Best 634 quotes of Neale Donald Walsch on MyQuotes

Neale Donald Walsch

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    Act as if you were separate from nothing, and no one, and you will heal your world tomorrow.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    A five-word sentence that could change the world tomorrow is What would love do now?

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    A good cry can be wonderful sometimes, and sadness is nothing more than love announced. Sadness and Unhappiness are not the same thing, and it is good to remember that. And there is this: sadness cleanses the heart.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    A great many people experience the movement from one century to the next, but a minuscule number of people experience the movement from one millennium to the next.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    A leader is not someone who says: Follow me.......A leader is someone who says: I'll go first.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    A life lived of choice is a life of conscious action. A life lived of chance is a life of unconscious creation.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    All attack is a call for help.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    All change in life comes from within. It is what's in humanity's soul, not what's in humanity's wallet, that will purchase our freedom from humanity's suffering.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    All change is change for the better. There is no such thing as "change for the worse." Change is the process of Life Itself, and that process could be called by the name 'evolution.' And evolution moves in only one direction: forward, and toward improvement.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    All creation begins with thought ("Proceeds from the Father"). All creation then moves to word ("Ask and you shall receive, speak and it shall be done unto you"). All creation is fulfilled in deed ("And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us").

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    All great truths begin as blasphemy. Every single revolutionary idea that has ever been visited upon the human experience began as an idea which was rejected.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    All human actions are motivated at their deepest level by two emotions--fear or love. In truth there are only two emotions--only two words in the language of the soul.... Fear wraps our bodies in clothing, love allows us to stand naked. Fear clings to and clutches all that we have, love gives all that we have away. Fear holds close, love holds dear. Fear grasps, love lets go. Fear rankles, love soothes. Fear attacks, love amends.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    All learning is remembering. A good teacher causes students to remember what they already know.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    All mysteries of human experience that are eliminated when we understand that we are a great deal more than our body and when you look very deeply at who and what the soul really is, who and what God really is.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    All of life is an announcement of who we are. The only question is whether this proclamation will be made by choice or by chance.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    All people are special, and all moments are golden. There is no person and there is no time more special than another. Many people choose to believe that God communicates in special ways and only with special people. This removes the mass of the people from responsibility for hearing God's message, much less receiving it (which is another matter), and allows them to take someone else's word for everything.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    All that appears in your life is a blessing, presenting you with a greater opportunity to define who you are, and to know yourself as that.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    All things lead us to our innermost truth. That is their purpose. That is the purpose of Life itself. Life is truth, revealing Itself to Itself.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    All true education is the drawing out from the student what is already there. Teaching is never about helping others to learn but about helping them to remember. All learning is remembering. All teaching is reminding. All lessons are memories, recaptured.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    A master blesses calamity, for the master knows that from the seeds of disaster (and all experience) comes the growth of self.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    And a true God is not One with the most servants, but One who serves the most, thereby making Gods of all others. For this is both the goal and the glory of God: that His subjects shall be no more, and that all shall know God not as the unattainable, but as the unavoidable.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    And if we're all one, we need to stop our competition with each other. Most of the decisions we make are about survival and winning.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    And so I tell you this: be now and forever centered upon your Self. Look to see what you are being, doing, and having in any given moment, not what's going on with another.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    And so then, keep on growing, My son. Keep on becoming. And keep on deciding what you want to become in the next highest version of your Self. Keep on working toward that. Keep on! Keep on! This is God Work we're up to, you and I. So keep on!

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    And so you ask a very good question. Why go on? Why even start off on such a path? What is to be gained from embarking on such a journey? Where is the incentive? What is the reason? The reason is ridiculously simple. There is nothing else to do.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    And the reason is found in the first lie - the lie which you hold as the truth about God - that God cannot be trusted; that God's love cannot be depended upon; that God's acceptance of you is conditional; that the ultimate outcome is thus in doubt. For if you cannot depend on God's love to always be there, on whose love can you depend? If God retreats and withdraws when you do not perform properly, will not mere mortals also?

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    And we're seeing a higher level of consciousness and many more opportunities for people to challenge their present ways of thinking and move into a grander and larger experience of who they really are.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    A person can either do something in order to be happy, or... a person can start the day by simply deciding to BE happy and the things that person will do will automatically reflect that.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    Art begs you to notice it. Why? Because art is God's way of saying hello. So pay attention to poetry. Pay attention to music. Pay attention to paintings and sculptures and photo exhibits and ballets and plays. Don't let all this go unnoticed. Your world is shouting out to you, revealing something intrinsically glorious about itself. Listen carefully. Love art, the way art loves life.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    As a child I experiences everything in a childish way... I thought I was experiencing a kind of warmth and a kind of embracing love as a God.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    A Separation Cosmology produces a Separation Psychology, a psychological viewpoint that says that I am over here and you are over there.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    A Separation Psychology produces a Separation Sociology, a way of socializing with each other that encourages the entire human society to act as separate entities serving their own separate interests.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    A Separation Sociology produces a Separation Pathology, pathological behaviors of self-destruction, engaged in individually and collectively, and producing suffering, conflict, violence, and death by our own hands.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    As George Bernard Shaw observed: "All great truths begin as blasphemies." Yet I have to say, the idea that there is intelligent life elsewhere in the cosmos does not seem terribly radical to me, nor does the notion that we could be receiving help from outside of our dimension.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    A Soul Knowing: You are the sum total of the Body, Mind, and Soul, and each of these aspects of you has a purpose and a function, but only one has an agenda: the Soul.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    As the new spirituality begins to become the pervasive spirituality of the planet, we'll find that we have abandoned our philosophy of contradictions in which we say we're all one but continue to try to win.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    As told in Friendship with God, if we simply decided to believe and act as if first, we're all one, and second, life is eternal, it would render virtually everything we've done all our lives pointless.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    As we move into the 21st century, there's what the Bible calls a 'quickening of the spirit.'

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    As you shift and change your own experience, the experience of the whole human race begins to shift and change as well. So this is important work you are doing, this business of changing your life.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    A true leader is not the one with the most followers, but one who creates the most leaders.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    A true Master does not "give up" something. A true Master simply sets it aside, as he would do with anything for which he no longer has any use.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    At the critical juncture in all human relationships, there is only one question: What would love do now?

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    Be a gift to everyone who enters your life, and to everyone whose life you enter. Be careful not to enter another's life if you cannot be a gift. (You can always be a gift, because you always are the gift - yet sometimes you don't let yourself know that.)

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    Neale Donald Walsch a light unto the darkness, and curse it not

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    Be a living, breathing example of the Highest Truth that resides within you.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    Beauty comes in many forms-and there is no form more beautiful than you. Just exactly as you are, this minute, right now, without changing a are beautiful. Beautiful enough to take God's breath away. You do believe this, don't you? Oh, you must. You must. How can I believe in my beauty if you don't believe in yours?

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    Because our choices are largely based on survival. But if life is eternal, life is not a question.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    Because we believe that our ethnic group, our society, our political party, our God, is better than your God, we kill each other.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    Be gentle with yourself. Kiss away your (imagined) faults and remember, if you saw you as God sees you, you would smile a lot.

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    Neale Donald Walsch

    Beliefs create behaviors, and the dysfunctional behaviors of the human race, observable everywhere every day, are the product of our non-workable beliefs. Chief among these is the belief in separation, which has arisen out of our ancient Separation Theologies. This is a way of looking at God that insists that we are "over here" and God is "over there.