Best 5 quotes of Stephen Reid on MyQuotes

Stephen Reid

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    Stephen Reid

    But, it only takes one success to erase all the failures. When an opportunity presents itself, the only true failure takes place if one doesn't try at all. My wings weren't ready to fly this time, but, next time, you'll see. They all will see.

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    Stephen Reid

    Prison is, simply put, the bottom rung of the welfare ladder.

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    Stephen Reid

    The good doctor reassured John these were people who put their psychopathy to good use. They lived productive, well-adjusted lives as surgeons, CEOs and ambulance drivers. The light bulb went on. The CSC [Correctional Service of Canada] doesn't have to go through all these gyrations to reprogram anyone, they just have to find every inmate the right job!

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    Stephen Reid

    When you are reading a book and you finish a chapter, you don’t keep re-reading the chapter you just finished. You move on to the next chapter to see what happens.

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    Stephen Reid

    I felt good that, although there was no future, there would always be a past.