Best 728 quotes in «libertarian quotes» category

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    It's wrong for someone to confiscate your money, give it to someone else, and call that "compassion.

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    I was brought up as a Republican. But when I realized that at the end of the day there wasn't much difference between a Democrat and Republican, I became a libertarian.

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    I've voted Libertarian as long as I can remember, but I don't really remember much before the Clintons and the Bushes. Those clans made a lot of us bugnutty.

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    I want to gag sometimes when I see who "we" are recommending that people vote for, and not just as a libertarian.

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    Laws do not curb the lawless. After all, that's why we call them 'lawless.'

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    I wear the chain I forged in life....I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it.

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    Laws do not persuade just because they threaten.

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    Laws were most numerous when the commonwealth was most corrupt

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    Let them march all they want, as long as they continue to pay their taxes.

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    Law! What do I care about the law? Ain't I got the power?

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    Karate is the best thing you can do for your child.

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    Libertarians are conservatives who still get high.

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    Libertarians are essentially what the Republicans were 30 years ago. Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan. They'd all fit more under the Libertarian label than the modern day Republican label.

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    Libertarians are learning to their sorrow that big businessmen cannot necessarily be relied upon to be their allies in the battle against extension of governmental encroachments.

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    Libertarian socialism is properly to be regarded as the inheritor of the liberal ideals of the Enlightenment.

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    Libertarians recognize the inevitable pluralism of the modern world and for that reason assert that individual liberty is at least part of the common good.

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    Liberal, shmiberal. That should be a new word. Shmiberal: one who is assumed liberal, just because he's a professional whiner in the newspaper. If you'll read the subtext for many of those old strips, you'll find the heart of an old-fashioned Libertarian. And I'd be a Libertarian, if they weren't all a bunch of tax-dodging professional whiners.

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    Libertarians are incapable of being a racist, because racism is a collectivist idea.

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    Libertarians love their children at least as much as the Democrats and the Republicans, probably more.

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    Libertarians regard the state as the Supreme, the eternal, the best organized aggressor against the persons and property of the mass of the public. All states everywhere, whether democratic, dictatorial, or monarchical, whether red, white, blue or brown.

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    Libertarians typically argue that particular obligations, at least under normal circumstances, must be created by consent; they cannot be unilaterally imposed by others.

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    Liberty consists in doing what one desires.

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    Look not to the politicians; look to yourselves.

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    Liberty is not collective, it is personal. All liberty is individual liberty.

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    Let us look and see, then, how they manage their concerns - they for whose cause we are to labour, devote ourselves, and grow enthusiastic.

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    Manufacturing and commercial monopolies owe their origin not to a tendency imminent in a capitalist economy but to governmental interventionist policy directed against free trade and laissez faire.

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    Man is not free unless government is limited.

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    Make us your slaves, but feed us.

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    Martyrdom has always been a proof of the intensity, never of the correctness of a belief.

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    Men who have greatness within them don't go in for politics.

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    Methods and means cannot be separated from the ultimate aim.

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    Men love liberty because it protects them from control and humiliation by others, thus affording them the possibility of dignity; they loathe liberty because it throws them back on their own abilities and resources, thus confronting them with the possibility of insignificance.

    • libertarian quotes
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    Modern Anarcho-Syndicalism is a direct continuation of those social aspirations which took shape in the bosom of the First International and which were best understood and most strongly held by the libertarian wing of the great workers' alliance.

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    My wife and I are both Libertarian; she was a Democrat and I was a Republican, and we both met in the middle somewhere.

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    Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent.

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    Nobody but a beggar chooses to depend chiefly upon the benevolence of his fellow-citizens.

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    Nations are not ruined by one act of violence, but gradually and in an almost imperceptible manner by the depreciation of their circulating currency, through its excessive quantity.

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    Never trust anyone who calls himself a libertarian socialist. They're bound to be deeply confused, at best.

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    Nobody can be trusted with unlimited power. The more power a regime has, the more likely people will be killed. This is a major reason for promoting freedom.

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    No nation was ever ruined by trade.

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    No one doubts that pure libertarianism is simple, but that's just why it remains on the ideological fringe - because it boils down the most difficult questions in human affairs to a simple equation, a What Would the Market Do bumper sticker.

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    No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size.

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    No one may threaten or commit violence ('aggress') against another man's person or property. Violence may be employed only against the man who commits such violence; that is, only defensively against the aggressive violence of another. In short, no violence may be employed against a non-aggressor. Here is the fundamental rule from which can be deduced the entire corpus of libertarian theory.

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    No doctrine involving more pernicious consequences was ever invented by the wit of man than any [constitutional] provisions can be suspended during any of the great exigencies of government.

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    Not only can no one predict the future, we don't understand the present - and there isn't even any certainty about the past.

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    Not since the days of slavery have there been so many people who feel entitled to what other people have produced as there are in the modern welfare state, whether in Western Europe or on this side of the Atlantic.

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    Of all the tyrannies on human kind the worst is that which persecutes the mind.

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    One of the failings of ideologues is their inability to see that everyone else isn't necessarily an ideologue like them.

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    Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program.

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    Not a place upon earth might be so happy as America. Her situation is remote from all the wrangling world, and she has nothing to do but to trade with them.