Best 97 quotes of Charles Schumer on MyQuotes

Charles Schumer

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    Charles Schumer

    A devastating commentary on the war in Iraq is that we have been unable to spend money on infrastructure.

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    Charles Schumer

    All we ask for is registration, just like we do for cars.

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    Charles Schumer

    America is a place where we all come together. It is a place of consensus.

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    Charles Schumer

    An economic message, an economic platform unites the factory worker in Scranton, the young woman in Los Angeles struggling to pay her college debt and the single mom in Buffalo who's on minimum wage.

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    Charles Schumer

    Anyone who thinks they have a monopoly on truth, and there is only one way to see the world, always gets us into trouble.

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    Charles Schumer

    As long as the Palestinians send terrorists onto school buses and to nightclubs to blow up people, Israel has no choice but to build the fence.

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    Charles Schumer

    [Barack] Obama administration, the [George W.]Bush administration have done nothing. And as China has manipulated its currency, we`ve lost trillions of dollars of wealth and millions of good-paying jobs.

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    Charles Schumer

    Barack Obama knows that to create an economy built to last, we need to focus on middle-class families. Families who stay up on Sunday nights pacing the floor, like my dad did, while their children, tucked in bed, dream big dreams. Families who aren't sure what Monday morning will bring, but who believe our nation's best days are still ahead.

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    Charles Schumer

    Bigotry has always been the poison of America, and we oughta do everything to eradicate it with no excuses or explanations.

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    Charles Schumer

    Biking through New York's boroughs in 2005, I thought about some old friends, Joe and Eileen Bailey. Though they are imaginary, I frequently talk to them.

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    Charles Schumer

    But I don't think the Democratic Party is at eye level with the middle class.

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    Charles Schumer

    But these days there are a lot of younger people who would like to go into teaching but don't because the economic opportunities are sometimes elsewhere.

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    Charles Schumer

    Candidates With Deeply Held Christian Beliefs Are Unfit and Disqualified From Serving As A Federal Judge.

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    Charles Schumer

    Certainly any president - Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative - should keep an open mind until they get the briefing.

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    Charles Schumer

    Crime can be a unifying argument - not an argument that people use as a code for us vs. them.

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    Charles Schumer

    Democratic Rep. Charles Schumer of New York made a plea to Livingston, the incoming speaker. These new hearings, these new subpoenas wave a red flag that common sense and common wisdom are not welcome here, .. Mr. Livingston, this may be the first and most important task you will ever face as speaker. Lead us out of this abyss.

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    Charles Schumer

    Democrats don't relate to middle-class people.

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    Charles Schumer

    Donald Trump, when he gives his speeches, talks like a populist. And he talks to middle class and working America and poor people. But when he governs, at least in his first 40 days, he governs like a hard-right guy.

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    Charles Schumer

    Do not let arguments of expediency persuade you. That is the slow road to oblivion. That is the tortured path to undoing step by step, bit by bit, as the river creates a canyon, the way of life that we love.

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    Charles Schumer

    Giving up even an ounce of precious freedom is a very serious thing to do.

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    Charles Schumer

    I am deeply skeptical of trade deals in general.But the only way they can get a number of Democrats is by doing a strong real currency bill that goes after the worst of the trading partners, the one that`s stealing our high-end jobs.

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    Charles Schumer

    I basically believe that until China stop stealing our intellectual property, and until they stop keeping our companies out that do good things, the amount we will gain from export jobs is minimized, and the amount we lose in middle class incomes is maximized.

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    Charles Schumer

    I believe the war on terror is the vital discussion of this decade and of our generation, probably. To win the war on terror, you need a good offense and a good defense. On defense, I regret to say, basically, this administration has not come close to doing what is necessary.

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    Charles Schumer

    Ideological warriors whether from the Left or the Right are bad news for the bench. They tend to make law, not interpret law. And that's not what any of us should want from our judges.

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    Charles Schumer

    I'd like to see the health care professionals making decisions, not some bureaucrat in Indianapolis working for an insurance company.

