Best 24 quotes in «lonesome quotes» category

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    A writer out of loneliness is trying to communicate like a distant star sending signals. He isn't telling, or teaching, or ordering. Rather, he seeks to establish a relationship with meaning, of feeling, of observing. We are lonesome animals. We spend all our live trying to be less lonesome. And one of our ancient methods is to tell a story, begging the listener to say, and to feel, "Yes, that's the way it is, or at least that's the way I feel it. You're not as alone as you thought." To finish is sadness to a writer, a little death. He puts the last word down and it is done. But it isn't really done. The story goes on and leaves the writer behind, for no story is ever done.

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    He laid there realizing how thoroughly he'd removed himself from the world or obligations, how stupidly independent he'd become: he needed no one, knew no one, was not a part of anyone's life. He'd so thoroughly removed himself from the world of dependencies and obligations, he wasn't sure he still existed.

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    But as the years passed, he missed her more, not less, and his need for her became a cut that would not scar over, would not stop leaking.

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    Like one, that on a lonesome road Doth walk in fear and dread, And having once turned round walks on, And turns no more his head; Because he knows, a frightful fiend Doth close behind him tread.

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    If you get lonesome enough, Carrie knew, you’ll even call the police.

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    Lonesome tears I can't cry them anymore I can't think of what they're for Oh they ruin me every time But I'll try to leave behind some days These tears just can't erase I don't need them anymore How could this love Ever turning Never turn its eye on me How could this love Ever changing Never change the way I feel Lazy sun your eyes catch the light With the promises that might Come true for awhile Oh I'll ride farther than I should Harder than I could Just to meet you there How could this love Ever turning Never turn its eye on me How could this love Ever changing Never change the way I feel

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    Never wanna leave my Justice, my home. So I bring her with me, my baby Lonesome. Don't matter, Justice is always there, Always right there, no matter where I go. My baby Lonesome, Makin' it so I'm never missin' home.

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    To an optimist loneliness is freedom, to all others it is prison.

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    It's a terrible thing to be lonesome, especially in the middle of a crowd.

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    How I wish I was like the water, Flowing so freely with every drop Let my every emotion wonder, No need to start, nor even stop How I wish I was like the fire, Burning with every flame up Leaving a trace of hot desire As a Phoenix raises its' wings up How I wish I was like the earth, Raising each flower from the ground Seeing the beauty of death and birth And then returning to the ground How I wish I was like the wind, Hearing each whisper, sound and thought A lonesome and wandering little wind, Shattering all that has been sought Oh, how I wish I was where you are, Not separated by empty space, so far It seems like we're galaxies apart, But we find hope within our heart And how I wish I was all of the above, So I can come below and yet forget, The beauty of angels which come down like a dove And demons who love with no regret.

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    If I exist, then surely there must be someone else out there like me.

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    To love others you've got to love yourself, but I love myself too much I've got no place for others.

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    A dog pours a pitcher of love into the lonesome spots of your life.

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    ... as lonesome as a kitten in a wash-house copper with the lid on.

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    Pornography exists for the lonesome, the ugly, the fearful - it's made for the losers.

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    On being asked what condition of man he considered the most pitiable: A lonesome man on a rainy day who does not know how to read.

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    Look down - look down that lonesome road Before you travel on

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    Only the rich are lonesome.

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    The older the violin, the sweeter the music.

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    We're a terribly lonesome society. For all I know, all societies are. You can make a few new friends, that's all. You can't change history. History is happening to us now.

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    The person who deserves most pity is a lonesome one on a rainy day who doesn't know how to read.

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    The moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to.

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    Adam Parrish was lonesome. There is no good word for the opposite of lonesome. One might be tempted to suggest togetherness or contentment, but the fact that these two other words bear definitions unrelated to each other perfectly displays why lonesome cannot be properly mirrored. It does not mean solitude, nor alone, nor lonely, although lonesome can contain all of those words in itself. Lonesome means a state of being apart. Of being other. Alone-some. Adam was not always alone, but he was always lonesome. Even in a group, he was slowly perfecting the skill of holding himself separate. It was easier than one might expect; the others allowed him to do it. He knew he was different since aligning himself more tightly with the ley line this summer. He was himself, but more powerful. Himself, but less human. If he were them, he would silently watch him draw away, too. It was better this way. He had not fought with anyone for so long. He had not been angry for weeks.

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    A lonely night is more profound then lonesome nights.