Best 11 quotes of Jonathan Dunne on MyQuotes

Jonathan Dunne

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    Jonathan Dunne

    But Dunraven refused to ask God – he may as well be asking Santa to comb the area with Rudolph and his toy sled.

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    Jonathan Dunne

    Father has a fear of flying since that aeroplane crashed into his bedroom.

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    Jonathan Dunne

    I met a few chimpanzees on my pilgrimages and I wasn't sure if they were just shrivelled-up villagers or chimps...

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    Jonathan Dunne

    I've shrunk but I haven't lost my colour

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    Jonathan Dunne

    My son's got the I.Q. Of a robot but I don't have the dough to send him to school.

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    Jonathan Dunne

    Seeing his daughter slowly die, coupled with his infinite sadness and misery, the clockmaker becomes a recluse to the tower of the castle and begins to build something behind closed doors, not even his daughter knows what he’s up to. For five years, she only sees him briefly at meal-times before locking himself up in the tower once again..." "...Did he have a bathroom in the tower?" "Yes, Jack. A big one! En-suite! Power-shower and spa! Where was I!?

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    Jonathan Dunne

    Sometimes I regret going into that public toilet with your father.’ ‘Then practice safe sex, Mama!!’ ‘We were! There was a fight in the bar and we took cover in the public toilets!!

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    Jonathan Dunne

    The circus is the perfect business right now because parents want their kids to be kids and not Charley Bucket drinking cabbage soup all day.

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    Jonathan Dunne

    The human being, such a clumsy insect.

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    Jonathan Dunne

    What do you mean? In Old Castle? I still live with my parents in case you haven’t noticed, Jack. Those two strangers – that man and woman sitting on my sofa – are actually my parents. Oh, you mean your place? Yes, let’s evict your parents…let’s place them neatly in a cardboard box and leave it by the rubbish bins!

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    Jonathan Dunne

    You’re wrong about one thing: fairy-tales do exist. Millions of existing parents read existing fairy-tales every night from existing books to kids who, funnily enough...’ ‘... exist, yeah, I know. I mean it’s fantasy, not reality.