Best 129 quotes of John Legend on MyQuotes

John Legend

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    John Legend

    A just society is not one built on fear or repression or vengeance or exclusion, but one built on love. Love for our families. Love for our neighbors. Love for the least among us. Love for those who look different or worship differently. Love for those we don't even know.

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    John Legend

    Anybody under the age of forty knows hip-hop, gospel and R&B pretty well, and it's all a part of what we consider to be 'black music.' There is a natural synergy between the three.

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    John Legend

    Artists in general never stay in the same place, we keep growing. It's still you, you still have that core that you always had, but you work with new people and hear new things.

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    John Legend

    As a young black boy, it made me proud to see black leaders that did something amazing and made the world change.

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    John Legend

    At the end of the day, there's only a few major stars in the music business, and then there's all these people that are aspiring to be that.

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    John Legend

    Black people invented jazz. But this story [in La La Land] wasn't ever claiming to be that. It's just a story about two people from one writer's point of view.

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    John Legend

    Critics like to describe and categorize things, and categories often have a way of limiting people.

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    John Legend

    Even if you can sing or even if you can write a song, it takes a lot of determination, it takes some kind of thick skin, because you got to persevere despite the fact that people tell you you shouldn't do this or you shouldn't do that or you're not good enough or your style's too different. I've heard all of that stuff.

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    John Legend

    Every artist wants some sort of feedback, because you make this music and you hope people love it and you want to hear if they love it and what they love about it, what their favorite song is, what they think the next single should be. I like to hear those things.

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    John Legend

    Experience is a great teacher.

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    John Legend

    Fear. People are afraid of talking about their fears and insecurities. They're afraid of expressing emotion beyond anger, dominance, or power, and they're afraid of getting in touch with their feminine side.

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    John Legend

    For me, no matter how much money you want to make off of singing, no matter what kind of fame you want to make, achieve, the most important thing to me is making music that you're proud of, making music that comes from you, comes from an authentic place in you.

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    John Legend

    For me there's insecurity when you're releasing an album because you spend all of this time working on that one thing and then once it's done, it's done. After you put it out there to the public you never know which songs are going to work or even if the album is going to work as a whole so there is a little bit of nervousness around predicting what the numbers will be and if it's going to be well-received.

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    John Legend

    Happy that New York passed marriage equality tonight. A victory for human rights. Progress.

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    John Legend

    Hip-hop and R&B are especially fertile bases of collaboration. It always makes good records and good music.

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    John Legend

    I always felt that rap didn't cause crime; it just reflected it.

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    John Legend

    I always saw myself as a singer-songwriter, a solo-artist, that's why working with other artists was never satisfying for me.

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    John Legend

    I believed in myself and I am a firm believer you have to think the things you want and visualize.

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    John Legend

    I care more about the fans in general, just making sure they enjoy what I do. And then also I kind of had this kind of ideal of the kind of music I want to make and what I'm aiming for kind of creatively and just the quality of the music that I'm trying to make. And I have that in my head.

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    John Legend

    I do believe that part of us ending racism is us seeing each other's humanity and learning to love each other, even if we look different or worship differently or live differently.

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    John Legend

    I don't get to listen to music for fun very often; a lot of what I'm hearing is for work and isn't released yet.

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    John Legend

    I don't feel like that many musicians are competitive with each other.

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    John Legend

    I don't like going to football games. I like watching them on television. When you go to a game, it's hard to focus. There's so much going on, and it's cold. I'd rather sit and watch it and get replays and commentary.

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    John Legend

    I don't love the idea of three superstars coming together to form a dream team, I'd rather teams are built more organically, just as a fan it's more interesting to see.

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    John Legend

    I don't really marinate in anybody's album because I don't really want to sound like anybody else when I put my album out. So I'd rather not even be tempted to listen to a bunch of other stuff with any degree of emersion in it, cause I just don't want to sound like anything else, so I kinda focus on my own music.

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    John Legend

    I don't think I'm craving any more fame. But success and being recognized for making great work all around the world, I think it's a great thing.

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    John Legend

    I do speak to kids a lot. I am very clear with them that not all of them should aspire to be me and not all of them should be aspire to be LeBron.

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    John Legend

    If a few people decide not to buy my album it's really not going to change my life that much.

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    John Legend

    If a relationship is going to work, it will require compromise and, even then, it is not always going to end the way you want it to.

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    John Legend

    I feel like my job is to make impact, spread love, tell great stories, inspire people, that's what I am going to do.

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    John Legend

    I feel like spirituality definitely comes through in my music, but I don't make any specific efforts to make it that way.

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    John Legend

    If I collaborate with people, ideas...they take interesting turns and twists, and I'm excited for that and that process and excited to see what we come up with.

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    John Legend

    If you want the film [La La Land ] to represent all things jazz, it does not. You'll be disappointed by that. But, if you just see it as one guy's point of view, one filmmaker's point of view, and one story among many stories that can be told about jazz, then it's not as much of an issue.

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    John Legend

    I gravitate toward people that are a little more outrageous than I am. And we complement each other well.

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    John Legend

    I have a great band, with very talented players, and we give everything we have every night.

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    John Legend

    I have a structured songwriting process. I start with the music and try to come up with musical ideas, then the melody, then the hook, and the lyrics come last. Some people start with the lyrics first because they know what they want to talk about and they just write a whole bunch of lyrical ideas, but for me the music tells me what to talk about.

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    John Legend

    I hear melodies and hooks all day. I've always been that way, since I was a kid.

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    John Legend

    I just want my music to measure up to. Part of it's just thinking about my place in history and how this music is going to be perceived, if it's listened to 30, 40 years from now.

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    John Legend

    I keep learning, listening, growing and experimenting.

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    John Legend

    I like songs that have like a little bit of quirkiness to them. What I like to do with songs, is kind of throw a little curveball in the lyrics or in the arrangement, to kind of give it a little twist to it.

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    John Legend

    I listen to all those kinds of music, from classic soul to hip-hop to Brazilian music to, you know, jazz to indie to alternative... And for me, when I'm making music, it's all in my head, and all those influences in my head. So if something comes to me that's a reference from a different genre then people are used to hearing from me, I'm not afraid to go there with it.

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    John Legend

    I listen to all those kinds of music, from classic soul to hip-hop to Brazilian music to, you know, jazz to indie to alternative. So whatever. I listen to all if it. Classic rock and classic pop, all of that.

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    John Legend

    I'm craving more soul, I'm craving more truth, I'm craving more socially - just people that are aware of what's going on in the world.

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    John Legend

    I'm honestly not a great gift giver. I could give better - my girlfriends have always complained about that.

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    John Legend

    I'm not going to run for office. I don't think that's the right move for me.

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    John Legend

    I'm pretty adventurous with food, so I'm not afraid to try anything.

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    John Legend

    I'm trying to be me and embrace all the parts of me that have grown up, listened to more music and soaked up more influences.

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    John Legend

    I'm used to getting sexy sometimes in the lyrics.

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    John Legend

    In my neighborhood in Springfield, Ohio, there were a lot of young kids. We all played tackle football after school, but I knew very early on that I was not an athlete.

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    John Legend

    In terms of the technology I use the most, it's probably a tie between my Blackberry and my MacBook Pro laptop. That's how I communicate with the rest of the world and how I handle all the business I have to handle.