Best 103 quotes in «good and bad quotes» category

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    If we believe that god is the creator of evil, maybe there is evil also in heaven, if that is the case, we are not out of the woods yet

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    I'm right and wrong, moral and immoral, good and bad, a hero and a villain, and I've been just as capable of truth as I have been lies.

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    It may not be nice to be good, 6655321. It may be horrible to be good. And when I say that to you I realize how self-contradictory that sounds. I know I shall have many sleepless nights about this. What does God want? Does God want goodness or the choice of goodness? Is a man who chooses the bad perhaps in some way better than a man who has the good imposed upon him?

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    Listen, listen. I can explain. There's a bad Ted underneath the good Ted, yes, but then, under that, there's a Ted who's good for real. But no one ever sees him; his whole life, no one ever has. Underneath it all, I'm just that kid who wanted nothing more than to be loved and didn't know how to make it happen, even though I tried and tried and tried.

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    Let us dedicate this new era to mothers around the world, and also to the mother of all mothers -- Mother Earth. It is up to us to keep building bridges to bring the world closer together, and not destroy them to divide us further apart. We can pave new roads towards peace simply by understanding other cultures. This can be achieved through traveling, learning other languages, and interacting with others from outside our borders. Only then will one truly discover how we are more alike than different. Never allow language or cultural traditions to come between brothers and sisters. The same way one brother may not like his sister's choice of fashion or hairstyle, he will never hate her for her personal style or music preference. If you judge a man, judge only his heart. And if you should do so, make sure you use the truth in your conscience when weighing one's character. Do not measure anybody strictly based on the bad you see in them and ignore all the good.

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    Maybe I was wrong. Maybe there really is some goodness here in our world. But if goodness existed, that must mean that darkness existed as well.

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    Mr. Ellison is that unreasonable man that possesses the ostranenie effect-- he has a keen eye to see the simplest things and make them profound, and make simple minded people see deeply into mundane topics- bringing a philosophical charm to even politics. No man, not even a semi-god lived an entire life without making a mistake and the fact that Mr. Ellison has lived a life so grandiose with such few errors, is a testament and a plaque to the big person he is.

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    No. You see, the night works differently here than in the human realm,’ he continues. ‘Duwyn is a world of balance. Good and bad, light and dark – both must exist to keep the world in harmony.’ Oh God, he’s going to give me a Pocahontas speech.

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    Nature of Human is neither good nor bad, it is simply a fusion of primitive instinctual urges and modern humane conscience.

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    None of us are just black or white, or never wrong and always right. No one. No one exists without polarities. Everybody has good and bad forces working with them, against them, and within them.

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    [...] nothing is ever only good and nothing is ever only bad. Everything is somewhere in the middle.

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    Severin can be callous in pursuit of a goal. He has an extraordinary mind, it's no exaggeration to call him a genius. However, such ability often comes at the expense of-" He hesitated, searching for the right word. "Decency?" West suggested dryly. Looking rueful, Devon nodded. "When dealing with Severin, one must never forget that above all, he's an opportunist. His brain is so busy trying to engineer a certain outcome that he doesn't bother to consider anyone's feelings, including his own. That being said, there have been times when I've seen Severin go to great lengths to help other people. He's not all bad." He shrugged. "It seems a pity to give up the friendship entirely.

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    People are not totally good or bad, black or white - unless we are talking of evil psychos. We, human beings, are somewhere between angels and demons. That is what makes us, human beings, lovely imperfect.

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    Perhaps we all have a face behind a face…Good and the bad, happy and sad, sane and insane. We all have an angel and the stranger and we all have the choice!

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    She tries to be a good person. But deep down she knows she is a bad person, corrupted, wrong, and all her efforts to be right, to have the right opinions, to say the right things, these efforts only disguise what is buried inside her, the evil part of herself.

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    The angel in me loves the devil in me.

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    The entire journey of life is lived with energy and we use energy in all that we do from dawn to dusk! When your energy goes down, something goes down. We can do anything with our energy but not all things deserve our true energy! We have, all of us, a choice to choose where our energy must go when day breaks. We can choose to allow anything at all take our energy, but we must not forget that where our energy goes, from there comes something to us; something good or something bad, something mediocre or something noble, something that will disturb us or something that will enhance our joy, latently or visibly, now or tomorrow. We must always remember each day that same energy that is exerted on wrong things to attract and produce wrong things can be exerted on good things to produce good and great things!

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    The entire journey of life is lived with energy and we use energy in all that we do from dawn to dusk! When your energy goes down, something goes down. We can do anything with our energy but not all things deserve our true energy! We have, all of us, a choice to choose where our energy must go when day breaks. We can choose to allow anything at all take our energy, but we must not forget that where our energy goes, from there comes something to us; something good or something bad, something mediocre or something noble, something that will disturb us or something that will enhance our joy, latently or visibly, now or tomorrow! We must always remember each day that the same energy that is exerted on wrong things to attract and produce wrong things can be exerted on good things to produce good and great things!

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    There are no false starts in life, just bad decisions...

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    Was it always to be like this? she wondered. A moment of joy followed by a new sorrow?

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    We were riding fast, I got lost in the thought that this couldn’t end. Good things end. Bad things we reminisce.

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    She is like a newborn sun, fresh with promise, the just beginning moments before the day fills like a bucket with good and bad, sweat and longing.

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    Survival in scarcity dictates nastiness with a rival clan, but also dictates goodness towards our own clan whose support is vital to acquire or defend the necessary scarcities. Man’s nastiness or goodness is not his fault or merit; They both create the vital coping mechanism to his environment of scarcity.

