Best 76 quotes in «glamour quotes» category

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    She could afford anything, she could give anything, but she could not share a moment of her life with anybody. She was a beautiful and a glamorous diamond with an astronomical price tag, but to a crude reality — she was still a stone, a living stone. Nothing else but a stone in an aesthetic sense.

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    Our assholes will be clean but we must never wash our hands. Our immune systems will be strengthened by our being dirty. Not filthy. Just mildly grimy. Filthy fingernails have always been a favorite fashion accessory of mine. Especially when you place your hands in the prayer positions. Matter of fact, I urge all my followers to forgo nail polish permanently and replace it with expertly applied soot. The nonexistent gods above will ignore our prayers better this way.

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    Modeling is not just beauty and smile, it takes boldness and style.

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    She didn’t think that by hanging a chandelier from the ceiling you made a room with a chandelier. She felt you’d made another world, which you could slip in and out of by some vague process of application

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    So much was so easy. Glamour was second nature. It was just making folk see what they wanted to see. Fooling folk was as simple as singing. Tricking folk and telling lies, it was like breathing. But this? Convincing someone of the truth that they were too twisted to see? How could you even begin?

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    Take the glamour out of war! I mean, how the bloody hell can you do _that_? Go and take the glamour out of a Huey, go take the glamour out of a Sheridan...Can _you_ take the glamour out of a Cobra, or getting stoned at China Beach? It's like taking the glamour out of an M-79, taking the glamour out of Flynn." He pointed to a picture he'd taken, Flynn laughing maniacally ("We're winning," he'd said), triumphantly. "Nothing the matter with _that_ boy, is there? Would you let your daughter marry that man? Ohhhh, war is _good_ for you, you can't take the glamour out of that. It's like trying to take the glamour out of sex, trying to take the glamour out of the Rolling Stones." He was really speechless, working his hands up and down to emphasize the sheer insanity of it. "I mean, you _know_ that it just _can't be done!_" We both shrugged and laughed, and Page looked very thoughtful for a moment. "The very _idea!_" he said. "Ohhh, what a laugh! Take the bloody _glamour_ out of bloody _war!

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    There's always a glamour of pain even in pleasure.

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    That was the wonderful thing about New York: Years of bad blood could be wiped out with a single gesture of friendliness.

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    The happiness of being envied is glamour.

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    There were glamorous young men with dyed hair who rustled like old cellophane. Older men had airs of sophistication and cold grace, giving the impression that if they were not so terribly tired they would go to places (known only to a select few) where the conversation was more scintillating and the congregation more interesting. There were young women who had the exotic sheen of recently fed forest animals. Although they moved their fine heads languorously this way and that, nothing in the room excited their appetites. Unfashionable red lips cut across their white faces, and the crimson fingernails, as pointed as surgical instruments, heightened the predatory effect. Older, sadder women were more interesting to me. Voluminous skirts and imported shawls did not hide their heavy bodies, nor was their unattractiveness shielded by the clanks of chains and ribbons of beads, or by pale pink lips and heavily drawn doe eyes. Their presence among the pretty people enchanted me. It was like seeing frogs buzzed by iridescent dragonflies.

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    Those who don't believe in sensuality will never experience the glamour of life.

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    Those who glitter with the glory of the hummingbird meaning death

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    When one good thing happened to you, other good things seemed to follow.

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    Yeah, take it from me. He may try to sell himself to you along with the company. And then there is Roberto, the CEO of our acquisition target. He also seems to be a bit of a flirt. Those two are like moths around a light bulb with you. Any idea how you would react if they both came after you?

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    You could still be lying,” says the Roach. He turns to Cardan. “Try her.” “Your pardon?” Cardan says, drawing himself up, and the Roach seems to suddenly remember to whom he’s speaking in such an offhanded way. “Don’t be such a prickly rose, Your Majesty,” the Roach says with a shrug and a grin. “I’m not giving you an order. I’m suggesting that if you tried to glamour Jude, we could find out the truth.” Cardan sighs and walks toward me. I know this is necessary. I know that he doesn’t intend to hurt me. I know he can’t glamour me. And yet I draw back automatically. “Jude?” he asks. “Go ahead,” I say. I hear the glamour enter his voice, heady and seductive and more powerful than I expected. “Crawl to me,” he says with a grin. Embarrassment pinks my cheeks. I stay where I am, looking at all their faces. “Satisfied?” The Bomb nods. “You’re not charmed.

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    Acting is not glamorous. It's not. Anybody who wants to get into acting for the glamour is in for a hard time.

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    Choose to believe in your own myth your own glamour your own spell a young woman who does this (even if she is just pretending) has everything.

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    A good hanging now and then -- that entertains folk in the provinces and robs death of its glamour.

    • glamour quotes
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    Glamour is fun! Spending time to get ready isnt about being fussy; its about taking care of myself.

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    Glamour really has to do with good lighting, doesn't it?

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    Glamour is something more than what you put on your body. It has to do with the way you carry yourself and the impact you have on others.

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    Glamour is translucent — not transparent, not opaque. It invites us into the world but it doesn’t give us a completely clear picture.

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    Glamour is back, but with a minimalist touch.

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    Glamour is what I sell, it's my stock in trade.

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    This isn't goodbye. It's "see you later".

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    Even being close to L.A., I was always inspired by old movies and Marilyn Monroe and the glamour of Hollywood.

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    Glamour is all about transcending this world and getting to an idealized, perfect place.

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    I like glamour. Not afraid of it.

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    I have seen without perceiving I have been another man Let me pierce the realm of glamour So I know just what I am.

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    I don't find glamour and clothing relevant.

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    I don't like the glamour. I just like the game.

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    I like romance, I like glamour and I like realism. I think that's a great combination.

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    I love movies like '500 Days of Summer' and 'Juno.' Something offbeat without the glamour and the makeup and the clothing.

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    I love a little bit of glamour and I love tall girls.

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    I love to be casual and comfortable, but I also love the easy glamour of wearing jewelry all the time.

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    I love fashion, beauty, glamour. It's the mark of civilisation.

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    Investment success does not require glamour stocks or bull markets.

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    I love that old glamour look. I think it's because I grew up on it.

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    I think there's a little bit of Erika Jayne in all of us. There's always an over-the-top performance that's part of everyone's life. Erika Jayne is simply that: glitz, glamour, fun, sex, love and escape. She's all about pushing limits, having a good time and delivering lots of smiles. But really at the end of the day, she wants to have fun.

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    I really like the relaxed glamour of the 70s.

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    I think women love glamour. I mean, not all women, but I think this is something that women share.

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    I'm very simple. I'm not for the flashes, I'm not for glitz and glamour, you know.

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    i wanted to try things, everything, especially things that are illegal and have a faint whiff of glamour.

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    I think we will become disenchanted with the glamour of globalization.

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    It's not like I'm this glamour diva who hands everything over and I just sit on my throne at home.

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    Part of me would love to have been a leading lady because there's a lot of glamour that goes with that and a lot of applause, but I've been very blessed.

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    I went from the glamour of working with Karl Lagerfeld and John Galliano to living on an isolated hilltop, with my husband gone most of the time.

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    Parenthood seems really rewarding... like martyrdom, but without the glamour.

    • glamour quotes
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    Part of the glamour of being a poet was always this long reach into the future. You knew you were managing time.

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    I was poor white trash, no glitter, no glamour, but I'm not ashamed of anything.