Best 67 quotes in «kitten quotes» category

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    I have a kitten.” He said for lack of anything else and hoping it would stop her from hitting him full on with her Louisville Slugger.

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    I gather the last remnants of the evening’s breeze, so cool and lazy within my arms, feeling it curl up like a small and innocent kitten.

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    One does not buy someone a cat and it mean nothing.

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    I love you, Caleb. I love you! If you care for me at all... please, don't do this! Please, don't leave me. I don't know how to live without you. Don't make me go back to trying to be someone I don't know how to be anymore. - Livvie

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    I stare past her at the inspirational kitten posters. There's one of a soaking-wet kitten climbing out of a toilet with the caption "it could be worse!" "Just tell me whatever it is you're thinking," Mrs. Paulsen says. "Whatever is going through your mind right now." "I hope they didn't actually drop a cat in the toilet to get that picture," I choke out. "...Pardon?" "Nothing. Sorry.

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    I was as real to him as he was to me and it struck me just then that I meant something to him. In whatever capacity he was able, I meant something. The irony of that epiphany made my gut twist.

    • kitten quotes
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    Nothing says you care like sending someone a kitten.

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    Purr more, hiss less

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    Ordinarily the death of a cat means little to most men, a lot to fewer men, but to me, and that cat, it was exactly and no lie and sincerely like the death of my little brother - I loved Tyke with all my heart

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    Tall, dark and handsome was hot. Tall, dark, and handsome with a nestled kitten? Atomic.

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    soft and sweet to look at with a prickly personality and a streak of defiant personality. I smirked. Kitten. It suited her.

    • kitten quotes
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    So, that's it? You think I'm just some idiot that fell for your bullshit! Well you're wrong! I fell in love with you, Caleb. I fell in love with your sick sense of humor. I fell in love with the way you protected me. You saved my life!" - Livvie/Kitten

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    Then to top it all off, you were only reacting to me because you were impaired! That's rich! You know what those drugs did to you in the first dose, before the second one made you comatose? They killed the bug up your arse!" With that, he yanked the stone off its setting and opened the passageway. My mouth hung open in outrage, and he pointed an emphatic finger at the exit. "Out you go, before I lose my temper and we'll see how much you don't like kissing me.

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    They all seemed hungry, happy, and healthy enough in their buzzing—oh the days were hot, and the noise of bees filled the air that was dusty with pollen and sun haze, and there were tiny black flies stuck to one another crowded by the creek and a creek stink rising from the deep pool under the willow tree where a wheat sack of new kittens had been drowned, and their tiny terrible struggling had shot like an electric current through the confusion of muddy water and up the arm of the person who had tied the stone around the mouth of the sack and thrust it into the water; and the culprit had not been able to brush away the current; it penetrated her body and made her heart beat with fear and pity. I was the culprit.

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    The soldier was like that. He was an expert in getting other people to do what he wanted. The only creature that could make the soldier do something he did not want was Midnight, and Midnight did things she did not want only when Whippersnapper wanted something. That put the kitten right at the top of the pecking order. A kitten!

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    We'll take care of each other. I'm stronger now, Caleb. Whatever happens.... whatever happened, we can handle it together. Okay?

    • kitten quotes
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    They returned to the gallery and circled its rim, then went down a short hall. Scrap's tail twitched angrily when they reached Tristan's door: it was shut. Daine grabbed the knob. It stung her hand, making her yelp. "Kit? This ones magicked. Can you do anything?" Kitten stood on her hind feet and peered into the lock, then whistled two cheerful notes. Nothing happened. She scowled and whistled again, less cheerfully, more as a demand. Nothing happened. Daine was trying to decide what to do now when the dragon moved back and croaked. The lock popped from the wood to land at Daine's feet, smoking, and the door swung open. Kitten muttered darkly and kicked the lock mechanism aside as she went in. Daine followed, trying not to laugh.

    • kitten quotes
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    Wait a minute. Wait just a hairball kakking minute.

