Best 704 quotes in «awakening quotes» category

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    It's going to open up us to our galactic neighbors, to the energies and the life force energies that exist within the universes that we are all a part of - and they all are here, of course, supporting us in this transition for this aspect of our awakening. I think that is going to be a big shift.

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    It is possible to experience an awakening in this life through realising just how precious each moment, each mental process, and each breath truly is.

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    It is impossible to distrust one's writing without awakening a deeper distrust in oneself.

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    It is only by embracing the full spectrum of human consciousness that we can bring about a true awakening of the heart

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    It seems to me that had I not known Dostoevsky or Nietzsche or Freud or X or Z, I should have thought just as I did, and that I found in them rather an authorization than an awakening. Above all, they taught me to cease doubting, to cease fearing my thoughts, and to let those thoughts lead me to those lands that were not uninhabitable because after all I found them already there .

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    It's kind of hard get outside of your own frame of reference. To one degree or another, we all go through our breakdowns and we can recognize our lives as a path to awakening or not. We can take our breakdowns as a way to sensitize us or as an excuse to blind and dull ourselves.

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    I worked consistently on Broadway from when I was 8 years old through 'Spring Awakening,' which I left in 2008.

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    It was Adam Appleby's misfortune that at the moment of awakening from sleep his consciousness was immediately flooded with everything he least wanted to think about

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    I've known since day one of working on Spring Awakening - back in 1999 - that it was special.

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    I would give up the unessential; I would give my money, I would give my life for my children; but I wouldn't give myself.

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    It was because of my great interest in the West, and my belief that its development would be assisted by the interest I could awaken in others, that I decided to bring the West to the East through the medium of the Wild West Show.

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    Libya is a war of the womb. A product of the romantic minds of women who fantasize about an Arab awakening. It is estrogen-driven paternalism on steroids.

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    I would say there have been different stages of my feminist awakening. The more layers you peel back and the more things you're made aware of, you're like, "Oh my God.

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    Life always bursts the boundaries of formulas. Defeat may prove to have been the only path to resurrection, despite its ugliness. I take it for granted that to create a tree I condemn a seed to rot. If the first act of resistance comes too late it is doomed to defeat. But it is, nevertheless, the awakening of resistance. Life may grow from it as from a seed.

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    Life is a dream and death an awakening.

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    Look deep into your throbbing life and you will find the quality of the divine. You will not find a God but you will find a godliness, a truth, an awakening, a buddha.

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    My own awakening came in 1991 and my teacher then, in India, asked me to return to the West and to share this kind of inquiry.

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    Mere isolation in an enclosing idea is not a release from conflict.

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    Most people like to live in illusions.

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    My appointed work is to awaken the divine nature that is within.

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    My speaking is meant to shake you awake, not to tell you how to dream better.

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    Only by awakening can you know the true meaning of that word.

    • awakening quotes
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    Often it takes some calamity to make us live in the present. Then suddenly we wake up and see all the mistakes we have made.

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    Nationalism is not the awakening of nations to self-consciousness; it invents nations where they do not exist.

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    Neither God nor Being nor any other word can define or explain the ineffable reality behind the word, so the only important question is whether the word is a help or a hindrance in enabling you to experience That toward which it points.

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    Now don't think that awakening is the end. Awakening is the end of seeking, the end of the seeker, but it is the beginning of a life lived from your true nature.

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    On the other hand, what I like my music to do to me is awaken the ghosts inside of me. Not the demons, you understand, but the ghosts.

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    Our interests are grains of opium to our consciences, but they only put it to sleep for a terrible awakening.

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    Our world is integrated to an unprecedented degree, while the global political awakening is injecting into interstate relations an intense amount of tension, emotion, even irrationality, which could cumulatively produce circumstances that preclude an effective and genuinely shared universal response to new global problems.

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    Perhaps it is better to wake up after all, even to suffer, rather than to remain a dupe to illusions all one's life.

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    Our yearning for truth actually comes from truth.

    • awakening quotes
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    Pause and remember - Making the wrong assumptions causes pain and suffering for everyone.

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    Personal and collective awakening are one and the same - when a raindrop joins the sea, the sea also merges with the raindrop.

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    Pause and remember - The spiritual path is not always going to be smooth and easy. There are going to be difficult situations, hardships, losses and lessons. Don't lose faith along the way. You are exactly where you need to be.

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    Remember: whatsoever I am saying is not the thing that I want to say to you. Whatsoever I am saying has nothing to do with truth, because truth cannot be said. Whatsoever I am saying is nothing but a hammering. If you become awake, you will see the truth.

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    Psychology, so dedicated to awakening human consciousness, needs to wake itself up to one of the most ancient human truths: we cannot be studied or cured apart from the planet.

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    Remember that that "rude awakening" which your parents and well-meaning relatives threatened you with as a kid is better than no awakening at all.

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    Remember that this is not something we do just once or twice. Interrupting our destructive habits and awakening our heart is the work of a lifetime.

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    Recruiting Station was a story that came as the result of many anxious awakenings during many nights.

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    Revolution is an awakening, so is the spring! Spring is an awakening, so is the revolution!

    • awakening quotes
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    Some people have theorized that I lurched to prove myself intellectually. But it was not any lurch. It was more a kind of awakening.

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    Scholarship is to be created not by compulsion, but by awakening a pure interest in knowledge.

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    Self awakening enables you to see the human scene as it is, not as it appears to be, which frees you of its chaos.

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    Since ancient times the term awakening has been used as a kind of metaphor that points to the transformation of human consciousness. There are parables in the New Testament that speak of the importance of being awake, of not falling back to sleep.

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    Stop all delays, all seeking and all striving. Put down your concepts, ideas and beliefs. For one instant be still and directly encounter the silent unknown core of your being. In that instant Freedom will embrace you and reveal the Awakening that you are.

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    Spiritual awakening is the difficult process whereby the increasing realisation that everything is as wrong as it can be flips suddenly into the realisation that everything is as right is it can be. Or better, everything is as It as it can be.

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    Spring time is the land awakening.

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    Spiritual awakening - is becoming awake to the aliveness of this moment.

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    That higher awakening is called God-consciousness. In that condition, you will see that all the objects of the world are your own universal self.

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    ...Suddenly normal wasn't good enough.