Best 125 quotes of Ellen Page on MyQuotes

Ellen Page

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    Ellen Page

    Absolutely, I think coming out has allowed me to align who I am with with my creative self.

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    Ellen Page

    And I think it's really easy for people to point out hypocrisy in people's lives.

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    Ellen Page

    And I've shot in Prince Edward Island winters, I mean, I've shot in some intense, intense temperatures.

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    Ellen Page

    As a girl, you're supposed to love Sleeping Beauty. I mean, who wants to love Sleeping Beauty when you can be Aladdin?

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    Ellen Page

    But I've never been really rebellious. I've got a lot of support and I'm not pushed so hard that I feel like I'm going to burn out, which is what happens to a lot of actors in their early twenties.

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    Ellen Page

    By focusing on the community, you can learn more about the whole country.

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    Ellen Page

    Climate change that is occurring right now is causing so much suffering all around the world. Whether it's adding 30 million people to the "at risk of starvation" list in 2008, whether it's the floods in Pakistan, or entire cultures at risk of disappearing, or desertification in Africa - all these things that are currently being caused by climate change. I think it's something that a lot of people want to figure out: how to make the shift, how to help. It seems like such an overwhelming problem.

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    Ellen Page

    Do I think it would be better that people knew the atrocities that Monsanto commits or the influence of corporate money in government or government subsidies for our current food system that's a disaster and not sustainable? Yes. That would be really great, but a lot of that information unless you look for it, it's not available to you because that's not the discussion that's happening on mainstream news.

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    Ellen Page

    I actually never got badly injured - I'm tough as frickin' nails.

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    Ellen Page

    I am a feminist and I am totally pro-choice, but what's funny is when you say that people assume that you are pro-abortion. I don't love abortion but I want women to be able to choose and I don't want white dudes in an office being able to make laws on things like this. I mean what are we going to do - go back to clothes hangers?

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    Ellen Page

    I am tired of hiding and I am tired of lying by omission. I suffered for years because I was scared to be out. My spirit suffered, my mental health suffered and my relationships suffered. And I'm standing here today, with all of you, on the other side of that pain.

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    Ellen Page

    I call myself a feminist when people ask me if I am, and of course I am 'cause it's about equality, so I hope everyone is. You know you're working in a patriarchal society when the word "feminist" has a weird connotation.

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    Ellen Page

    I'd ice-skated before, because I'm Canadian and that's what you do as a kid, but I'd never, ever been on quad skates.

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    Ellen Page

    I didn't even think about it when I read the script and then shooting their movie and someone was like "boy, press is going to be fun". And I didn't really know what they were talking about because to me it's just a film shows it as an extremely viable option which is obviously the most important thing for young individuals.

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    Ellen Page

    I didn't really play dress up when I was a kid, and I'm really T-shirt and jeans-y.

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    Ellen Page

    I don’t believe in eye-for-an-eye. The most incredible, sustainable, beautiful movements have been non-violent movements of civil disobedience.

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    Ellen Page

    I don't get competitive, really. So I don't know. If I'm excited about something, hopefully someone will think, "Oh right, you should do this." And that's great. I'm not being very articulate about this. I just don't want to do stuff if I'm going to feel bummed out and uninspired.

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    Ellen Page

    I don't know why people are so reluctant to say they're feminists. Could it be any more obvious that we still live in a patriarchal world when feminism is a bad word?

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    Ellen Page

    I don't really want to do the Hollywood thing, I think you ought to try to say something with your movies.

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    Ellen Page

    I do what I love to do. I have awesome people who let me make the choices I want to make. I navigate things by whether I want to play a part or not, to be honest.

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    Ellen Page

    I feel like we've inherited modern infrastructure, and I could run away from it and become a full-time activist, or I can try to do my job, and try to talk about things I care about, and be able to do something like sponsor a topsoil conference in Nova Scotia, and talk about Bill McKibben, and narrate a documentary about the vanishing of the bees, and try to navigate my way through this world the best way possible. That's what I'm trying to figure out. Probably like many people right now.

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    Ellen Page

    I feel lucky that Viceland wanted to make it, and I'm producing more than one film with LGBT characters and stories and it's because it's what I'm interested in. I'm not going to read a script and say, 'They're not gay, I'm not going to do it,' but I am interested in playing more gay people, because I've only played one gay person, and I've done a fair amount of movies, and I am interested in those stories. So for me, there's no should-I-or-shouldn't-I. It all feels natural.

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    Ellen Page

    I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to make the show, and that it is in alignment with what I'm interested in, with what I read about. For me, it just felt like an organic step - of course, I'm thinking I want a show that allows for more representation for the community and shows the struggles people face, especially when we're hearing all this political rhetoric - to have a way to show how much this affects people lives.

