Best 72 quotes in «variety quotes» category

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    The central dynamism of Christianity, which rests precisely on a unity through variety.

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    The essential matrimonial facts: that to be happy you have to find variety in repetition; that to go forward you have to come back to where you begin.

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    The finest souls are those that have the most variety and suppleness.

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    The essence of beauty is unity in variety.

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    The most delightful pleasures cloy without variety.

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    The less someone knows about me, the better, because my intention is to play a variety of characters.

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    The joy of life is variety.

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    Variety is the spice of love.

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    These people are interested in a wide variety of music, and that's what we're into.

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    The word 'funny' is a bit like the word 'love' - we don't have enough words to describe the many varieties.

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    Variety is not everything! Viagra is!

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    Variety of uniformities makes complete beauty.

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    We learn nothing from history except the infinite variety of men's behaviour.

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    When you are doing work of value, people will support you in a variety of ways, not just money.

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    Anthropologist Victor Turner writes that we are most free to explore identity in places outside of our normal routines, places that are in some way "betwixt and between." Turner calls them liminal, from the Latin word for "threshold.

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    All canonical writing possesses the quality "of making you feel strangeness at home.

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    When you're training for jiu-jitsu, particularly if you're training for a competition, you have to be pretty prescribed in the variety of what you eat.

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    You know, it's always good to have a synonym just for variety.

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    At first glance, the main display case at Dicecca today looks like a selection you'll find in any cheese shop in Puglia: tubs of milky water covering hunks of mozzarella in its many guises; strings of swollen scamorze dangling from the ceiling, bronzed by their stopover in the cold smoker; small plastic containers of creamy ricotta ready to be stuffed or eaten straight with a spoon. But look closer and you'll see some unfamiliar faces staring back at you through the glass: a large bucket brimming with ricotta spiked with ribbons of blue cheese and toasted almonds, served by the scoop; a wooden serving board paved with melting slabs of goat cheese weaponized with a cloak of bright red chili flakes; a hulking wheel of pecorino, stained shamrock green by a puree of basil and spinach. These are the signs of a caseificio in the grips of an evolution, one that started more than a decade ago when the brothers took the reins from their parents and began to expand the definition of a small, family-run cheese shop.

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    Draft me brain;the lines to connect far world of wonders;lift me waves from the gloomy hours to imbue with my new Love.

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    Differences between nations, so long as they do not lead to hostility, are by no means to be deplored. Living for a time in a foreign country makes us aware of merits in which our own country is deficient, and this is true whichever country our own may be. The same thing holds of differences between different regions within one country, and of the differing types produced by different professions. Uniformity of character and uniformity of culture are to be regretted. Biological evolution has depended upon inborn differences between individuals or tribes, and cultural evolution depends upon acquired differences. When these disappear, there is no longer any material for selection. In the modern world, there is a real danger of too great similarity between one region and another in cultural respects. One of the best ways of minimising this evil is an increase in the autonomy of different groups.

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    But I don't doubt it will be essentially the same type of crime. The details may be different, but the essentials underlying them will be the same. It's odd, but a criminal gives himself away every time by that. Man is an unoriginal animal," said Hercule Poirot. "Women," said Mrs. Oliver, " are capable of infinite variation. I should never commit the same type of murder twice running." "Don't you ever write the same plot twice running?" asked Battle.

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    I know now that a writer cannot afford to give in to feelings of rage, disgust, or contempt. Did you answer someone in a temper? If so, you didn't hear him out and lost track of his system of opinions. You avoided someone out of disgust—and a completely unknown personality slipped out of your ken—precisely the type you would have needed someday. But, however tardily, I nonetheless caught myself and realized I had always devoted my time and attention to people who fascinated me and were pleasant, who engaged my sympathy, and that as a result I was seeing society like the Moon, always from one side.

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    Experience is not necessarily accumulated over the extent of time lived. In my opinion, it is accumulated over the degree and variety of activities a person has been involved in

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    I'd rather love the same woman for a hundred years than sleep with someone new every night.

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    Ihr glaubt, ihr seid dazu verpflichtet - ja, das wolln wir aber gar nicht - ja, das wolln wir aber gar nicht! Auch ohne Liebe sind wir manchmal glücklich und froh - es geht auch ohne das - es geht auch so! Es geht auch ohne das - es geht auch so!

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    Each time Vesuvius erupted, it covered its slopes with a deep layer of a remarkable natural fertilizer called potash, and as a result the mountain supported dozens of species of fruit and vegetables which grew nowhere else in all Italy, a culinary advantage which more than compensated for the area's occasional dangers. In the case of apricots, the varieties included the firm-fleshed Cafona, the juicy Palummella, the bittersweet Boccuccia liscia, the peachlike Pellecchiella and the spiky-skinned but incomparably succulent Spinosa.

