Best 110 quotes in «harry potter quotes» category

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    Aber glaubt mir, dass man Glück und Zuversicht selbst in Zeiten der Dunkelheit zu finden vermag. Man darf bloß nicht vergessen ein Licht leuchten zu lassen.

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    Activities will include, pretending to help in the kitchen, watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, and saying you're so full you're gonna throw up and then waiting ten minutes and getting more pie. Once the sun has been down for a couple of hours the Christmas season is technically upon us, so it's time for the first Harry Potter marathon of the year. Starting with film number three, because obviously, and ending with film five when the filthy casuals are allowed to go home. The hardcores can sleep at my place and in the morning we'll finish six, seven, and seven but where stuff happens. Pumpkin pie for breakfast.

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    What? I'm not ashamed to admit that random things remind me of Harry Potter.

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    Are you okay?" she heard someone - Levi? - ask "Hey... are you crying?" Cath ran her fingers along the cover, over the raised gold type. Then someone else ran right into her, pushing the book into Cath's chest. Pushing two books into her chest. Cath looked up just as Wren threw an arm around her. "They're both crying," Cath heard Reagan say. "I can't even watch." Cath freed an arm to wrap around her sister. "I can't believe it's really over," she whispered. Wren held her tight and shook her head. She really was crying, too. "Don't be so melodramatic, Cath," Wren laughed hoarsely. "It's never over... It's Simon.

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    All I want to do is be at Hogwarts with you, eating turkey legs in the great hall while listening to the carols of the ghosts gliding past us. Then maybe we can go to Hogsmeade to get a butterbeer.

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    ¡Bienvenidos!-dijo-.¡Bienvenidos a un año nuevo en Hogwarts! Antes de comenzar nuestro banquete, quiero deciros unas pocas palabras. Y aquí están, ¡Papanatas! ¡Llorones! ¡Baratijas! ¡Pellizco!...¡Muchas gracias!

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    All my shoes somehow magically disappeared. But I'm not concerned. They'll show up sometime - even when you least expect it.

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    Am I a professor? Goodness. I expect I was hopeless, was I?

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    And that was when I saw what Cassidy had done to herself: the gold and red ribbing on her sweater-vest, the matching stripes on her tie, the gray uniform skirt, and the navy blazer draped over her arm... "Is that a Gryffindor tie?" I asked. "And an official Harry Potter Merchandise sweater-vest," she confirmed smugly.

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    Calumny... gives [Harry] a spiritual purity in the sense that it scours away any outward show, any wish to live by the impression he makes on others. It gives him a lonely independence, so that he is able to act from his own depth. As he goes on to fulfill "his true destiny", which as far as he knows is his death, he is able to walk, hidden from view, past the woman he loves, without speaking, without looking back. This ability to act alone contrasts him with Voldemort, who needs others. That need is apparent in Voldemort's possession of Quirrell. Voldemort's shallowness is apparent in the way Pettigrew has to do his work for him and then has to carry him to his rebirthing. Above all, it is in his need to be encircled by Death Eaters. Yet Voldemort is not truly in relationship with any of these people. He is connected to them only by magic, manipulation and threats. To be truly in relation with others, he would need, like Harry, to be capable of acting from his own depth. He would need to be able to act WITHOUT them. Voldemort, who wants to be independent, cannot truly act alone. ... Voldemort lives outwardly, in his domination of others; Harry lives inwardly, in the purity of his own being.

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    Before the boy who lived, there was another story. One of a monster inside of a man. One of a hero inside of a child. One of a traitor inside of a friend. And one of an angel inside of a demon.

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    Dumbledore's plan works well in giving Harry protection from the external danger of Voldemort. The plan also gives him an ordinary life. This ordinary life is a protection from the spiritual danger of pride, while being an aid to humility. Voldemort does not escape this danger. He has contempt for anything that makes him ordinary, such as his name Tom. He wants to be "different, separate, notorious." Harry, on the other hand, never tries to avoid his name, although the Dursleys think it a "nasty common name." He interiorises the value of being ordinary. ... singularity [is] the vice that is the opposite of accepting one's ordinariness.

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    DUMBLEDORE: [...] To suffer is as human as to breathe. HARRY: You said that to me once before. DUMBLEDORE: It is all I have to offer you tonight.

