Best 199 quotes in «grammar quotes» category

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    Boyhood is distracted for years with precepts of grammar that are infinitely prolix, perplexed and obscure.

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    english doesn't borrow from other languages. english follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.

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    Grammar is the grave of letters.

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    FYI: when you see a grammar nazi foaming at the mouth, you are watching someone with absolutely nothing of substance to say.

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    Grammar is not a set of rules; it is something inherent in the language, and language cannot exist without it. It can be discovered, but not invented.

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    Grammar Checker – A software program that is not needed by those who know grammar and virtually useless for those who don’t.

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    Ever since grammar school, I knew I wanted to be famous - I always wanted to be a singer.

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    Everything bows to success, even grammar.

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    Forget grammar and think about potatoes

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    Geometry is to the plastic arts what grammar is to the art of the writer.

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    Grammar school never taught me anything about grammar.

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    Grammar schools are public schools without the sodomy.

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    Grammar is not a set of arbitrary rules; it is a compact between people who wish to understand each other.

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    Grammar, which can govern even Kings.

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    Grammatici certant et adhuc sub iudice lis est. - Grammarians dispute, and the case it still before the courts.

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    I am not afraid of death threats, but I am appalled that so many people are capable of so much wrong spelling and fractured grammar!

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    He constructed a vast labyrinthine of periods, made impassable by the piling-up of clauses upon clauses-clauses in which oversight and bad grammar seemed manifestations of disdain.

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    photographs alter and enlarge our notions of what is worth looking at and what we have a right to observe. They are a grammar and, even more importantly, an ethics of seeing.

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    I never made a mistake in grammar but one in my life and as soon as I done it I seen it.

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    I really like grammar. And spelling. I was a spelling-bee kid. I'm hard-core about grammar.

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    I studied at a grammar school and later at the University of Vienna in the Faculty of Medicine.

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    people who understand grammar always have a keen sense of the ridiculous.

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    Plurality of languages: [...] It is crucial 1. that there are many languages and that they differ not only in vocabulary, but also in grammar, and so in mode of thought and 2. that all languages are learnable.

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    Proverbs, words, and grammar inflections convey the public sense with more purity and precision, than the wisest individual.

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    Statistics is the grammar of science.

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    I couldn't possibly have sex with someone with such a slender grasp on grammar!

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    I suppose you could switch grammars once you've seen 'use strict subs'.

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    It is possible to produce something that is grammatical either by chance or under the supervision of another. To be proficient in grammar, then, one must both produce what is grammatical and produce it grammatically, that is, in accord with knowledge of grammar in oneself.

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    I write in the most distressingly slow way in terms of punctuation and grammar.

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    Mr Robert Montgomery's genius [is] far too free and aspiring to be shackled by the rules of syntax? [His] readers must take such grammar as they can get and be thankful.

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    Not meddling with Divinity, Metaphysicks, Moralls, Politicks, Grammar, Rhetorick, or Logick.

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    Once the grammar has been learned, writing is simply talking on paper and in time learning what not to say.

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    Quite naturally, scholars assumed that Latin grammar was not merely Latin grammar, but that it was grammar itself. They borrowed it and made the most of it.

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    Social criticism begins with grammar and the re-establishing of meanings.

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    The grammar of a language is simply the way it combines smaller elements (such as words) into larger elements (such as sentences).

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    The Hindus have cultivated the power of analysis and abstraction. No nation has yet produced a grammar like that of Panini.

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    The rules of grammar are mere human statutes, which is why when he speaks out of the possessed the Devil himself speaks bad Latin.

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    There is a satisfactory boniness about grammar which the flesh of sheer vocabulary requires before it can become a vertebrate and walk the earth.

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    The rules of grammar exist in large part to permit readers and writers to operate from a shared set of expectations.

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    Those who think that metaphysics is just misunderstood grammar will react to my giving metaphysics some place or another in the system of knowledge.

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    The syntactic component of a grammar must specify, for each sentence, a deep structure that determines its semantic interpretationand a surface structure that determines its phonetic interpretation.

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    Speakers who have grown up in the American community unconsciously know its rules about taking turns in conversations-in the same way that they know the rules of grammar and the rules about appropriate speech in various situations.

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    Why are they going to disappear him?' I don't know.' It doesn't make sense. It isn't even good grammar.

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    We hurt most who we love the most. Bad grammar, painful truth.

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    When I split an infinitive, God damn it, I split it so it stays split.

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    Thou hast most traitorously corrupted the youth of the realm in erecting a grammar school.

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    Although I don't use it nearly so much anymore, I've decided, five years down the line, that Mr. Treadstone's verdict on 'kind of' was kind of unjust. Obviously, this phrase can be redundant or reductive, or just plain stupid in some sentences, but not in all sentences. I wouldn't, for example, use a sentence like 'Antarctica is kind of cold', or 'Hitler was kind of evil'. But sometimes, things aren't black and white. And sometimes 'kind of' expresses this better than any other phrase. For example, when I tell you that my mother was kind of peculiar, I can think of no better way of putting this.

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    Your grammar is a reflection of your image. Good or bad, you have made an impression. And like all impressions, you are in total control.

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    And the stains would never wash out. That's what Lukas was saying. She would always have hurt her father. Was that the way to phrase it? Always have had. It was immortal tense. A new rule of grammar.

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    A man's grammar, like Caesar's wife, should not only be pure, but above suspicion of impurity.

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