Best 100 quotes in «chasing quotes» category

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    Chasing money to please society.

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    Chasing the external to achieve joy is a death-trap for personal-development.

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    Don't waste your time chasing things that will never be beneficial to your future.

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    i want to swim in a lake because it's what i'm most afraid of. slime and murk on the bottom. you push me into the lake and at first i am upset but then i get it.

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    Happiness doesn't have to be merely has to be chosen.

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    His booted feet pounded out an insane, frantic rhythm underneath him as he raced into the cavern across from Baba Yaga’s den at a dead sprint. Pieces of dragon dung flew off him and hit the ground behind him in miniature chunks. He didn’t dare look behind him to see if the dragon had risen from the ground yet, but the deafening hiss that assaulted his ears meant she’d woken up. Icy claws of fear squeezed his heart with every breath as he ran, relying on the night vision goggles, the glimpse he’d gotten of the map, and his own instincts to figure out where to go. Jack raced around one corner too sharply and slipped on a piece of dung, crashing hard on his right side. He gasped as it knocked the wind out of him and gritted his teeth, his mind screaming at him to get up and run, run, run. He pushed onto his knees, nursing what felt like bruised ribs and a sprained wrist, and then paled as an unmistakable sensation traveled up the arm he’d used to push himself up. Impact tremors. Boom. Boom. Boom, boom, boom. Baba Yaga was coming. Baba Yaga was hunting him. Jack forced himself up onto his feet again, stumbling backwards and fumbling for the tracker. He got it switched on to see an ominous blob approaching from the right. He’d gotten a good lead on her—maybe a few hundred yards—but he had no way of knowing if he’d eventually run into a dead end. He couldn’t hide down here forever. He needed to get topside to join the others so they could take her down. Jack blocked out the rising crescendo of Baba Yaga’s hissing and pictured the map again. A mile up to the right had a man-made exit that spilled back up to the forest. The only problem was that it was a long passage. If Baba Yaga followed, there was a good chance she could catch up and roast him like a marshmallow. He could try to lose her in the twists and turns of the cave system, but there was a good chance he’d get lost, and Baba Yaga’s superior senses meant it would only be a matter of time before she found him. It came back to the most basic survival tactics: run or hide. Jack switched off the tracker and stuck it in his pocket, his voice ragged and shaking, but solid. “You aren’t about to die in this forest, Jackson. Move your ass.” He barreled forward into the passageway to the right in the wake of Baba Yaga’s ominous, bubbling warning, barely suppressing a groan as a spike of pain lanced through his chest from his bruised ribs. The adrenaline would only hold for so long. He could make it about halfway there before it ran out. Cold sweat plastered the mask to his face and ran down into his eyes. The tunnel stretched onward forever before him. No sunlight in sight. Had he been wrong? Jack ripped off the hood and cold air slapped his face, making his eyes water. He held his hands out to make sure he wouldn’t bounce off one of the cavern walls and squinted up ahead as he turned the corner into the straightaway. There, faintly, he could see the pale glow of the exit. Gasping for air, he collapsed against one wall and tried to catch his breath before the final marathon. He had to have put some amount of distance between himself and the dragon by now. “Who knows?” Jack panted. “Maybe she got annoyed and turned around.” An earth-shattering roar rocked the very walls of the cavern. Jack paled. Boom, boom, boom, boom! Boom, boom, boom, boomboomboomboom— Mother of God. The dragon had broken into a run. Jack shoved himself away from the wall, lowered his head, and ran as fast as his legs would carry him.

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    I had a dream that I would be successful and happy in life…I woke up running out of breath, because I’ve been chasing this dream for quite a while now.

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    I spent the day running through the woods like a wild animal. Being chased by you is the only thing that would have made it more romantic.

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    It is in fact not our dream that makes us happy, but chasing that dream!

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    I was chasing a job title only to find my life had no balance.

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    I was stubborn and refused to chase, I threw my ego away and chased; it does not matter. Some people are just not meant to be.

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    My dreams are not always with me. They can leave anytime, but I am the one who keeps on chasing them.

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    My eyes closed, hands open, Take it, take it. Then, every day wasted chasing it.

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    Insanity runs in my family, but somehow we've always managed to track it down and catch it again.