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    From the computer screen you learn and have fun with games, but in a world to show you truly are you have to show your potents. The rustling books of pages to be read is a fabulous thing but if you don't like books it becomes truely horrible.

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    Getting smacked in the face with a Harry Potter book does not qualify as a fight," Charlie says. "First of all, it wasn't just any Harry Potter book. It was Order of the Phoenix." Matt gasps. He knows that Order of the Phoenix is the longest and most potentially dangerous of all the Harry Potter books when used as a weapon.

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    Harry Potter: I know this witch with no nose. Voldermort: With no nose? How does he smell? Harry Potter: Terrible!

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    If not for the courage and fortitude of a select few heroes during these eras, the great tides of darkness may have swallowed everything.

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    I furrowed my brows at him. What was so amazing about a stick? I could pick one up outside on the way to the car. “Let me guess, you’re Harry Potter and this is the school of Hogwarts. If I say Lumos will it light up?

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    It sounded like something you Brits would say." "Someday, I'd love to hear what you imagine my people are like." "Stiff. Formal. Everyone's a time traveler, a wizard, or works for MI6." She placed her plate on the table, pretending not to notice the legs wobbling a little at the weight. "That's not quite right. Only some of us are wizards. The rest are Muggles.

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    La verdad. Es una cosa terrible y hermosa, y por lo tanto debe ser tratada con gran cuidado.

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    La fuerza de tus convicciones determina tu éxito, no tu número de seguidores.

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    Magic isn't done; it's only just begun!

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    Christian allegories are a dime a dozen. You can find them in any story, if you look hard enough. Even Harry Potter.

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    De Harry Potter aprendí que una cicatriz es la evidencia de que fuiste mucho más fuerte que aquello que quiso acabar contigo.

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    Der Schmerz, den wir alle über diesen Verlust empfinden, erinnert mich, erinnert uns, daran, dass, obgleich wir von verschiedenen Orten kommen und verschiedene Sprachen sprechen, unsere Herzen gemeinsam schlagen. Im Licht der jüngsten Ereignisse sind die Bande der Freundschaft, die wir geknüpft haben, wichtiger denn je. Beherzigt das. Und Cedric Diggory wird nicht vergeblich gestorben sein. Beherzigt das.

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    Dobby never meant to kill. Dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure.

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    DUMBLEDORE: No. I was protecting you. I did not want to hurt you . . . DUMBLEDORE attempts to reach out of the portrait — but he can’t. He begins to cry but tries to hide it.But I had to meet you in the end . . . eleven years old, and you were so brave. So good. You walked uncomplainingly along the path that had been laid at your feet. Of course I loved you . . . and I knew that it would happen all over again . . . that where I loved, I would cause irreparable damage. I am no fit person to love . . . I have never loved without causing harm. A beat. HARRY: You would have hurt me less if you had told me this then. DUMBLEDORE (openly weeping now): I was blind. That is what love does. I couldn’t see that you needed to hear that this closed-up, tricky, dangerous old man . . . loved you. A pause. The two men are overcome with emotion. HARRY: It isn’t true that I never complained. DUMBLEDORE: Harry, there is never a perfect answer in this messy, emotional world. Perfection is beyond the reach of humankind, beyond the reach of magic. In every shining moment of happiness is that drop of poison: the knowledge that pain will come again. Be honest to those you love, show your pain. To suffer is as human as to breathe.

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    DUMBLEDORE: You ask me, of all people, how to protect a boy in terrible danger? We cannot protect the young from harm. Pain must and will come. HARRY: So I’m supposed to stand and watch? DUMBLEDORE: No. You’re supposed to teach him how to meet life.

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    Ending up with that gigantic outsized brain must have taken some sort of runaway evolutionary process, something that would push and push without limits. And today's scientists had a pretty good guess at what that runaway evolutionary process had been. Harry had once read a famous book called Chimpanzee Politics. The book had described how an adult chimpanzee named Luit had confronted the aging alpha, Yeroen, with the help of a young, recently matured chimpanzee named Nikkie. Nikkie had not intervened directly in the fights between Luit and Yeroen, but had prevented Yeroen's other supporters in the tribe from coming to his aid, distracting them whenever a confrontation developed between Luit and Yeroen. And in time Luit had won, and become the new alpha, with Nikkie as the second most powerful... ...though it hadn't taken very long after that for Nikkie to form an alliance with the defeated Yeroen, overthrow Luit, and become the new new alpha. It really made you appreciate what millions of years of hominids trying to outwit each other - an evolutionary arms race without limit - had led to in the way of increased mental capacity. 'Cause, y'know, a human would have totally seen that one coming.

