Best 48 quotes in «netflix quotes» category

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    I always find time to hang with friends at least once a week or just watch TV and play video games. The combination of Netflix and food is just the best.

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    I hope to take advantage of the Netflix organism and see if there are ways to get in new material and see if there are ways to do deleted scenes.

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    I don't really watch a lot of TV, to be honest. I'm more of a movie girl, or I Netflix stuff.

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    If I need romance, that's what Netflix is for.

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    I guess I can't live without Netflix because I would have nothing to do. All I do is sit home and watch movies.

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    I immediately said yes for one reason and one reason only....Netflix rhymes with Wet Chicks.

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    It's an exciting time to be in television, and it's a really exciting time to be on a Netflix show. I remember when Netflix first came out, I didn't quite understand the DVD thing and why my husband was mailing it back.

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    I'm not in the camp that believes that Netflix is going to take over the makes it impossible to have a monopoly.

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    I'm strictly a movie person. I mean, I watch the HBO documentaries and Netflix.

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    In fact, part of the Netflix series is drama.Beyond re-enactments. Why not invent something new?

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    I think I still get something from the original broadcaster but I'm certainly not aware of any Netflix van driving to my house and unloading a load of cash into my front yard.

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    It's definitely scary to follow a book that's been turned into a Netflix series and found as much success as Girlboss did.

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    It’s been a dream to work with Netflix because they don’t have any pressure from advertisers.

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    Netflix knew I was going to North Korea and Ethiopia and Iceland. They saw the film and liked it and that was that.

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    More people have seen 13th on Netflix than have seen all my films put together between the Sundance winners and Selma, and the whole international distribution of film.

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    Netflix has such a knack for giving a new life to those B-movies that you thought and hoped no one would ever see. Especially when you have a new project coming out and they're looking to mine some of your lesser-known films.

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    Netflix is like sitting at the cool kids’ table. Netflix is amazing. We’re the biggest fans of not only working there, but of the company, in general.

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    Netflix trusted me in a way that was very, very pleasant.

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    Netflix is amazing 'cause they trust the creator to do their job, and they trust us to do our job. They're really smart and just let us do our thing and deliver a great job.

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    Netflix is something I watch.

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    Now, if you want to do realistic, kind of heavier acting stuff, you do it on Amazon or Netflix or whatever or HBO.

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    Some Internet operators are concerned that video services such as Netflix and YouTube consume lots of the bandwidth on the network. While there is some truth to this, my guess is that the operators wished they could provide the same kind of services with the same success as Netflix and YouTube.

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    One of the great things about working for Netflix is that they haven't placed any restrictions on content or artistically.

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    With each project, I'm going for something that makes viewers think, 'Wow, I've never seen a film like this before,' and later think, 'Wow, I've only seen a film like this once before. I saw it in theaters and am watching it now on Netflix or a similar streaming service.'

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    The beauty of Netflix is on the 28th of October they push a button and the film will be in 190 countries at the same moment in 17 languages.

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    The revolution is here. It's established that Netflix is a place where you can get premium content. It's a whole new world. It's very interesting. We'll be discovering it together. It's going to be interesting because they don't have a lot to compare it to.

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    Throughout the series [Narcos], I appear younger and younger - I don't know why that is particular to Netflix, to show the evolution of Pablo Escobar's children in that manner.

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    We live in an age now where so many people watch movies based on what Netflix recommends. It learns your taste and they really understand viewer habits.

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    When I get "too busy" to pray, I envision Jesus at the Pearly Gates showing me the time I wasted looking for something to watch on Netflix.

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    I just got an iPhone, which is cool, but I don't download movies, I don't watch Hulu, I don't have Netflix. I don't do any of that. But I do geek out to music.

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    The Netflix brand for TV shows is really all about binge viewing. The ability to get hooked and watch episode after episode.

