Best 143 quotes in «village quotes» category

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    New York is the biggest collection of villages in the world.

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    My only worry about tweeting and modern technology is how it has crept into even the darkest corners of the absolute global village we live in.

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    My idea of village SWARAJ is that is a complete republic, independent of its neighbors for its own vital wants, and yet interdependent for many others which dependence is a necessity.

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    Now if you are condemned to life on welfare, I'm not so sure that being in a bigger welfare village is that much better than being in a smaller welfare village.

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    Now that Hillary [Clinton] has won Pennsylvania, it will take a village to help Obama escape from the suffocating embrace of his rival. Certainly Howard Dean will be of no use steering her to the exit. It’s like Micronesia telling Russia to denuke.

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    Now some folks say that we should be glad for what we have. Tell me, would you be happy in Village Ghetto Land?

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    On 11 September, I was living in Greenwich Village, New York; my children learned to tell south from north by looking at the World Trade Center.

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    Our exile organizations have been our way of replacing the cities and villages we have lost.

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    Some of the very heroic and colourful figures in our history are sons of Sabaragamuwa - Parakramabahu I, born in Dedigama, the warrior King Rajasinghe I also known as Sitawaka Rajasingha, Edirille Rala born in Colombo and baptised Domingo Corea, who returned to the village of his ancestors Atulugama near Sitawaka and turned against the Portuguese.

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    The big downside to the global village that the Internet has created is that nothing has time to grow out of the public gaze and, even more dangerous, whatever your personal interests might be, there will always be someone somewhere to provide validation and encouragement.

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    The Internet is a far more speech-enhancing medium than print, the village green, or the mails. Because it would necessarily affect the Internet itself, the C.D.A. would necessarily reduce the speech available for adults on the medium. This is a constitutionally intolerable result.

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    No sophistry, no jugglery in figures can explain away the evidence that the skeletons in many villages present to the naked eye.

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    One cannot live on potatoes alone. It is said that one wants bread with potatoes. And when there's no bread, a Jew takes his stick, and goes through the village in search of business.

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    Railway stations can become growth points for the nearby villages.

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    Readers have no doubt noticed how seldom builders live in houses of their own construction. You will find a town or village expanding in all directions with their masterpieces of modernity in the way of houses and bungalows; but the builder himself you will usually find living nearer the heart of things, snugly and comfortably housed in some more substantial, if less convenient, building of less recent date.

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    The Maharashtra government is working out a package for the worst-affected villages of the state in the recent floods. But we know whenever such calamities occur; whatever we do is not enough...more has to be done.

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    The new electronic independence re-creates the world in the image of a global village.

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    There are 18,500 villages in the country where electricity is yet to reach. We want to ensure these villages are electrified within the next 1000 days.

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    The MPs are not adopting villages; it's the villages that are adopting the MPs.

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    There is no better way of industrializing the villages of India than the spinning wheel.

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    There is no way you are going to be forgiven for blowing up a village and killing a bunch of people.

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    The villagers want bread-not butter-and disciplined work, some work that will supplement their agricultural avocations which do not go on for all the 12 months.

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    Urbanization in India is a slow but sure death for her villages and villagers.

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    We have to tackle the triple malady which holds our villages fast in its grip; want of corporate sanitation, deficient diet and inertia.

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    We shall defend every village, every town and every city. The vast mass of London itself, fought street by street, could easily devour an entire hostile army; and we would rather see London laid in ruins and ashes than that it should be tamely and abjectly enslaved.

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    The true India resides in its villages.

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    [Vice chairman of Barbour] Helen [Barbour] and I realized that I come from the same village that her ancestor John Barbour came from, who created Barbour. It just seemed like such a great connection.

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    We were talking to shop owners or ordinary people who were living in these buildings now. A lot of the Olympic Villages were turned into housing.

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    What bothers me is when music becomes entertainment. Of course, music is supposed to be entertaining, but go back to any period of time - music had a cultural significance on different levels, whether it was folk music, it was the news of the village, or it had to do with the rites of passage.

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    When I grew up in Seattle, by the way, in the 70's, it was a fishing village. There were loggers and fishers and my dad had a sewer company and it wasn't the way Seattle is now. Culturally, it was very different back then.

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    When I was in Afghanistan in 2007, I went from village to village where refugees had returned, and they were living out in the open under tents, sometimes completely exposed to the environment. And they were homeless, which meant they would lose children in the winter to the cold and in the summers in the extreme heat. It's extremely humiliating for them to be homeless, culturally it's very shameful.

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    When I was in south Sudan, people used to rap in my village. But the rapping was more in the mother tongue, Nuer.

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    Working on a film, you don't get time to develop rivalries, but the theatre is like a little village, and the differences between me, Lionel and Georgia grew.

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    You can criticize any news staff in some ways, but the one thing that you couldn't call the Village Voice staff was a staff of stenographers, taking notes from public figures and just passing them on.

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    You know, one of the only times I ever wrote about art was the obituary of Warhol that I did for the Village Voice.

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    What do they do for a village idiot when you're here?

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    You frequently ask, where are the friends of your childhood, and urge that they shall be brought back to you. As far as I am able to learn, those of your friends who are not in jail are still right there in your native village. You point out that they were wont to share your gambols, If so, you are certainly entitled to have theirs now.

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    According to the Buddha's doctrine that they believed in, it was not the caste that defined a person high or low. It was one's deeds that mattered.

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    A city has no sense, no sentiment, no soul.

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    A city is a right place to build a business but not a right place to build a home.

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    A man that has not dealt with his foundation cannot deal with another man's foundation.

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    A person with a universal mind who lives in a remote village knows the world much better than a person with a local mind who lives in a big city!

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    A village that takes care of its children is better than a city that abuses its youth.

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    A woman anticipates danger by instinct, rather than inductive reasoning. Due to this, when faced with danger due to passionate feelings related to their basic needs, women are impelled by reasoning, conditioned by instincts acquired from family traditions and the conventions of her social stratum, much more than men are.

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    Can society be blamed for thinking that one who did not share another's sorrows, was not stirred by injustice, did not shed a tear for the dead, was not provoked by taunts and insults, is a barren, anti-social human being?

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    Dry your tears, woman, the boy will be found. Nobody can do him anything…” Gradually, the tears began to dry from Etusi’s eyes, thanks to Okokpujie’s words, a mighty force that swung the entire village to action. Pg.38

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    For him, the kampung was a place to live and work that was based on a steadfast and intimate relationship between man and nature. The village was a true reflection of life in the tropics.

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    God gave us ground we created a city, God gave us time we need to create a future.

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    i bring my kiasu friend to the airport leavings are never easy, not for long and though we both saw blur along the way memories flooded present tensions. in the curry of his life no lemak remained so now the predictable exit signalled the end of his roundings, his bombings– he can bluff like hell, ma, he got style– and left me thinking about home, my kampong.

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    You will find a way to live without me. You will find a way to live for both of us,' Alexander said to Tatiana as the swelling Kama River flowed from the Ural Mountains through a pine village named Lazarevo, once when they were in love, and young.

    • village quotes