Best 5 quotes of Cayla Kluver on MyQuotes

Cayla Kluver

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    Cayla Kluver

    And I can no more stop worrying about you than I can stop myself from breathing.

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    Cayla Kluver

    At some point the choice you will face is whether to carry out your duties or live your life

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    Cayla Kluver

    He took a breath, then proclaimed, 'Lady Shaselle of Hytanica, I am in love with you.' I burst into laughter, pulling my legs up to ease my aching stomach muscles. He rolled onto his side to look at me, propping his head up with his hand. 'I'm serious,' he insisted, grinning foolishly at me. 'You're drunk.' 'True, but even drunks can be in love.

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    Cayla Kluver

    Isn't anyone going to take these damnable arrows out of me?

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    Cayla Kluver

    I will never hurt you.