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    You called her Kitten? And she let you? She put me in a coma for three days when I called her that! My balls never recovered from her smashing them into my spine!

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    We say cat tastes like chicken when, had we been weaned on kitten stew, we’d say chicken tastes like cat.

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    You arrogant...” thrust through the stomach of a snapping zombie, twisting and using all my strength to cleave him in half “... over published...” wasn't going to work, it clawed at the blade, and my God, these things were tough, “...showy old bat...” Crack! There went my head into the wall. If I didn't have a split skull, I'd be amazed. “What are you waiting for? Aren't you the king of all bogeymen? The legend children fear will devour them if they don't behave?” “Come on, Vlad, live up to your reputation! If you can't burn to death one Egyptian vampire chained to a wall, how did you ever drive the Turks from Romania?” “You did it!” “Of course, I'm Vlad Tepesh, what did you expect?

    • kitten quotes
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    You don't have to call me Livvie if you don't want to, Caleb. To be honest, it's kinda scaring me. You're scaring me

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    Bones,” I sighed. “Know something? I’m not afraid of you, but you scare me….” His outline blurred again. “You scare me, too, Kitten,” he might have replied, but I couldn’t be sure.

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    A cat can be trusted to purr when she is pleased, which is more than can be said for human beings.

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    Apparently there is nothing in the news that falls between inhuman acts of horror and kittens.

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    ... as lonesome as a kitten in a wash-house copper with the lid on.

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    Alarm stole over me on little kitten feet.

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    And what is wrong with playing with words? Words love to be played with, just like children or kittens do!

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    As God contains all good things, He must also contain a sense of playfulness -- a gift he has shared with Creatures other than ourselves, as witness the tricks Crows play, and the sportiveness of Squirrels, and the frolicking of Kittens.

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    But there was a kitten on my pillow, and it was purring in my face and vibrating gently with every purr, and, very soon, I slept.

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    I have no doubt that you are more than capable of bringing the Monsean queen and my son and the rest of my sons and a hundred Nanderan kittens through an onslaught of howling raiders if you chose to.

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    Cats mean kittens, plentiful and frequent.

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    Did you really think I'd ceased to care? Kitten, I care so much it wrecks me.

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    I have just been given a very engaging Persian kitten... and his opinion is that I have been given to him.

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    Have you ever noticed the softness of a kitten's feet? - they are like raspberries to hold in one's hand.

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    If you like cats and have some, you get kittens; and if you like kittens and enjoy having them about, they grow up and you get more cats.

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    I have a kitten,the drollest of all creatures that ever wore a cat's skin.

    • kitten quotes
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    I'm behind you." I spun to see Derek. "I can't win," he said. "You're as skittish as a kitten.

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    In a cat's eye, all things belong to cats.

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    Just like a kitten that thinks its a tiger.

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    In the image of the lion made He kittens small and curious.

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    I want to know all of you, Kitten. What you show me, and what you try not to.

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    Kitten, this is my best mate, Charles, but you can call him Spade. Charles, this is Cat, the woman I’ve been telling you about. You can see for yourself that everything I’ve said is…an understatement.

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    life is a trick, life is a kitten in a sack.

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    I'll be honest, I felt an urge to squeeze him like a kitten and that led to the gesture I made. There was nothing behind it really.

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    It is a very inconvenient habit of kittens (Alice had once made the remark) that, whatever you say to them, they always purr: "If they would only purr for 'yes,' and mew for 'no,; or any rule of that sort," she had said, "so that one could keep up a conversation! But how can you talk with a person if they always say the same thing?

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    Just because a cat has kittens in the oven, that doesn't make them biscuits.

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    Kittens are wide-eyed, soft and sweet. With needles in their jaws and feet.

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    Perhaps all early love affairs ought to be strangled or drowned, like so many blind kittens.

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    Maybe, although my heart is a kitten of butter, I am blowing it up like a zeppelin.