Best 3 quotes of Jeni Dhodary on MyQuotes

Jeni Dhodary

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    Jeni Dhodary

    He appeared into the scene like an otherworldly being, providing no indication nor declaration. He did not even issue a warning of what his presence would entail. He may have been the wind, a caress, or a ghost, invading others' most precious convictions and still haunting mine like a ruthless despot.

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    Jeni Dhodary

    He may have been the wind, a caress, or a ghost, invading others' most precious convictions and still haunting mine like a ruthless despot. If he desired an empire, he achieved it with me, for I would carve out every skin in my body and hand it over as states to his greater nation.

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    Jeni Dhodary

    The scary thing about apathy is that it is never conscious. We don’t wake up every morning choosing to be apathetic – but we must consider a responsibility when we choose to believe that we can leave the world as it is, and meaningful changes are too radical to pursue.