Best 93 quotes of James Scott on MyQuotes

James Scott

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    James Scott

    A hero knows it takes hard work and a long time to get published; a fool thinks it should happen immediately, because he thinks heÕs a hero already.

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    James Scott

    As your life goes on you should gain a deeper understanding of the world and the people moving through it; but that might be asking too much.

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    James Scott

    I can remember the time I would get my scripts and spent the entire weekend breaking them down and playing with them, and putting a lot of work into them, trying to bring the character to life, and to make interesting choices. It was one of the things to me that told me that I needed to change things up a little bit, because to me, I felt the passion was lacking from some of my performances.

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    James Scott

    I certainly am not afraid of hard work. Hard work is only hard if you are not passionate about what you are doing.

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    James Scott

    I certainly very much enjoy acting, but I am open to anything really. I think it's important when you have those moments in life when you are not attached to something, and you are not quite sure what the next phase of your journey is going to look like, that you don't pigeon-hole yourself.

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    James Scott

    I'm a really anxious person, so I tend not to keep secrets. I tend not to even want to hear them. It's too nerve-wracking for me to try and keep things from people.

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    James Scott

    It's always fun to try something new, and to play a new character, and it's fun to play another period.

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    James Scott

    No matter how old you are, if you're just not an empathetic person, it's a lot easier to concentrate solely on something that is injuring another person to even some score. Hopefully as people grow older, their ability to empathize deepens.

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    James Scott

    Revenge is a really narrow scope through which to view things. In the same way secrets do, it has this ability to warp everything. But secrets are more inward, and revenge is outward.

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    James Scott

    [Rumors are a] vehicle for anxieties and aspirations that may not be openly expressed.

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    James Scott

    Secrets are inherently selfish. The longer you keep them, the harder it is to put yourself in other people's shoes about them and the more irrational your thinking surrounding it becomes.

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    James Scott

    Secrets can be poisonous.

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    James Scott

    The more people you run into, the greater your exposure, the easier it is to understand and empathize with other people. So if you are living in a much smaller ecosystem, it's probably easier to have simpler feelings.

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    James Scott

    The sad thing is that often when you expose your secrets and become more honest with yourself, you find the reaction from the outside world is more complicated than the intense guilt you yourself have inflicted.

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    James Scott

    A CISO's job is to streamline, harmonize and propagate cybersecurity and cyber hygiene throughout the organizational IoT microcosm and staff

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    James Scott

    After Congress passed SJ Res 34, we are no longer merely battling a cyber-kinetic war on all fronts, we are now in a state of perpetual cyber-kinetic-meta war, and there will be no end.

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    James Scott

    America is a reactionary society which makes us prone and vulnerable to Hegelian dialectic style manipulation. I’m more concerned about the adversaries within our boarders than I am our adversaries from abroad.

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    James Scott

    America’s treasure troves of public and private data, IP, and critical infrastructure continues to be pilfered, annihilated, and disrupted, while an organizational culture of ‘Participation Trophy Winners” managed by tech neophyte executives continue to lose one battle after the next.

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    James Scott

    A Nation State or Cyber-Mercenary won’t hack e-voting machines one by one. This takes too long and will have minimal impact. Instead, they’ll take an easier approach like spear phishing the manufacturer with malware and poison the voting machine update pre-election and allow the manufacturer to update each individual machine with a self-deleting payload that will target the tabulation process.

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    James Scott

    A single spear-phishing email carrying a slightly altered malware can bypass multi-million dollar enterprise security solutions if an adversary deceives a cyber-hygienically apathetic employee into opening the attachment or clicking a malicious link and thereby compromising the entire network.

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    James Scott

    As we’ve already seen with exfiltrated voter registration databases and the endless methods of poisoning manufacturer updates, manipulating DRE and optical scan machines and bypassing air gap defense, the state election official’s illusion of security is being pummeled by the reality of cyberattack.

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    James Scott

    A vulnerability in an organization's IoT microcosm is a "taunt" to exploit by malicious hackers

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    James Scott

    Between the black box proprietary code, barebones computers we call voting machines and a mass of completely unqualified election officials, our election system is up for grabs to anybody with even a modest interest and some script kiddie capability. The cyber-kinetic attack surface here is wide open.

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    James Scott

    Consider all tabulation systems infected by bad actors until a third party, not affiliated with the manufacturer or election officials, proves they are secure.

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    James Scott

    Cultural Marxism, now called "Political Correctness" is a loaded gun that one puts to their own head. The narrative illusion normalizes the abnormal and is an elitist weapon over minions for citizen vs. citizen policing for establishment control.

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    James Scott

    Cyber hygiene has to memetically pounded into the intellectual DNA of the American population and continuously reinforced by peer pressure.

