Best 254 quotes in «my friends quotes» category

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    All you need to do to be my friend is like me.

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    And he was my friend. Not that he wouldn't kill me if things turned out that way, but he wouldn't like doing it. With humans, what more could you ask for a friend?

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    A miracle, my friend, is an event which creates faith.

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    And like the old stereotype, I overcame my shyness by making my friends laugh.

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    Applaud my friends, the comedy is over... [on his death bed]

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    Anyone who bombs is my friend.

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    A lot of the guys that I date and my friends are all in bands.

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    Because, life's too short, my friends. Let's squeeze in as many laughs as we can get.

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    As many of you know I travel a good bit and do not get to see my friends and family as much as I would like.

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    Become my friend and you embrace a nightmare.

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    Boldness be my friend.

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    But one man never laughed. He was a giant among men. He was Bobby Darin and he was my friend.

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    Because I have no actual sisters, it is my friends from Ames who’ve exposed me to every facet of womanhood.

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    Beneath the skin, beyond the differing features and into the true heart of being, fundamentally, we are more alike, my friend, than we are unalike.

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    ...but my friends call me Edmund Dantes.

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    Do not despair, my friend. Today is theirs, but the future is ours

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    But what have I, but what have I, my friend, To give you, what can you receive from me? Only the friendship and the sympathy Of one about to reach her journey's end.

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    Devil's Food?" You can only eat so much white cake, my friend.

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    Dreams have always been my friend, full of information, full of warnings.

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    Faint heart never won true friend. O my friend, may it come to pass, once, that when you are my friend I may be yours.

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    Everything I write is based on something I've personally experienced, or things that my friends have experienced that I just find horribly entertaining.

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    Everything I've experienced, things that my friends have experienced and we talk about, things that are on the news - all aspects of life are in my message.

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    Fake relationships and fake people coming up to me and all of a sudden wanting to be my friend.

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    Food is my friend and consistency is the key.

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    For the most part my friends can always be more entertaining than the tube ever can be.

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    Farewell my friends, I go to glory.

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    First listen, my friend, and then you may shriek and bluster.

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    Happy painting and God Bless, my friend.

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    Having a talent is not enough: one must also have your permission to have it--right, my friends?

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    God guard me from my friends, for I shall guard myself from my enemies.

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    I became a people-watcher when I lost all my friends when I was 12.

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    hi I hope u want to be my friends

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    I always keep my temper with my enemies, and that inclines me to lose it with my friends.

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    I am indeed honored to call him my friend.

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    I am wealthy in my friends.

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    Growing up, I was the preferred hairstylist for all of my friends.

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    I actually didn't get to go to my prom. I left high school when I was 16 to join 'NSYNC. I felt that was something I always missed out on, and all my friends got to go and would tell me about it.

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    I couldn't do what I do without my friends and family.

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    I chose life over death for myself and my friends... I believe it is in our nature to explore, to reach out into the unknown. The only true failure would be not to explore at all.

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    I destroy my enemy if I make him my friend.

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    I desire the good-will of all, whether hitherto my friends or not.

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    I blend in the backgroud. when I arive for lunch my friends are surprised i'm not already there.

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    I'd like to be rich. I'd like a lot of money to put into my physicals and to buy food for all my friends.

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    I didn't know I could sing until I auditioned for 'Les Miserables.' My friend was auditioning, and I wanted to audition too.

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    I don't choose my friends based on how they treat each other, I choose them based on how they treat me.

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    I don't have a dime left. I am dependent on my friends for food and a small old-age pension.

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    I don't have a very 'masculine' taste in music. I get a lot of heat from my friends about that.

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    I don't dig parties. I rather sit at home with my friends and a good movie.

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    I don't miss playing for the Yankees. I miss my friends, my teammates.

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    I did an episode of 'Frasier' with my friend Kelsey Grammer once.

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