Best 65 quotes in «things happen quotes» category

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    And when you pray to God regularly, irregular things happen on a regular basis.

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    All things happen for a purpose.

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    An entrepreneur isn't someone who owns a business, it's someone who makes things happen.

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    Affirmations don't make something happen; they make something welcome.

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    All life connects ... Nothing happens that is meaningless.

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    Deplorable mania, when something happens, to inquire what.

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    Anything can happen.  Anything happens all the time.

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    Enthusiasm is the DNA of making things happen.

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    Everything happens for a reason, but they all lessons.

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    Good things happen when you meet strangers.

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    Gertrude Stein was masterly in making nothing happen very slowly

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    Good things happen when you narrow your focus.

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    Funniest thing happened though, you wouldn't believe it, ha, the mannequins came to life. I went insane.

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    I don't like movies where everything happens fast. I like the buildup, the obstacles, the mystery.

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    Great things happen nationally when topmost leadership is goaded and supported from below.

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    I detest that saying Everything happens for a reason; its nonsense.

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    Great things happen when you have the courage to be yourself

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    I have a lot of wonderful things happening in my life.

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    I'm all about what happens organically. If something happens, it was meant to happen.

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    I love to make things happen, I love to see things happen, I love to be a part of things that are happening.

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    I have a new theory of history, which is certain things happen because they seem like a good idea at the time. And suburbia seemed like a good idea at the time, but it was a special time and place in history, with special dynamics. And now, we're going to have to live with the consequences of that. And the consequences will be tragic.

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    I like to dream, but I like to make things happen.

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    Let us not wonder if something happens which never was before, or if something doth not appear among us with which the ancients were acquainted.

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    I'm obsessed by film. I'm obsessed with music and producing and making things happen.

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    I'm impatient. I get twitchy. When I get that feeling I just go out and make something happen.

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    In radio, they say, nothing happens until the announcer says it happens.

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    I really think everything happens for a reason.

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    it's been my experience that while impossible things happen frequently, improbable ones never do.

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    Nothing happens until I make it happen.

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    Nothing happens until you decide.

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    My biggest weakness is patience, wanting to see things happen too quickly or get changes in place right away. Not having the patience to let things develop.

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    Start before you’re ready. Good things happen when we start before we’re ready.

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    Only in the present do things happen.

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    Play in curiosity is where everything happens.

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    Poetry makes nothing happen. It survives in the valley of its saying.

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    Sometimes, in life, nothing happens. But, sometimes, nothing happens beautifully.

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    Sometimes things happen that you never thought would. Sometimes you're just blessed

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    That show, The Sopranos put HBO on the map. So there I was - and then there I wasn't. Too bad. The same thing happened to me on Prison Break: I got the role of the governor on that, and then a handful of episodes later, I hanged myself.

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    They say things happen for a reason You don't do them, they won't.

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    The life in which nothing happens goes the fastest, because it has no landmarks.

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    There is a time to let things happen and a time to make things happen.

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    The more he became truly wise, the more he distrusted everything he knew.

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    There's a satisfaction in seeing something happen over time.

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    Things happen for a reason. We'll see where life takes me from here.

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    Things happen and you live and you learn.

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    Things happen for a reason, and in their own time.

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    Things happen in everyday life that make you consider living your life just every other day.

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    Things happen once only and are never repeated, never return. Except in memory.

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    We go through our careers and things happen to us. Those experiences made me what I am.

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    You have a movie and it proves itself and then certain things happen.

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