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    James Scott

    Cyber hygiene, patching vulnerabilities, security by design, threat hunting and machine learning based artificial intelligence are mandatory prerequisites for cyber defense against the next generation threat landscape.

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    James Scott

    Cybersecurity whitepaper authors have it all wrong! It’s about weaponizing the mind of the reader so that when they’re done reading the document, you’ve memetically drilled home actionable concepts that will expediently impact their cyber defense.

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    James Scott

    Cyber warfare is as much about psychological strategy as technical prowess.

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    James Scott

    Cyborgification is simply the process of compensating technologically for the inherent limitations of natural man.

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    James Scott

    Dragnet surveillance capitalists such as Facebook, Comcast, AT&T and Google, unfortunately, supply these manipulating forces with an endless supply of metadata for this information war against the American and European public.

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    James Scott

    Every conceivable layer of the election process is completely riddled with vulnerabilities, so yes, hacking elections is easy!

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    James Scott

    Exfiltrated metadata from internet service providers and social media platforms can be plugged into big data analytics and once the right algorithm is applied, can allow an adversary surgically precise psychographic targeting of critical infrastructure executives with elevated privileges. Why is no one talking about this?

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    James Scott

    Few critical infrastructures need to expedite their cyber resiliency as desperately as the health sector, who repeatedly demonstrates lackadaisical cyber hygiene, finagled and Frankensteined networks, virtually unanimous absence of security operations teams and good ol’ boys club bureaucratic board members flexing little more than smoke and mirror, cyber security theatrics as their organizational defense.

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    James Scott

    Hackers find more success with organizations where employees are under appreciated, over worked and under paid. Why would anyone in an organization like that care enough to think twice before clicking on a phishing email?

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    James Scott

    Hacking a national election is simple. Exploit a vulnerability in the manufacturer's network, poison the tabulation software update with self-deleting malware and let the manufacturer send to their field reps and election consultants who update the election systems.

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    James Scott

    I don’t care how secure you think your organization is, I’ll social engineer my way inside in less than 24 hours regardless of the sophistication of your IoT microcosm security. Whatever obstacles I run into exploiting your technical vulnerabilities will be made up for by exploiting the vulnerabilities in the cyber hygiene of your staff.

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    James Scott

    If developed and implemented meaningfully, Cyber Shield Act could be a catalyst to incite responsible cybersecurity adoption and implementation throughout multiple manufacturing sectors." James Scott, Senior Fellow, Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology

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    James Scott

    If you don’t feel ordained by the Universe to do this job, do something else. The intelligence community has to shut down the gaping wound that is the insider threat epidemic we are experiencing right now.

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    James Scott

    In an age of dynamic malware obfuscation through operations such as mutating hash, a hyper-evolving threat landscape, and technologically next generation adversaries, offensive campaigns have an overwhelming advantage over defensive strategies.

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    James Scott

    In the United States there is a unique blend of patriotism indoctrination from the pulpit which blends establishment controls into the religious ideology. This way, to question the establishment is to question God, therefore one’s patriotism and salvation is contingent on their submission to the state.

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    James Scott

    In this business, I find more value in working with hackers who abstract new realities from cast aside code and concepts than academics who regurgitate other people’s work and try to pawn it off as their own.

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    James Scott

    In this cyberwar, industry is on their own and must combat nation states, cyber mercenaries, cyber caliphate and other actors via layered security laced with intelligent machines.

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    James Scott

    I see the impossible work being done by of my friends at the federal agencies, the Pentagon, NATO, Five Eyes and the intelligence community. They are doing the impossible, for the ungrateful and with a fraction of the budgets required to render a viable defense.

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    James Scott

    It's time to wake up and smell the Mutating Hash! Signature Based Malware Detection is Dead

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    James Scott

    I watch Fox news for the comedy, MSNBC when I need to be reminded that mind midgets exist and CNN when I want to check out the latest in media lies and special interest propaganda. On the other 364 days of the year I read the American transcendentalists, David Hume, Rene Descartes, Immanuel Kant, Niccolo Machiavelli and Diogenes of Sinope.

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    James Scott

    Labor automation, machine learning and artificial intelligence will have a devastating impact on the already struggling Chinese economy.

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    James Scott

    Look at the stealth and sophistication of foreign nation state APTs who break through even the most sophisticated layers of security daily and tell me why they would just give our completely unprotected election systems a pass

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    James Scott

    Man is a hostage to the cage of cultural programming and the mass hallucination of the propagandist’s narrative illusion.

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    James Scott

    Man is to technology what the bee is to the flower. It’s man’s intervention that allows technology to expand and evolve itself and in return, technology offers man convenience, wealth and the lessening burden of physical labor via its automated systems.