Best 3947 quotes in «grief quotes» category

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    Going back to my mother's passing, there was no way I could hold back my tears or sense of grief at knowing her physical presence left the planet. Working consciously with such an in-my-face overwhelmingly painful loss, I was able to process it to the point of accepting that although my relationship with her would be different, I could still sense and celebrate that there was no separation between our spirits. Being present and open to each stage of grief eventually led to her visiting me in my dreams and a tangible sense of her presence.

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    Go not for every grief to the physician, nor for every quarrell to the lawyer, nor for every thirst to the pot.

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    Good grief. You two look like Village of the Sofa Damned. (Cassandra)

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    Good grief. If we can’t laugh at ourselves, and at one another, in good spirit and without malice, then what fun can be left? If we must withhold all ribbing in the name of protecting everyone’s feelings, then we truly are a toothless society. We will reach what I call “the lowest common denominator of butthurt.

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    Good grief! They're going to call us inside soon, and Sticky hasn't even met Madge yet!" "Who's Madge?" Sticky asked. "Her Majesty the Queen!

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    Good is that darkening of our lives, Which only God can brighten; But better still that hopeless load, Which none but God can lighten.

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    Good grief, Fury, warn me if you’re going to jump in here naked. (Bride)

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    Good grief, Molly. He doesn't scare you?" "Of course not." "But he's..." "He's sweet," Molly insisted. Dare snorted. "He's still listening.

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    Gradually, the night stumbled as if stunned and wandering aimlessly into an overcast day -- limped through the wilderland of transition as though there were no knowing where the waste of darkness ended and the ashes of light began. The low clouds seemed full of grief -- tense and uneasy with accumulated woe -- and yet affectless, unable to rain, as if the air clenched itself too hard for tears. And through the dawn, Atiaran and Covenant moved heavily, unevenly, like pieces of a broken lament.

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    Good things, by their nature, are fleeting. It’s those that bring us grief that linger.

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    Grass grows at last above all graves.

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    Graystripe pushed past Tigerheart and Whitestorm and crouched beside his old friend. "I would have taken your place if you had let me". His voice was hoarse with grief.

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    Great grief does not of itself put an end to itself.

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    Great griefs medicine the less.

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    Great grief is a divine and terrible radiance which transfigures the wretched.

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    Great grief prays with great earnestness. Prayer is not a collection of balanced phrases; it is the pouring out of the soul. What is love if it be not fiery? What are prayers if the heart be not ablaze? They are the battles of the soul. In them men wrestle with principalities and powers... ”The prayer that prevails is not the work of lips and fingertips. It is the cry of a broken heart and the travail of a stricken soul.

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    Greed takes a person to the watering place but gets him back without letting him drink. It undertakes responsibility but does not fulfill it. Often the drinker gets choked before quenching his thirst. The greater the worth of a thing yearned for, the greater is the grief for its loss. Desires blind the eyes of understanding. The destined share would reach him who does not approach it.

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    Grief, as I read somewhere once, is a lazy Susan. One day it is heavy and underwater, and the next day it spins and stops at loud and rageful, and the next day at wounded keening, and the next day numbness, silence.

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    Grief at the absence of a loved one is happiness compared to life with a person one hates.

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    Grief causes suffering and disease.

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    Grief comes and goes, it ebbs and flows. I think one of the lessons of this for me is that there's no one way to grieve. Everyone does it in their own way, in their own time, and we all process life and its challenges and its ups and downs as they come.

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    Grief diminishes when it has nothing to grow upon.

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    Grief does not change you. It reveals you. And herein lies the gift that cannot die. It changes the course of your life forever. If you allow yourself the chance to feel it for as long as you need to - even if it is for the rest of your life - you will be guided by it. You will become someone it would have been impossible for you to be, and in this way your loved one lives on, in you

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    Grief doesn't fade. Grief scabs over like my scars and pulls into new, painful configurations as it knits. It hurts in new ways. We are never free from grief.

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    Grief even in a child hates the light and shrinks from human eyes.

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    Grief had its own life, took its own sustenance.

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    Grief is a circular staircase.

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    Great sorrows have no leisure to complain: Least ills vent forth, great griefs within remain.

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    Grief! thou art classed amongst the depressing passions. And true it is that thou humblest to the dust, but also thou exaltest to the clouds. Thou shakest us with ague, but also thou steadiest like frost. Thou sickenest the heart, but also thou healest its infirmities.

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    Great joys, like griefs, are silent.

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    Grief allows you to let go of something you have lost only when you begin to accept what you now have in its place. As our mind clings to the familiar, to our established expectations, we can become trapped in feelings of disappointment, confusion, anger, that create our own internal worlds of suffering.

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    Grief and disappointment give rise to anger, anger to envy, envy to malice, and malice to grief again, till the whole circle be completed.

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    Grief, a type of sadness that most often occurs when you have lost someone you love, is a sneaky thing, because it can disappear for a long time, and then pop back up when you least expect it.

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    Grief can be a slow ache that never seems to stop rising, yet as we grieve, those we love mysteriously become more and more a part of who we are.

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    Grief can have a quality of profound healing because we are forced to a depth of feeling that is usually below the threshold of awareness.

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    Grief changes shape, but it never ends. People have a misconception that you can deal with it and say, 'It's gone, and I'm better.' They're wrong.

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    Grief doesn't change you. It reveals you.

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    Grief hath two tongues; and never woman yet Could rule them both without ten women's wit.

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    Grief is a gift, something you have to earn.

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    Grief is a matter of the heart and soul. Grieve your loss, allow it in, and spend time with it.

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    Grief is a process to go through, not a destination in which to wallow. In a process, you keep putting one foot in front of the other, and each little step is part of your healing.

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    Grief is like manure, if you spread it out it fertilizes, if you leave it in a big pile it smells like crap.

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    Grief is a funny thing because you don't have to carry it with you for the rest of your life. After a bit you set it down by the roadside and walk on and leave it.

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    grief is a house that disappears each time someone knocks at the door or rings the bell a house that blows into the air at the slightest gust that buries itself deep in the ground while everyone is sleeping

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    grief is an illness I can't recover from.

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    Grief is a sign that we loved something more than ourselves. . . . Grief makes us worthy to suffer with the rest of the world.

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    Grief is a species of idleness.

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    Grief is forever. It doesn't go away; it becomes part of you, step for step, breath for breath.

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    Grief is just so scary.... If we finally begin to cry all those suppressed tears, they will surely wash us away like the Mississippi River. That's what our parents told us. We got sent to our rooms for having huge feelings. In my family, if you cried or got angry, you didn't get dinner.

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    Grief is like a physical pain which must be allowed to subside somewhat on its own before medical treatment is applied.