Best 96 quotes in «collections quotes» category

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    You're only as good as your record collection.

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    You're only as good as your last collection, which is an enormous pressure.

    • collections quotes
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    Ephraim found a stack of postcards tied together with a faded green ribbon. He shuffled through them and found they were from every World's Fair from 1915 in San Francisco to 1939 in New York. None of the postcards hed been written on or mailed.

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    A great private collection is a material concentrate that continually stimulates, that overexcites. Not only because it can always be added to, but because it is already too much. The collector’s need is precisely for excess, for surfeit, for profusion. It’s too much—and it’s just enough for me. … A collection is always more than is necessary.

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    Are you willing to accept anything less than the credit you want, the credit you need and the credit you deserve?

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    Beth had been a middle school science teacher and Joni was a librarian and they both had collections of weird stuff they had found. Bizarre, misspelled letters written by lovelorn eighth graders. Obscene Polaroids left in between the pages of library books. They used to call each other on the phone to share their latest discovery, and Critter had always remained a little off to the side, never feeling quite as sharp or ironic as they were. Critter was an electrician, primarily home repair, and so he didn't usually come across anything except bad wiring and faulty lighting fixtures.

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    Isn't it sad that we have to gain control of the artificial numbers placed upon us by others to regain some control of our lives?

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    For myself, I favored the abstract. I collected not just obsolete terms and words, but ideas.

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    If repairing one's credit is as easy as sending some dispute letters to the credit bureaus then why doesn't everyone have good credit?

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    If you don't take good care of your credit, then your credit won't take good care of you.

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    I love lists. Always have. when I was 14, I wrote down every dirty word I knew on file cards and placed them in alphabetical order. I have a thing about about collections, and a list is a collection with purchase. (Wired Magazine, "Step One: Make a List", October 2012)

    • collections quotes
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    I really admire people who don’t need to live surrounded by lots of stuff. My bedroom is piled up with clothes and books, papers and photographs. I like to collect things, anything I can grab from wherever I’m travelling. I think it’s the sign of slight anxiety to always want something around you to represent a good moment you had, to hang on to the leftovers. But then they’re a pleasure to look at too, so it’s not all negative.

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    A collection of masks, depicting historical figures in life and what I like to call the eternal repose.

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    Normal people have rock collections, shell collections, key ring collections and stamp collections. (The Captain had even known somebody with a letterbox collection.) But a people collection? That had to be the most bizarre one he'd come across. Not to mention the most unethical.

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    The whole world's a ghost factory. We all fade like the paint on these buildings, sometimes from too much sun, sometimes from too little. We blur and blend to the murky shades left behind when something vivid dies.

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    A family is a collection of strangers trapped in a web of DNA and forced to cope.

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    A great typeface is not a collection of beautiful letters, but a beautiful collection of letters.

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    A great product isn't just a collection of features. It's how it all works together.

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    A golf swing is a collection of corrected mistakes.

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    A painting is a collection of a series of corrections.

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    A life accumulates a collection: of people, work and perplexities. We are all our own curators.

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    All urbanization, pushed beyond a certain point, automatically becomes suburbanization.... Every great city is just a collection of suburbs. Its inhabitantsdo not live in their city; they merely inhabit it.

    • collections quotes
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    A Miscellany is a collection without a natual ordering relation.

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    Always have a collection of your favorite CDs with you.

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    Gender inequality is not one problem, it's a collection of problems.

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    Collections of books and other documents, either printed or electronic, are a form of congregation.

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    Doing collections, doing fashion is like a non-stop dialogue.

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    Each of us carries within himself a collection of instant insults.

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    For everyday, Rebecca Minkoff's collection is chic and comfortable at the same time.

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    Europe is a collection of free countries.

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    Every collection that I work on, I always think, Is this cool enough to wear to a concert?

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    I also plan to release a ballads collection.

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    Great armies are nothing but a collection of weakness.

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    History: a collection of epitaphs.

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    I always like the current one [collection] the most, that's just my nature!

    • collections quotes
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    I have a collection of lucky pennies, and I like to carry some of them with me. So far, they seem to be working!

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    I don't put myself on Jeff Beck's level, but I can relate to him when he says he'd rather be working on his car collection than playing the guitar.

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    I'd probably say to my younger self, get yourself a whole collection of lawyers. Which is what I have now.

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    I felt like my bubble gum card collection had come to life.

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    I designed collections around whatever struck my fancy ... fruits, vegetables, politics, or peacocks!

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    I don't do heroin myself, but it's done wonders for my music collection.

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    I don't really know that anybody's proven that a random collection of people doing their own thing actually creates value.

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    I do remember how sexy my collection was after I first got involved with Stephan [Weiss]. That's one thing I don't have in my life now and...if anything, that's one thing I would love.

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    I'd rather [the collection] have no title. Journalists like titles. That's why I give them to you.

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    I have a knife collection. I have my favourite black knife with me all the time. It's a switchblade. It relaxes me to flick it. I close it and open it.

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    I have collections of quirky things from places I've been to, like a set of Russian dolls.

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    I have some weak poems in that new collection, which is why I'm not ready to send the collection out yet.

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    I have the largest private collection in the world [of Hollywood memorabilia].

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    I love Polaroids and I have a Polaroid camera collection from the '50s.

    • collections quotes
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    I love collections of things, but always in moderation.

    • collections quotes