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    The other great innovation are things like Transparent or One Mississippi on Amazon, Master of None on Netflix, and those half-hours. It's a lot easier to watch a load of those because it's far more palatable to go, "You know, I'm just going to do one more of these.

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    The quality of American patents has been deteriorating for years; they are increasingly issued for products and processes that are not truly innovative - things like the queuing system for Netflix, which was patented in 2003. Yes, it makes renting movies a snap, but was it really a breakthrough deserving patent protection?

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    About 20 years ago I told an Exec to tell her friend, an Exec at a big entertainment company that they should develop a video library where anyone can pull up a film or tv show when they want to, from home. This was before Video On Demand. Before Netflix went streaming. Before Amazon Video and Hulu. That entertainment company I told about my vision for a VOD-type of service to was Blockbuster. But because I was a very young Executive, a woman, and Asian; they didn't listen. Look where Blockbuster is now. - Don't take Good Advice for Granted. Futurist - Kailin Gow

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    Connected devices and the internet of things will monitor our activities and upload that data. This will be factored into an algorithm to generate an overall score, which can increase or decrease in real-time. People will be able to see their overall fitness going up and down as they’re working out at the gym or eating takeaway pizza and watching Netflix.

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    Die 'power grab' van Netflix heeft alleen maar geleid tot ontstellend veel afgrijselijke middelmatigheid. Ze hadden moeten focussen op gewoon de beste series ter wereld verzamelen, in plaats van ze zo nodig zelf te moeten gaan maken. Het is alsof een of andere bloemlezer ineens meent dat ie zelf veel beter de uitgever kan spelen. Cut out the middle men, but what if those middle men are you?

    • netflix quotes
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    From every boy masquerading as a man that you let into your body, your heart. You learned you didn’t have whatever magic turns a beast into a prince.

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    Most of us feel that we can't tell the people who work for us or with us the truth because (a) they're not smart enough to understand it, (b) they're not mature enough to understand it, or (c) it wouldn't be nice. We want to treat one another well, and we think that means making one another feel good. But this desire to make people feel good is often as much a desire to make ourselves feel good as to do the right thing. It often leads to people actually feeling worse, because they're not correcting a problem in the way they're working, and eventually come home to roost. Part of being an adult is being able to hear the truth.

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    More pathetic than the digital age is the people who love it. They buy right into the "newer is always better" ideology and they can't seem to grasp that the fun of VHS tapes, super 8 film, darkroom photography and vinyl records is far more worthwhile and human than the cold, high-tech atmosphere of everything being digitized. As the 21st century progresses, yeah, we'll have our Netflix and our cellular phones and our artificial intelligence and our implanted microchips - and future generations will have lost something valuable. Sadly, they won't even know what they've lost because we're taking it all away from them.

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    Clearly the success of the Netflix model, releasing the entire season of 'House of Cards' at once, proved one thing: The audience wants the control. They want the freedom. If they want to binge as they've been doing on 'House of Cards' and lots of other shows, we should let them binge.

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    Actually they [ Netflix] were telling us to push it further and I've never gotten a nod like that from anybody in the industry, so it's been awesome to work with them. I'm very happy where we're at.

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    Netflix is SO overrated.

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    Reading good books ruins you for enjoying bad books. - Isola Pribby, The Gurnsey Literary, and Potato Peel Pie Society pg. 53

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    She's better than Netflix.

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    That 'power grab' of Netflix has only led to an incridible amount of horrendous mediocrity. They should simply have focussed on collecting the best series in the world instead of producing them. Its as if a poetry collector suddenly thinks he should become the biggest publisher in the world. Cut out the middle men, but what if those middle men are you?

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    You don't realize how strong you are until you have to be.

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    But, I like the challenge of, "How can we stretch this out? Where can we go with it?" It's an open road, especially at Netflix. You can take it anywhere you want.

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    For me, personally, I watch pretty much everything on Netflix, and I watch all the episodes in a row, when I can.

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