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    Charles Schumer

    I don't think we should be putting first-time drug offenders in jail for five years. It's a waste of resources.

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    Charles Schumer

    I feel very strongly that we need to change the way we do trade because it has been one of the major factors that lead to decline of middle class incomes.

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    Charles Schumer

    If other cows with mad cow disease were slaughtered, we wouldn't know where to begin looking for people who might have been affected, .. With a comprehensive tracking system, we would.

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    Charles Schumer

    If we are going to stay a great power and I hope and pray we will we need the truth. We need to know what is going right and we need to know what is going wrong. There is no greater time than now.

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    Charles Schumer

    If you talk privately to our tech companies, our pharmaceutical companies, our high-end manufacturing companies, the high end of America, where the good-paying jobs are, China is not letting them in unless China gets to steal their intellectual property in a company that`s 51 percent owned by the Chinese.

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    Charles Schumer

    I made education the highest priority of my campaign - actually education and jobs - and the reason is a simple one: I think the future of America depends on it.

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    Charles Schumer

    I'm going to focus on people and what they need, not on name calling between politicians.

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    Charles Schumer

    I'm not sure we will have every single Democrat ... but we want a large number of Republicans to be able to vote for this bill because we think that will encourage the House not only to move forward but to pass a bill.

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    Charles Schumer

    I'm still basically an idealist, which translates into getting real things done to make people's lives better.

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    Charles Schumer

    I'm strongly for a patient Bill of Rights. Decisions ought to be made by doctors, not accountants.

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    Charles Schumer

    I'm totally opposed to vouchers. I will fight them tooth and nail.

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    Charles Schumer

    In a brave new world, a post-September 11 world, anyone is going to make certain mistakes. The mistakes that have been made on homeland security, on protecting our Nation from another terrorist attack, are mistakes of omission. We are simply not doing enough.

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    Charles Schumer

    Inaction is perhaps the greatest mistake of all.

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    Charles Schumer

    In education, I'm going to try to find what works. One thing I want to do is improve the quality of teachers. There are a lot of people who want to go into teaching; it's fundamentally a very fulfilling profession. But people don't feel they have financial support. We pay starting teachers in particular too little to attract the quality people that we need. I want to make it easier for good people who want to go into teaching to do that.

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    Charles Schumer

    I respect people who feel things passionately. I do. But when someone is a judge, that is not what they should bring to the bench. It is not really passion, except in rare instances, that serves the bench well. It is, rather, an ability to understand the law and follow it.

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    Charles Schumer

    I support the death penalty for the kingpin, the guy at the top, but I don't think you should throw a drug offender in jail for five years, and let a mugger out after a year.

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    Charles Schumer

    I think Donald Trump is trying to use populist rhetoric to cover up a right-wing agenda.

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    Charles Schumer

    I think on this issue more than any other we're going to see sort of a bipartisan longing to get something done, and hopefully you're not going to find the fisticuffs that you would find on lots of other issues. I think you'll be able to glean a sense of progress without us revealing the specifics.

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    Charles Schumer

    I think teaching should be an exalted profession, not a picked-on profession.

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    Charles Schumer

    I think, the left makes a mistake. If you look particularly at the state levels, violent repeat criminals are not punished enough. The average murderer is sentenced to 17 1/2 years but serves six. The average rapist is sentenced to 10 years but serves about three and a half. The average mugger is sentenced to five years and serves little more than one.

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    Charles Schumer

    I think there's going to be a lot of Americans who are really willing to be much more active than they were before, because they're worried about where Trump is headed.

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    Charles Schumer

    I think we could be at a tipping point

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    Charles Schumer

    It is essential that all Americans take the time to honor and remember those individuals who gave their lives in defense of our liberty.

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    Charles Schumer

    I told the President, I told Rahm Emanuel and others in the administration that I thought the policy they took to try to bring about negotiations is counter-productive, because when you give the Palestinians hope that the United States will do its negotiating for them, they are not going to sit down and talk.

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    Charles Schumer

    I went to the public schools myself. And they were great for me.