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    Es sind nicht unsere Fähigkeiten, die zeigen, wer wir wirklich sind, sondern unsere Entscheidungen.

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    GINNY: After I came out of hospital — everyone ignored me, shut me out — other than, that is, the boy who had everything — who came across the Gryffindor common room and challenged me to a game of Exploding Snap. People think they know all there is to know about you, but the best bits of you are — have always been — heroic in really quiet ways. My point is — after this is over, just remember if you could that sometimes people — but particularly children — just want someone to play Exploding Snap with.

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    HARRY: “The truth is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution.” (GINNY looks at him, surprised.) Dumbledore. GINNY: A strange thing to say to a child. HARRY: Not when you believe that child will have to die to save the world.

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    Honestly, don't you two read?

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    Hufflepuffs are particularly good finders!

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    Ich habe den Premierminister der Muggel unterrichtet, und er lässt eine Vermisstenmeldung twittern. Klingt wie ein Zauber. Ist es aber nicht.

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    If your hogs have warts, call us. Hogwarts Wart Removal. 555-HOGWARTS

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    I had become Harry Potter. Except I was thirteen and not magic, and my destiny, whatever it was, held no profound purpose.

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    I have a theory that the world is broken up into two kinds of people." "Yeah?" "Yep. On the one side are the people who love the Harry Pottery books and wish that they could attend Hogwarts and have Ron and Hermione for best friends and vanquish Death Eaters and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named." She's smiling at me, and she's just so fucking cute. I have to ask: "And the other side?" Aimee shrugs. "Douchebags.

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    I imagine headaches as dementors attacking on my brain to resurrect haunting weird memories.

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    I kind of want to see Mara Crucio their asses.

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    I like the idea of Warrior Flitwick running to save the day by screaming, "Let's do some charm harm, my snitches!

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    i'm going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed or worse expelled

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    In the words of Mr Thierry Coup of Warner Bros: 'We are taking the most iconic and powerful moments of the stories and putting them in an immersive environment. It is taking the theme park experience to a new level.' And of course I wish Thierry and his colleagues every possible luck, and I am sure it will be wonderful. But I cannot conceal my feelings; and the more I think of those millions of beaming kids waving their wands and scampering the Styrofoam turrets of Hogwartse_STmk, and the more I think of those millions of poor put-upon parents who must now pay to fly to Orlando and pay to buy wizard hats and wizard cloaks and wizard burgers washed down with wizard meade_STmk, the more I grind my teeth in jealous irritation. Because the fact is that Harry Potter is not American. He is British. Where is Diagon Alley, where they buy wands and stuff? It is in London, and if you want to get into the Ministry of Magic you disappear down a London telephone box. The train for Hogwarts goes from King's Cross, not Grand Central Station, and what is Harry Potter all about? It is about the ritual and intrigue and dorm-feast excitement of a British boarding school of a kind that you just don't find in America. Hogwarts is a place where children occasionally get cross with each other—not 'mad'—and where the situation is usually saved by a good old British sense of HUMOUR. WITH A U. RIGHT? NOT HUMOR. GOTTIT?

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    I only want power so I can get books.

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    I read a lot of books. It's such a cliché, I know, the lonely kid and her books, but the day my brother walked into my room and chucked a copy of Harry Potter at my head and said, "I won this at school, looks like something you'd enjoy," was one of the best days of my life.

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    I see that you, like many before you. The happiest person on earth would look in the mirror and see only himself exactly as he is.

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    I shouldn't have survived - it was my destiny to die - even Dumbledore thought so - and yet i lived. I beat Voldemort. All these people - all these people - my parents, Fred, the Fallen Fifty - and it's me that gets to live? how is that? All this damage - and it's my fault.

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    Is my world turning into Harry Potter's?!

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    It's so Hogwarts.

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