Best 137 quotes in «circus quotes» category

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    He really just wanted to blurt out, ‘My Grandma’s dead’, but he knew that when it came to it, the words would stick like pebbles in his throat.

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    For several thousand years man has been in contact with animals whose character and habits have been deformed by domestication. He has ended by believing that he understands them. All he means by this is that he is able to rely on certain reflex actions which he himself has implanted in them. He will flatter himself at times on the grasp of animal psychology which has brought him the love of the dog and the purr of the cat; and on the strength of such assumptions he approaches the beasts of the jungle. The old tag about nature being an open book is just not true. What nature offers on a first examination may appear to be simple but it is never as simple as it appears.

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    God is just one more Clown In this Circus of mine (from song "no tunnel too dark")

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    Gracie leaned out the back, craning her neck as far as she could around the side, trying to catch the wind in her nose and flapping lips. She loved driving, and this car was much faster than the truck which hauled her cage. It was very green here, and the sun flashed and flickered behind the tall trees. There were a million smells along this road, both old and just born. She closed her eyes and huffed, pretending she was flying.

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    I'm only here for the food. I'll pass on the fun.

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    I'm like a circus standing on two legs.

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    His tongue swirls against my skin, and I gasp. His voice rough with passion, he rasps, "You're living fire. I burn.

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    In a world full of lions and tigers entertaining the masses, have you ever seen a wolf performing in a circus?

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    Mr. Galliano wore his big top-hat very much on one side of his head, so much so that Jimmy really wondered why it didn't fall off. ‘When Galliano wears his hat on one side the circus is taking lots of money,’ said Lotta to him. ‘But when you see him wearing it straight up, then you know things are going badly. He gets into a bad temper then, and I hide under the caravan when I see him coming. I've never seen his hat so much on one side before!’ Jimmy thought that circus ways were very extraordinary. Even hats seemed to share in the excitement!

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    Maybe they were born of karma, their own or their parents', Zack thought; maybe the universe had a purpose for them, and they were what they were because the world needed them to be that way.

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    My circus train pulls through the night Full of lions and trapeze artists I'm done with elephants and clowns I want to run away and join the office

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    It was a year ago today your daughter went missing.’ Bagg had closed his eyes, feeling the death going on inside.

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    I unconsciously decided that, even if it wasn't an ideal world, it should be so and painted only the ideal aspects of it - pictures in which there are no drunken slatterns or self-centered mothers . . . only foxy grandpas who played baseball with kids and boys who fished from logs and got up circuses in the back yard.

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    Next to a circus there ain't nothing that packs up and tears out any quicker than the Christmas spirit

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    Newspapers take peoples’ tragedies and force the world to experience all of it.

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    Sometimes life asks us to make more serious choices than whether or not to believe a fairy tale

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    Painted and smiling, I balance on my trapeze. Luka is poised ten metres away, his muscles shining under the lights. The wooden circles in his earlobes twitch as his jaw clenches, unclenches, clenches.

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    Risking your own life in order to entertain others is the height of stupidity.

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    Nothing is what one thinks it is. Cloth is stone and circus is an art. There are no certainties.

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    Taking a couple short backup swigs, Flint’s crippling headache started to release its grip, sort of the way he imagined an octopus would release an inedible bowling ball.

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    Sorry cancerous Patients… life as for you has be cancelled... No circus for you MOTHERFUCKERS!

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    The circus collects the outsiders like a flame tempts moths.

    • circus quotes
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    The circus had been unlike anything I could ever imagine and I could not walk away. I wanted to be a part of the magic, create it and wield it with such skill that it looked effortless. I wanted to fly.

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    There's only two types of people in the world: the ones that entertain, and the ones that observe.

    • circus quotes
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    The man standing in the booth placing the tickets into her hands for the fun-house loomed largely in front of her with arms comprised of iron muscle. She remembered the gray cataract that covered over one of his eyes and the terrified feeling it gave her. She had been too young to understand the malady. To her; his eye looked as though it belonged to a creature from the sea. A frightening creature composed of reptilian and fish like attributes, which would pull unsuspecting prey underneath the darkest oceans. The smile on his face, with the crooked teeth, the cigar, contrasting with the bald head and unshaven face increased her sense of panic.

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    Trump taught us how easily seemingly serious people can become profoundly idiotic. He turned career politicians into circus freaks.

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    All dance has expression. If there is no expression, I prefer the circus. The performers do more dangerous, more difficult technical things than we do. But we are dancers. We have to express and we have to project.

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    What's this?" he inquired, none too pleasantly. "A circus?" "No, Julius. It's the end of the circus." "I see. And these are the clowns?" Foaly's head poked through the doorway. "Pardon me for interrupting your extended circus metaphor, but what the hell is that?

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    When a boy's first romantic interlude is with Pheobe the Dog-Faced Girl, he feels a need to get out into the world and find a new life.

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    A circus is like a mother in whom one can confide and who rewards and punishes.

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    When we realize that we are not the mind, we do not exist as a labled person. We also experience “all circus around us” does not exist either.

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    A circus of stars, your dreams a trapeze, faces lift like mirrored moons.

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    A director is the ringmaster of a circus that's inventing itself.

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    And now for something completely different...

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    All the world's a stage. P.T. Barnum: It becomes a circus. But circuses or street pageants or parades have always been useful in a society.They've always been useful as a way of critiquing power. The carnivalesque has always been useful as a way of the powerful being mocked in a public space.

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    And finally, in our time a beard is the one thing that a woman cannot do better than a man, or if she can her success is assured only in a circus.

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    By reflecting a little on this subject I am almost convinced that those numberless small Circuses we see on the moon are the works of the Lunarians and may be called their Towns.

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    As a child I went to a circus. They had a man shot out of a cannon into a net. I became intrigued with what was going on.

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    But for the use of physical punishment by, and fear of their oppressors, animals would never be a part of a circus.

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    Circus dogs jump when the trainer cracks his whip, but the really well-trained dog is the one that turns his somersault when there is no whip.

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    Everything I have done, every change I have made to that circus, every impossible feat and astounding sight, I have done for her.

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    But the soul of touring and the heart of it is basically every day is like putting up a circus tent.

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    Clowns are the pegs on which the circus is hung.

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    Every time the circus comes to town, I can't help thinking, Somewhere out there, there's clown semen.

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    For a long time, I debated about whether I would make movies or join the circus and work as a clown.

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    I hate clowns and I would never do anything getting near a clown, I can't go to the circus.

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    Hip-hop is universal now, it's all commercial now. It's like a circle full of circus clowns up in the circuit now.

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    I dont have a place that I call home at the moment because theres no point. I mean, Im a traveling circus for a while. Its weird. Like, if I wanted to go home, theres nowhere to go. I just go to a hotel. But Ive kind of gotten used to it.

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    I enjoy being a hyphenate. I've always thought of my career as a plate spinner in the circus.

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    I have become rather like King Midas, except that everything turns not into gold but into a circus.