Best 129 quotes in «shade quotes» category

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    On this material plane, each living being is like a street lantern lamp with a dirty lampshade. The inside flame burns evenly and is of the same quality as all the rest—hence all of us are equal in the absolute sense, the essence, in the quality of our energy. However, some of the lamps are “turned down” and having less light in them, burn fainter, (the beings have a less defined individuality, are less in tune with the universal All which is the same as the Will)—hence all of us are unequal in a relative sense, some of us being more aware (human beings), and others being less aware (animal beings), with small wills and small flames. The lampshades of all are stained with the clutter of the material reality or the physical world. As a result, it is difficult for the light of each lamp to shine through to the outside and it is also difficult to see what is on the other side of the lampshade that represents the external world (a great thick muddy ocean of fog), and hence to “feel” a connection with the other lantern lamps (other beings). The lampshade is the physical body immersed in the ocean of the material world, and the limiting host of senses that it comes with. The dirt of the lampshade results from the cluttering bulk of life experience accumulated without a specific goal or purpose. The dirtier the lampshade, the less connection each soul has to the rest of the universe—and this includes its sense of connection to other beings, its sense of dual presence in the material world and the metaphysical world, and the thin connection line to the wick of fuel or the flow of electricity that resides beyond the material plane and is the universal energy. To remain “lit” each lantern lamp must tap into the universal Source of energy. If the link is weak, depression and-or illness sets in. If the link is strong, life persists. This metaphor to me best illustrates the universe.

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    She looked up at him, her eyes enormous. He noticed they were hazel, the sort that picked up whatever hue was near. Now they were the same shade of green as the moss ringing the cavern.

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    Power and glory are two dialectic energies working in common ground. Taking a glimpse of the meandering under swell of glory in the shade of power, can be very inspiring and illuminating. ("The power and the glory" )

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    Some people, some nations, are permanently in shade. Some people cast a shadow. Lengths of elongated darkness precede them, even in church or when the sun is in, as they say, mopped up by the dirty cloth of the could. A puddle of dark forms around their feet. It's very pine like. The pine and darkness are one. Eucalypts are unusual in this respect: set pendulously their leaves allow see-through foliage which in turn produces a frail patterned sort of shade, if at all. Clarity, lack of darkness-these might be called 'eucalyptus qualities'.

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    Smart people that like good health spend several hours outdoors daily in the shade of trees.

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    The thing about the light that shines within us is we have the option to put a shade on it, which impedes the light from emitting, or take the shade off it, which allows the world around us to become illuminated.

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    Think global; Think big! Think of planting a seed for unborn generations to taste; Think of making a shade that will provide comfort to others. If what you enjoy now appeals to you, thank God for the life of those who made it happen. However, the good news is that "you too can make it happen"!

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    You cannot forever hide your true face in the shade; it will eventually be caught by the light!

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    Resonating the first half of the highest quality material known to man. Previously worked out, I embraced the back story never told but retold as practical reality. All I ask and bleed, there's nothing more to be felt as a man anymore. Most rebuild to be included, invoking the awakening stages of beautiful death; resonating with frozen lakes, dirty films we made and seven million pounds of sorrow disguised as drifting smoke that showed me the path out the final frame of reference.

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    Yimello,' said Bernard finally, breaking the silence. 'Gesundheit?' I asked. 'It's a name for one of the colors that's invisible to us. Yimello," said Bernard. "There could also be glowl and novaly and replitz." 'Yes.' I nodded, stunned the kid could actually string together so many words at once. 'And, uh, don't forget the beautiful grynn, the luminous dulloff, or the subtle winooze.' Bernard's face lit up. He stood and started pacing the room, speaking quickly. 'Or salty, and insomnia, and carefree, and talkative, and lonely, and burnt, and punctual.' 'Some of my favorite colors,' I agreed, nodding. 'We could paint this room whisper. Or zigzag. Or maybe a nice shade of ignored and invisible.

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    You hide it well, but I can see it, Lord Verniers. You hate us. We have beaten you to obedience but it's still there, like dry tinder waiting for a spark.

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    Adulthood isn't black and white - it's a thousand shades of grey. Or taupe. It's not who you are, it's where you are.

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    A life without rain is like the sun without shade.

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    A diamond cannot be polished without friction, nor a person perfected without trials. Someone is enjoying shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.

