Best 25 quotes in «mercenary quotes» category

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    The Renaissance was a time of mercenary soldiers, ours is a time of mercenary labor.

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    Players aren't quite as mercenary as people make them out to be. Some of them are but some aren't.

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    The requisitions of the income tax have added greatly to the attractions of mercenary crime.

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    When I said "the pocket of the banks," it is not necessarily a mercenary relationship. It is a mindset.

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    You can call me mercenary, or call me madam, but, as I always tell my customers - just call me anytime!

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    You really turning mercenary on your favorite older brother? (Dev) No. I would never do that to Alain. (Aimee) Ouch! Bearswan got ‘tude. (Dev)

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    When I was a screenwriter, I was doing it for mercenary reasons.

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    Cotter leaned forward. "Where do you get off being such a bossy bitch?" I looked him dead in the eyes. "I was born a bossy birch, so you can either roll with it or get rolled over.

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    Idle Jeffrey, when asking his cousin for money: "I fear I have not a mercenary tendency." The Chancellor of the Exchequer and his cousin, Plantagenet Palliser: "Men must have mercenary tendencies or they would not have bred. The man who plows, so he may live, does so because, luckily, he has mercenary tendencies." Jeffrey: "Just so, but you see I am less lucky than the plowman." Palliser: "There is no vulgar error so vulgar, that is to say common or erroneous, as that by which men have been taught to say that mercenary tendencies are bad. The desire for wealth is the source of all progress. Civilization comes from what men call greed. Let your mercenary tendencies be combines with honesty, and they cannot take you astray.

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    He sells his loyalties to the highest bidder. Shouldn’t even a mercenary have morals? That’s the textbook definition of a whore!

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    Amid the most mercenary ages it is but a secondary sort of admiration that is bestowed upon magnificence.

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    My lover is dead. And they think I killed him. I'm running rogue. Hell bent on both revenge and redemption. Whatever it takes, I'm going to finish a job that began nine months ago. An unauthorized assignment that turned horribly, devastatingly wrong. My miscalculation. My fault. My heart left shattered into incomplete pieces which will never wholly fit back together again. But first I have to outsmart my former organization and the hired killer they've sent after me; a ghost from my past who knows my every move, who’s been inside my head, my heart, my dreams and memories: Jaxson. I'm the traitor, Kylie. The rogue mercenary, Jaxon's newest assignment. And this is our love story.

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    The devil would be powerless if he couldn't entice people to do his work. So as long as money continues to seduce the hungry, the hopeless, the broken, the greedy, and the needy, there will always be war between brothers.

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    We either need an overwhelming force advantage, or we need more information." "Reinforcements cut into our bounty, remember?" "It's unanimous. We need more information.

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    What is a whore?" Unsurprisingly, that hadn't been one of the words we had shared over the last span of days. For half a moment I considered lying, but there was no way I could manage it. "He says your mother is a person men pay money to have sex with." Tempi turned back to the mercenary and nodded graciously. "You are very kind. I thank you.

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    Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a completely ad hoc plot device.

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    A Nation State or Cyber-Mercenary won’t hack e-voting machines one by one. This takes too long and will have minimal impact. Instead, they’ll take an easier approach like spear phishing the manufacturer with malware and poison the voting machine update pre-election and allow the manufacturer to update each individual machine with a self-deleting payload that will target the tabulation process.

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    It is very easy to be a military strategist, a mercenary, or a king, but much harder to be a father.

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    I've been on jobs like that before, everyone stuck on the money not the work, watching their backs every minute. Bad for your health and your business. We'll do this civilised, or not at all. What do you say? "I say civilised," said Shenkt. "For pity's sake, let's kill like honest men.

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    So you're a fellow mercenary, then." "Does this mean you'll afford me some professional courtesy?" "Don't ask for that. All it means is that you might get to face the person who kills you. . . But only if it's convenient.

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    A true warrior can only serve others, not himself...When you become a mercenary, you're just a bully with a gun.

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    I never tried to be a mercenary or a killer but a hard working fighter.

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    Maxim 20: If you’re not willing to shell your own position, you’re not willing to win. -The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries

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    Let not the tie be mercenary, though the service is measured in money. Make yourself necessary to somebody. Do not make life hard to any.

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    Maxim 3: An ordnance technician at a dead run outranks everybody. -The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries