Best 11 quotes of Carol J. Adams on MyQuotes

Carol J. Adams

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    Carol J. Adams

    Until a vegan or vegetarian enters the room, people don't see themselves as meat-eaters. They are merely 'eaters', and it is we vegans who have made them aware of what they are doing. Often this is discomforting.

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    Carol J. Adams

    Vegetarianism is an act of the imagination. It reflects an ability to imagine alternatives to the texts of meat.

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    Carol J. Adams

    We live in a culture that has institutionalized the oppression of animals on at least two levels: in formal structures such as slaughterhouses, meat markets, zoos, laboratories, and circuses, and through our language. That we refer to meat eating rather than to corpse eating is a central example of how our language transmits the dominant culture's approval of this activity.

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    Carol J. Adams

    What parents said they valued most were discussions with teachers and heads, and what they wanted was more descriptive information in their children's school reports. This is particularly true for primary schools. Parents wanted to know much more than just how their children were doing academically.

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    Carol J. Adams

    While self-interest arising from the enjoyment of meat eating is obviously one reason for its entrenchment, and inertia another, a process of language usage engulfs discussions about meat by constructing the discourse in such a way that these issues need never be addressed. Language distances us from the reality of meat eating, thus reinforcing the symbolic meaning of meat eating, a symbolic meaning that is intrinsically patriarchal and male-oriented. Meat becomes a symbol for what is not seen but is always there--patriarchal control of animals and of language.

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    Carol J. Adams

    Adopting a vegan diet brings your choices and actions in line with those same beliefs that underlie a commitment to resisting regressive politics: generosity, compassion, and a commitment to justice and fairness. By acting in a way that reflects your values and what you believe, you relieve the cognitive dissonance that can make stress and depression worse.

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    Carol J. Adams

    Et yiyeni yediği hayvandan hayvanı da markette satılan biçiminden yalıtan kültürel duvara kayıp gönderge denir. Kimse kahvaltısının en büyük keyfi olan sucuğunun bir zamanlar nefes alan ve ne zaman özgür kalacağı beklentisi ile esaret altında günlerini geçiren bir canlıdan geldiğini ve sucuk olabilmek için korkunç ve kanlı bir süreçten geçmesi gerektiğini düşünmek istemez; çözümü göndergeyi kaybettirmekte bulur. Kayıp göndergenin var olabilmesi için nesneleştirme-parçalama-tüketme biçimindeki şiddet döngüsünün tamamlanması gerekir. Pornoda parça parça tüketilen kadın bedeni ile sofrada parça parça yenen hayvan bedeni arasında her ikisinin de özünde sömürülmemesi gereken varlıklar olduğunu yadsıyan erkek egemen zihniyet vardır. Erkeklik inşasının bir kısmı et yemek ise, bir başka kısmı da ötekileştirilmişlerin bedenlerini denetim altında tutmaktır.

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    Carol J. Adams

    If the body becomes a special focus for women's struggle for freedom then what is ingested is a logical initial locus for announcing one's independence. Refusing the male order in food, women practiced the theory of feminism thorugh their bodies and their choice of vegetarianism.

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    Carol J. Adams

    many efforts on bahalf of of animals will qualitatively improve humans' living conditions as well, which is likely to be the case

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    Carol J. Adams

    Speak to meat eaters the way you would speak to a wild animal: softly and without any sudden movements.

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    Carol J. Adams

    we bwlive that feminism is a transformative philosophy that embraces the amelioration of life on earth for all life-forms, for all natural entities