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    A garden is to be a world unto itself, it had better make room for the darker shades of feeling as well as the sunny ones.

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    All the dead bolts, pulled shades and hidden knives in the world couldn't protect you from the truth.

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    And if sun comes / How shall we greet him? / Shall we not dread him, / Shall we not fear him / After so lengthy a / Session with shade?

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    And shade the violets, That they may bind the moss in leafy nets.

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    And the Lord God prepared a plant and made it come up over Jonah, that it might be shade for his head to deliver him from his misery. So Jonah was very grateful for the plant.

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    and when they pulled her from the wreck, you know, she still had on her shades

    • shade quotes
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    And what is friendship but a name, A charm that lulls to sleep, A shade that follows wealth or fame, And leaves the wretch to weep?

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    Annihilating all that's made, To a green thought in a green shade.

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    A parallel between color and music can only be relative – just as a violin can give warm shades of tone, so yellow has shades, which can be expressed by various instruments.

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    Aquamarine is an airy blue with a dreamy feel. Cool and calming, ethereal Aquamarine is a shade with a wet and watery feel. Open and expansive, this restful blue also acts as a stress reducer.

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    A single gentle rain makes the grass many shades greener. So our prospects brighten on the influx of better thoughts. We should be blessed if we lived in the present always, and took advantage of every accident that befell us.

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    A single gentle rain makes the grass many shades greener.

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    As it fell upon a day In the merry month of May, Sitting in a pleasant shade Which a grove of myrtles made.

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    Astrology is a sickness, not a science ... It is a tree under the shade of which all sorts of superstitions thrive.

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    At least you used to know 'there's the villain, there's the good guy', but today there are more shades of grey.

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    A whole lifetime was too short to bring out, the full flavour; to extract every ounce of pleasure, every shade of meaning.

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    Be like a tree. The tree gives shade even to him who cuts off its boughs.

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    beyond this place of wrath and tears looms but the horror of the shade

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    Be your strong and simple words Keen to wound as sharpened swords, And wide as targes let them be, With their shade to cover ye.

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    Bion used to say that the way to the shades below was easy; he could go there with his eyes shut.

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    But see, the shepherds shun the noonday heat, The lowing herds to murmuring brooks retreat, To closer shades the panting flocks remove; Ye gods! And is there no relief for love?

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    Cabbage soup and barley. They're Russia's national food. Both excellent in their way, but a shade monotonous.

    • shade quotes
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    Calum offered to paint my nails but I said no because he always uses the wrong shade of purple.

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    Cedar, and pine, and fir, and branching palm, A sylvan scene, and as the ranks ascend Shade above shade, a woody theatre Of stateliest view.

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    Certain shades of limelight wreck a girl's complexion.

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    He that will enjoy the brightness of sunshine, must quit the coolness of the shade.

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    Embrace an effortless a-line silhouette in the seasons must have indigo shades.

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    Economic problems have no sharp edges. They shade off imperceptibly into politics, sociology, and ethics. Indeed, it is hardly an exaggeration to say that the ultimate answer to every economic problem lies in some other field.

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    February is the uncertain month, neither black nor white but all shades between by turns. Nothing is sure.

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    Good and bad; shade and sunlight, there's but a hair's breath between them. It's all one in the end.

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    Horror Hotel, as wraith called Shade's house. "Vampires, demons, and werewolves check in... and then they make out, and-

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    If doubtful whether to end with "yours faithfully," or "yours truly," or "yours most truly," &c. (there are at least a dozen varieties, before you reach "yours affectionately"), refer to your correspondent's last letter, and make your winding-up at least as friendly as his: in fact, even if a shade more friendly, it will do no harm!

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    If anything she was a shade too plump, but she knew the ninety-seven ways of making love that the Hindus are supposed to set much store by―though mind you, it is all nonsense, for the seventy-fourth position turns out to be the same as the seventy-third, but with your fingers crossed.

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    If conversation be an art, like painting, sculpture, and literature, it owes its most power charm to nature; and the least shade of formality or artifice destroys the effect of the best collection of words.

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    I do not sleep to let others sleep in the shade of my waking.

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    I gave him a smile. I was aiming for sweet, but he turned a shade paler and scooted a bit farther from me. Note to self: work more on sweet and less on psycho-killer.