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    The fundamental difference between an instinctive response and an emotion is this: An instinctive response is the body’s direct response to some external situation. An emotion, on the other hand, is the body’s response to thought. Indirectly, an emotion can also be a response to an actual situation or event, but it will be a response to the event seen through the filter of a mental interpretation, the future of thought, that is to say, through the mental concepts of good and bad, like and dislike, me and mine.

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    There are billions of different faces in the world; but there are only two different characters: Good and bad! And here is a vital mission for the world: To convert the bad into the good!

    • good and bad quotes
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    There is a strange duality in the human which makes for an ethical paradox. We have definitions of good qualities and of bad; not changing things, but generally considered good and bad throughout the ages and throughout the species. Of the good, we think always of wisdom, tolerance, kindliness, generosity, humility; and the qualities of cruelty, greed, self-interest, graspingness, and rapacity are universally considered undesirable. And yet in our structure of society, the so-called and considered good qualities are invariable concomitants of failure, while the bad ones are the cornerstones of success…Perhaps no other animal is so torn between alternatives. Man might be described fairly adequately, if simply, as a two-legged paradox.

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    There is no worse discriminator than envy. No worse traitor than envy. Even those who are seemingly righteous, are brought down low by their envy. A true man will be known by his absence of envy. An evil man will be known by the presence of envy within him.

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    The truth is, there is good and bad in everybody, in every nation, in every race, and in every religion. To hear someone say that all the people that belong to a certain country, race, or religion are bad — is extremely untruthful and makes the person making the statement lose credibility right away. We are all flawed and even nature is flawed. Nobody is perfect, and no country, race or religion is perfect. Duality and polarity are imprinted in everything in nature — in all humans, and even within ourselves. For example, there are those who are ignorant, and those who are wise.

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    THE WEIGHT OF ONE FEATHER Given. Many fear Death Because they already Feel ridden with sin, But no man On this earth Is filled with only White light Within. Have more faith In our Maker, For our souls And minds Were created by Him. Just remember that, When your deeds Are measured By the scale -- Your good deeds Must outweigh The bad, And your heart must be Lighter than the weight of One feather To win. THE WEIGHT OF ONE FEATHER by Suzy Kassem

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    To know the good from the bad, study a man or woman's history of actions, not their record of intentions.

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    War never shows what is good with man, War only shows what is wrong.

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    What is truth" I was asked. "Truth is neither good nor bad. Neither evil nor pure. It just is." That's what I told her. Because through our convictions of good and bad, of evil and pure, we taint the truth with our own filters and our own desires. Truth is no respecter of what that man over there thinks is good or of what that woman over there thinks is evil. Truth remains as Truth, regardless of what you think about it.

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    What is good is what feels good, and what is bad is what feels bad.

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    A lot that was happening in 2005, 2006, good and bad, the beats reflected it. It was a lot of money around. People was making music to throw money to.

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    You can love the good in us and hate the bad but the bad is in us too. Without it we wouldn't be us.

    • good and bad quotes
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    YOU HAVE TO BE STRONG ENOUGH TO BE WEAK Allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling. Notice any labels you attach to crying or feeling vulnerable. Let go of the labels. Just feel what you are feeling, all the while cultivating moment-to-moment awareness, riding the waves of “up” and “down,” “good” and “bad,” “weak” and “strong,” until you see that they are all inadequate to fully describe your experience. Be with the experience itself. Trust in your deepest strength of all: to be present, to be wakeful.

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    Your true love for God is demonstrated through your ability to hold onto your faithfulness in the midst of Prosperity and Poverty, Happiness and Hardships, Sickness and Success; in whatever is Appealing or Appalling!

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    Accepting all the good and bad about someone. It's a great thing to aspire to. The hard part is actually doing it.

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    As soon as you concern yourself with the "good" and "bad" of your fellows, you create an opening in your heart for maliciousness to enter. Testing, competing with, and criticizing others weakens and defeats you.

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    What we call “Higher” behavior is elaborated by our abstract mind to ensure survival by an efficient cohesion of our clan. What we call “lower” behavior is to ensure survival at the expense of a rival, or to prevent the survival of a rival to be at our expense. So, Be they our “higher” and “lower” behavior/selves, our humanity and inhumanity, our “Divine” and “diabolic” trends, or any aspect of our Human Nature, All are created by our abstract mind to ensure survival in an environment of scarcity. But of course you can always choose to adopt “revelations” which present human nature as: A messed up image of a messed up supernatural coexistence between two messed up opposite supernatural entities with a messed up relation. Ultimately, we all think we choose by what we think we know.

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    Because, also the world of showbiz is not just black and white, good and bad.

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    Be grateful for every thing good and bad that comes to you. For all things have contributed to your advancement.

    • good and bad quotes
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    Buddha, much like everyone else has good and bad days.

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    Capital punishment is the source of many an argument, both good and bad.

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    Chemistry can be a good and bad thing. Chemistry is good when you make love with it. Chemistry is bad when you make crack with it.

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    Education is learning to grow, learning what to grow toward, learning what is good and bad, learning what is desirable and undesirable, learning what to choose and what not to choose.

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    Every organization does good and bad things.

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    Everything that happens-good and bad-should motivate you to be persistent.

    • good and bad quotes
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    Good and bad luck is a synonym in the great majority of instances, for good and bad judgment.

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    Good and bad are but names very readily transferable to that or this.

    • good and bad quotes