Best 133 quotes in «blonde quotes» category

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    If you could see my thoughts, you could see our faces.

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    She had streaked blonde hair, long and straight, parted in the middle framing high cheek bones, an aquiline nose and beautiful deep blue eyes. She was young, around 30, tall and lithe with a good body, athletic, not skinny. She wore a sleeveless black dress that exposed her toned arms and shoulders, indicating regular workouts or yoga. There was a hint of vein running the length of her lean muscle. This girl stood out like an arabian in a corral full of draft horses.

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    I had a dream that I had brown hair…I woke up and ran to the mirror…Phew! I’m still a blonde.

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    There is only one place go to find out if a girl is a true blonde, redhead, or brunette.

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    Multi cauta paradisul cu o blonda pe o insula pustie, nestiind ca acolo se afla doar insula si ceva numit prostie.

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    There is only one place to go, to find out if a girl is a true blonde, redhead, or brunette.

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    She was born under the sign of Gemini. And that stands for the good and evil twin. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde both hiding and residing inside her heart. Her good twin was not bad at all. But her evil twin was even better, and showed up to be way too fatal!

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    Unfortunately for him he looked more like an innocent man on America’s terror watch-list rather than a gallant Viking possessing all the benefits of modernity. More like a villain in a Western fairy tale with his slicked-bouffant obsidian hair rather than the long sun-like curls that all great saviors of the poor have been obliged to possess. I squinted to the side towards him for a second and he caught my gaze almost immediately; his inky irises were comfortable enough to hold my stare indefinitely, his pupils seemed entirely ravenous as opposed to the feminist preferred oceanic turquoise, which for them is a physical demarcation of emotional sensitivity. He seemed like an uncanny bad guy any which way I looked at him, except of course, by his actions thus far…

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    The very first thing I saw was his eyes, bluer and brighter than the sea itself. They gazed at me, so dazzling, and for an instant I couldn't even feel the pain. I was too overcome by the handsomeness of this sandy haired boy

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    A lot of the time, in the past, I have played the pretty blonde in a lot of roles.

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    Actually, I think what is being shown as beauty in fashion magazines right now has become particularly ugly. This kind of straight, blonde very conservative.

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    A blonde girl wearing a man's shirt but in all other visible respects unmanly to the point of outright effeminacy.

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    A metallurgist is someone who can look at a platinum blonde and tell whether she's virgin material or a common ore.

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    All this time I've just wanted to be blonde, beautiful and 5 feet 2 inches tall.

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    Anyone who knows me knows that I don't know anything about politics. Every time I go to Washington, I feel like I'm in Legally Blonde.

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    Angels are totally real. Tinkerbell has a hot ass. Wendigos exist. It's all true. Satan is blonde. True fact.

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    After a hit show is over, you soon realize this is a very tough business ... brutally tough. But I'm a better actor and I have more gravitas than I had at 24 with bleached-blonde hair.

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    Arthur Miller wouldn't have married me if I had been nothing but a dumb blonde.

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    Apparently with no surprise To any happy Flower The Frost beheads it at its play -- In accidental power -- The blonde Assassin passes on -- The Sun proceeds unmoved To measure off another Day For an Approving God.

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    Appearing in 'Legally Blonde' has helped me find my inner girl, although at the beginning the director was constantly telling me off for sitting like a boy, with my legs apart, while wearing a cocktail dress and heels!

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    Because I was the blonde, I was promoted as the video vixen.

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    Being blonde, for me, means never having to say: 'I'll have the honey-striped half-head of highlights for £200,' to a bored colourist in a Mayfair salon, which is much more satisfying, not to mention cheap.

    • blonde quotes
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    Brunette is who I am obviously, it's my core. Blonde Kim is this alter ego; she has a vibe to her that I love.

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    Ditzy dumb blonde? I can be ditzy. I can be.

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    Donald Trump announced he got his own segment every Monday morning on Fox News. Just what Fox News needs - another blonde airhead.

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    Don't forget to bring that little blonde haired girl along. You know the one, love to watch her jump up and down.

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    Dylan doesn't have to make Blonde On Blonde every time.

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    Being blonde now doesn't mean Marilyn Monroe vulnerability. Blonde in the Eighties means being in control.

    • blonde quotes
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    Blonde on Blonde by Bob Dylan I heard when I was 13. It was one of those things where it was like, "Hey, the world is much bigger than you imagined as a little kid.

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    Blonde symbolises sexuality and power - it holds very different connotations. The archetypal star has always been blonde.

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    Everybody is a dumb blonde at heart.

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    Gentlemen prefer blondes.

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    God is a gentleman. He prefers blondes

    • blonde quotes
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    For Karen Holmes (in From Here to Eternity), I studied voice for three months to get rid of my English accent. I changed my hair to blonde. I knew I could be sexy if I had to.

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    Happiness is being stuck in an elevator and discovering the ravishing blonde with you is a liquor salesman with a case of samples.

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    Her problem wasn't she was a dumb blonde, it was she wasn't a blonde and she wasn't dumb.

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    For Mum, life was fundamentally hell. You went blind, you got raped, people forgot your birthday, Nixon got elected, your husband fled with a blonde from Beckenham, and then you got old, you couldn't walk and you died.

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    Going blonde is like buying yourself a light bulb!

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    Her hair that lay along her back Was yellow like ripe corn.

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    I am not blonde, yes. Have I dreamt about having a model contract? No. But have I dreamed about winning Wimbledon? Absolutely.

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    I don't think it's true that blondes have more fun... Trust me, it is not true!

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    I always say now that I'm in my blonde years. Because since the end of my marriage, all of my girlfriends have been blonde.

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    I dyed my hair blonde in that movie, so my head doesn't match my grill.

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    I feel like a blonde nothingness, alone in my own body ...... Today it's not drugs that fill my body, its despair.

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    I felt different born into a family with two sisters who are blonde and blue-eyed, with me being the only brunette.

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    I felt like the blonde in every horror movie who hears a noise in the basement and goes to investigate alone. Sometimes you smell the stupid all around you, but you step in it anyway.

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    If gentlemen prefer blondes then I'm a blonde that prefers gentlemen.

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    I finally realized the happy medium, 'honey blonde' was the correct color and line for me.

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    If I was tall and blonde, I might have been a dancer or singer.

    • blonde quotes
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    I fed my Yak on my spare Cadbury chocolate 21,0000ft up Everest. It was a blonde, very sweet female Yak. I made it my pet after that.