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    Ellen Page

    I find a lot of people say, “Oh organic and local’s expensive and I just don’t have time.” And I’m like, well how much TV do you watch? Where are your priorities right now? I always take the time to eat well and eat locally because it’s common sense.

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    Ellen Page

    If we took just 5 minutes to recognize each other's beauty, instead of attacking each other for our differences. That's not hard. It's really an easier and better way to live. And ultimately, it saves lives. Then again, it's not easy at all. It can be the hardest thing, because loving other people starts with loving ourselves and accepting ourselves. I know many of you have struggled with this. I draw upon your strength and your support, and have, in ways you will never know.

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    Ellen Page

    If you are a LGBTQ person, if you're going to travel somewhere, you do need to be mindful of where you're going, particularly depending on the country. That's just something unfortunately you need to think about. It's something you need to think about if you're a woman, it's something to think about particularly if you're a trans woman, and the problems a lot of trans people face when they're travelling.

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    Ellen Page

    If you're a girl and you don't fit the very specific vision of what a girl should be, which is always from a man's perspective, then you're a little bit at a loss.

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    Ellen Page

    If you're perpetuating discrimination, you're perpetuating inequality.

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    Ellen Page

    I grew up playing sports, but now I feel like I can't, because if I get injured, I'll impair whatever film I'm working on.

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    Ellen Page

    I grew up working in Canada so everything was low budget.

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    Ellen Page

    I hate how box-office failures are blamed on an actress, yet I don't see a box-office failure blamed on men.

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    Ellen Page

    I hate how box office failures are blamed on an actress, yet I don’t see a box office failure blamed on men. I think a lot of the time in films, men get roles where they create their own destiny and women are just tools, supporters for that. I guess it’s because we live in a patriarchal society, where feminism is a dirty word.

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    Ellen Page

    I have trouble sometimes watching actors - even when they do a great job - with an accent.

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    Ellen Page

    I have trouble sometimes watching actors - even when they do a great job - with an accent. It kind of removes me, somehow. And maybe at some point, yeah, it could be a really cool experience. It's not something that I consciously think, "Oh yeah, I want to do a movie with an accent." Not to say that it couldn't happen.

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    Ellen Page

    I just don't think I'm special because I'm an actor and I never would. Of course I take what I do seriously because I love doing it, and I love being in films and making films, but I don't take myself seriously.

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    Ellen Page

    I just love it so much [acting]. When I get passionate, I’ll give you everything until I collapse. That’s not in any ’Look at me, I’m a saint’ kind of way. It’s very selfish in a way. I’m doing this really awesome exploration, and it’s like a drug, because I completely disappear.

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    Ellen Page

    I loved Thirteen and I loved Pretty Persuasion, and was always just so blown away by her [Rachel Evan Wood]. It was nice, and sadly, it is so rare.

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    Ellen Page

    I love nicknames. It makes me feel loved. It makes me feel less alone in this world.

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    Ellen Page

    I love playing roles that are physical, absolutely love. Whether it's just that kind of basic level of physicality or whether it's stunts.

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    Ellen Page

    I love sport, I grew up playing sports, that's all I did, and it is so invigorating now that I'm supposedly adult to learn something completely new, from the bottom up.

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    Ellen Page

    I love travel shows. I love Anthony Bourdain. I love No Reservations. I always learn so much, and I wanted to see one from a gay perspective that explored LGBT communities around the world.

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    Ellen Page

    I'm actually just playing honest, whole young women.

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    Ellen Page

    I’m a huge fan of the program Democracy Now, which is hosted by Amy Goodman, and I subscribe to the podcast.

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    Ellen Page

    I'm kind of getting more excited about developing my own stuff, or getting involved early in projects and doing my best to make things that I care about happen.

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    Ellen Page

    I’m never going to be considered brave for playing a straight person, and nor should I be.

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    Ellen Page

    I'm not a fancy person. I love small spaces. I like tiny cars. I don't buy things, aside from music and books. I don't get loads of attention and maybe it's because I'm kind of boring. I don't think I'm boring, but I have different interests. I don't go out much, not because I'm hiding but because I'm not a big drinker. I go out and have a good time, I go to concerts and stuff.

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    Ellen Page

    I'm not good at watching stuff that I'm in at all. I should stop. I shouldn't watch something for the first time with a room full of people at Sundance. It's not a good idea.

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    Ellen Page

    I'm not naive to the fact that I'm an out gay actor.

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    Ellen Page

    I'm really passionate about music - I get really emotionally connected, probably in a weird way.

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    Ellen Page

    In a lot of states LGBT people can be fired for just being gay or for just being trans. That's totally legal.