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    Rolling flat onto his back, Drake shuddered. Then he inhaled deeply. He stared up at the night sky. "We're going to win," he said, his voice calmer, less strained. "This is nothing. Keep going. They can't stop us. Jason, give Rachel the necklace. Tell her . . . tell her I'm sorry. Tell her . . . I wanted . . . to show her . . . my little valley. Tell her I tried." His voice was growing weak. Farfalee smoothed a hand over his brow. "Shhh," she whispered. "Be still, Drake. You can rest now. You did it. Rest. We'll take it from here." "Failie," he whispered, his hand twitching toward the back of his neck with little jerks. "Where's my seed?" His head tipped sideways. The breath went out of him.

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    The closer you get to excellence in your life, the more friends you’ll lose. People love you when you are average, because it makes them comfortable. But when you pursue greatness, it makes people uncomfortable. Be prepared to lose some people on your journey.

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    seeking a place to rest my head without shame seeking a father who never worried about me seeking a mother whose body never hurt seeking the piano that could play itself seeking a person who wants to meet me on a train seeking a person who knows where estonia is seeking my sense of self i never found–seeking an end to all of this.

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    The house was safe again, although a little bit more untidy, but at least Vluffy didn’t have to worry about big nasty two headed roaches chasing him down the hall anymore.

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    Stop chasing society’s definition of success and chase your own definition of success. Success is an emotion that is experienced when you are completely fulfilled and content with where you are in life; it has nothing to do with a specific job, a specific amount of money in your bank account, or the quality of material possessions you acquire. You can be the richest man in the world, but still, feel unsuccessful, and you can be the poorest man in the world, but still, feel extremely successful.

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    the first year on your own is better than the others then it's calculating bank accounts and it's the first of the month and rent is due and you sit and romanticize your childhood bedroom.

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    Stop chasing another busy self to become. Your real self is idle waiting to be lived... Go, take up your real self!

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    There are only a few things that are more entertaining than watching a cat trying to run across a freshly waxed wood floor after a ball.

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    The world’s crawling with stupid, innocent girls, and I’m just one of them, self-consciously chasing after dreams that will never come true.

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    Two things you will never have to chase: True friends & true love.

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    They're gone. I let them chase me. I led them like a sunbeam and vanished like a shadow.

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    What is life if you don't have a dream to chase?

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    ...what role do i play in my familial structure? the one who feels things and cries a lot.

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    By working to get away from your circumstance you can make something better of yourself, but there’s no guarantee... But you know what? The joy of it is chasing that dream.

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    Today was about chasing sun-rays, beach waves, & sunsets. All things beautiful that give you peace are worth chasing. Everything else isn't.

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    The love in your heart is greater than all the stars the sky could even hope to have. Hold onto that love, and it will take you higher than the stars themselves.

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    When your dream doesn't let you sleep even after 22 hours of waking up, it's worth chasing.

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    After a golfer has been out on the circuit for a while he learns how to handle his dating so that it doesn't interfere with his golf. The first rule usually is no woman-chasing after Wednesday.

    • chasing quotes
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    Any band that is out there chasing it is doing more destruction to music then someone who is out there playing what they truly feel.

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    Chasing meaning is better for your health than trying to avoid discomfort.

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    As the joke goes, you don’t have to be faster than the wolf chasing you, just faster than everyone else running away.

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    Chasing dragons with plastic swords, Jack Off Jimmy everybody wants more.

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    Chasing the sensation. Whether it was drugs or sex or whatever. Those things had become my main focus in life.

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    Creativity is like chasing chickens.

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    Don't lose a diamond while chasing glitter honey

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    Hang on to your dreams with everything you got. Because the best life is when your dreams come true. The second-best is when they don't but you never stop chasing them.

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    I always thought about carrying on training and working, chasing my dream.

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    If chasing cool is important to you, you're an idiot!

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    Every human being is searching for a deep sense of meaning, and yet we're all chasing success. We've confused one for the other.

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    If I listened to my instincts, I'd be down at the pub chasing women, not under a 400 pound bar squatting

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    If you are a Jedi, just understand something: people are going to be chasing you. The Jedi Council of every city you enter is going to be chasing you. I've been accosted by the Jedi Council in Rio and everywhere else.

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    If he's chasing the full restoration of his legacy, he's chasing something that he really can't get.

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    I'll always be chasing you... Glory.

    • chasing quotes
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    He's already chasing you. Now all you have to do is keep running. Just not too fast.

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    If you keep chasing your dreams, one day you'll catch them.

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    I'm still chasing girls. I don't remember what for, but I'm still chasing them.