Best 8 quotes of Thomas Southerne on MyQuotes

Thomas Southerne

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    Thomas Southerne

    An oath is a recognizance to heaven, binding us over in the courts above to plead to the indictment of our crimes.

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    Thomas Southerne

    Distress is virtue's opportunity: we only live to teach us how to die.

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    Thomas Southerne

    Lying's a certain mark of cowardice.

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    Thomas Southerne

    Pity's akin to love; and every thought Of that soft kind is welcome to my soul.

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    Thomas Southerne

    The reconciling grave swallows distinction first, that made us foes; there all lie down in peace together.

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    Thomas Southerne

    There is no courage but in innocence; no constancy but in an honest cause.

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    Thomas Southerne

    When guilt is in its blush of infancy, it trembles in a tenderness of shame; and the first eye that pierces through the veil that hides the secret brings it to the face

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    Thomas Southerne

    Words may be counterfeit, false coined, and current only from the tongue, without the mind; but passion is in the soul, and always speaks the heart.