minimal, and the future is not fuzzy.

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    Any dominant ideology operates off the assumption that what it has to say is unaccountable and unquestionable.

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    Adam Smith actually took all his best ideas and lines from sources from medieval Persia. But one thing he doesn't take is the underlying assumption they have that the basis of a market is mutual aid.

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    Any utterance is a major assumption of responsibility, and the assumption that one can avoid that responsibility by doing something to language itself is one of the chief considerations of the Phaedrus.

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    An odd contradiction, if the layman were correct in his unconscious assumption that an artist begins with reality and ends with art: the converse is true - to the degree that this dichotomy has any truth - the artist begins with art, and through it arrives at reality.

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    Assumption is the mother of the screw-up.

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    Assumptions are usually presumptuous but often correct.

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    Assume a virtue if you have it not.

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    Assumptions are dangerous things. I like facts a lot better.

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    Assumption Theory: The only safe assumption in life is that the person who assures you that everything is all right is all wrong.

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    And just as the false assumption that we are not connected to the earth has led to the ecological crisis, so to the equally false assumption that we arenot connected to each other that has led to our social crisis.

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    Assume that your worldview is not borne by the public. More than that: Do not assume that those who think differently are idiots. Before you distrust them, question your own assumptions.

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    Assumption of superiority by any person over any other is a sin against God and man.

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    Assumptions are dangerous things.

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    A theory's assumptions always are and ought to be unrealistic. Further, we should attempt to make them more unrealistic in order to increase a theory's fruitfulness.

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    A woman's intuition has often proved truer than a man's arrogant assumption of knowledge.

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    A writer is not different from a reader, in that the common ragbag of orthodoxies and assumptions is what a poet has to work with as well.

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    Balance Sheets are meaningless. Our accounting systems are still based on the assumption that 80% of costs are manual labor.

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    Be a sponge. Curiosity is life. Assumption is death. Look around.

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    Because all existence is founded upon the ever-present state of union, everything already exists in a state of tranquility. However, this state of tranquility is masked from us by our assumption that there is a separation, that there is a problem.

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    Before devising any blueprint that includes the assumption of Having It All, we need to ask ... Why do we need Everything?

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    Beware of assumptions that seem "obvious" in one decade. They may become quaint in the next.

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    Beware of economists who hide assumptions.

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    Business as usual doesn't work, that we're in a time where we have to rethink a lot of the basic ground rules and assumptions of our civilizations.

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    But it is a fallacy, if one is examining the methods by which security can be attained, to start upon the assumption, as so many hon. Members do, that we get security by an increase of air armaments or an increase of any other form of armaments.

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    Big bang cosmology is probably as widely believed as has been any theory of the universe in the history of Western civilization. It rests, however, on many untested, and in some cases untestable, assumptions. Indeed, big bang cosmology has become a bandwagon of thought that reflects faith as much as objective truth.

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    By and large, I seem to have made more mistakes than any others of whom I know, but have learned thereby to make ever swifter acknowledgment of the errors and thereafter immediately set about to deal more effectively with the truths disclosed by the acknowledgment of erroneous assumptions.

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    Authority is the assumption that someone else knows better than you.

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    But oftentimes celestial benedictions Assume this dark disguise.

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    Compliments and flattery oftenest excite my contempt by the pretension they imply; for who is he that assumes to flatter me? To compliment often implies an assumption of superiority in the complimenter. It is, in fact, a subtle detraction.