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    It is not only the viability and variety of the seed that makes the harvest look plumpy. Sometimes, the soil must value the value of the seed. When the soil is not supportive, the seed's value becomes a waste!

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    The modern mind is forced towards the future by a certain sense of fatigue, not unmixed with terror, with which it regards the past. It is propelled towards the coming time; it is, in the exact words of the popular phrase, knocked into the middle of next week. And the goad which drives it on thus eagerly is not an affectation for futurity Futurity does not exist, because it is still future. Rather it is a fear of the past; a fear not merely of the evil in the past, but of the good in the past also. The brain breaks down under the unbearable virtue of mankind. There have been so many flaming faiths that we cannot hold; so many harsh heroisms that we cannot imitate; so many great efforts of monumental building or of military glory which seem to us at once sublime and pathetic. The future is a refuge from the fierce competition of our forefathers. The older generation, not the younger, is knocking at our door. It is agreeable to escape, as Henley said, into the Street of By-and-Bye, where stands the Hostelry of Never. It is pleasant to play with children, especially unborn children. The future is a blank wall on which every man can write his own name as large as he likes; the past I find already covered with illegible scribbles, such as Plato, Isaiah, Shakespeare, Michael Angelo, Napoleon. I can make the future as narrow as myself; the past is obliged to be as broad and turbulent as humanity. And the upshot of this modern attitude is really this: that men invent new ideals because they dare not attempt old ideals. They look forward with enthusiasm, because they are afraid to look back.

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    It would be difficult to define the limits of his reading.

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    Nature repeats herself more than one would imagine. The sea has infinitely more variety.

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    Notice, when looking at quotes of each person - you'll never agree with every single quote of anybody's. We all have a different view of reality, of what is meaningful. This is why we can never argue, or there would be no man left alive - we have to agree to disagree, and just get on with it maybe laugh a little too. It's wonderful really - delightful - the infinte variety of wisdom and beauty! Let's accept it gladly

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    Routine ruins the life, variety vitalise the life.

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    The more you get set into your own world, the smaller your world becomes.

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    Nature is as uniform as variant.

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    No matter where you float in the sea of love, it is important to see all the love around you. The universe is brimming and swimming with all shapes, colors and sizes of love - A beautiful coral reef of variety that's yours for the sharing. An open heart is seldom lonely.

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    Number of empty Ben & Jerry's containers: 3 -- two mint chocolate cookie, one plain vanilla. (Who buys plain vanilla ice cream from Ben & Jerry's, anyway? Is there a greater waste?)

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    Our differences will also show up from time to time, underscoring the uniqueness of our personal endowments, the variety of our experiences, and the creativity of our sovereign God.

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    The great cheeses of Europe were born during the Middle Ages- Cheddar in southern England in the twelfth century, Gouda in the Netherlands not long after; Parmigiano-Reggiano, the king of Italian cheeses, emerged as a staple of the cuisine of Emilia in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. From there, cheese began its inexorable march toward diversification, from sharp, funky blue cheeses aged in caves to unpasteurized triple creams to tangy pucks of goat cheese rolled in lavender and fennel pollen. By some estimates, more than four thousand varieties of cheeses are produced today- a thousand in France alone- made from a dozen different kinds of milk: cow, sheep, yak, reindeer, even human.

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    They tell us variety is the spice of life - and yet diversity terrifies them.

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    Variety in your diet is health in your life.

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    Trees emit a wide variety of electromagentic radiation and it is regarded as healthy to live in a natural area that is surrounded by trees due to these beneficial emissions to human health.

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    Variety may be the spice of life, but consistency pays the bills.

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    Variety's the very spice of life, that gives it all it's flavour.

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    Variety is precious when it expresses nature more richly by developing various aspects of it; but the variety that consists in producing cripples and abortions instead of normal human beings has nothing to commend it to the lover of mankind.

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    Where's your common sense? None of those books agree with each other. You've been locked up here for years with a regular damned Tower of Babel. Snap out of it! The people in those books never lived. Come on now!

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    We are not looking for endless variety--we are looking for fashion." February 10, 1967, Memo re HAIR ON SITTINGS

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    We routinely worked with a variety of solvents at very high altitude atop Mauna Kea in Hawaii.

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    Welcome to Planet Earth, the destination of fragmented wisdom.

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    Being alive, if you had to define it, meant emitting a variety of smells.