Best 14 quotes in «bonfire quotes» category

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    Things dead and buried are best left that way. They don't look none too pretty when they come up.

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    The grille of the Caddie plunged right into the middle of the bonfire, scattering smoke and flames and bones to the wind. The Cadillac finally bounced and jolted to a stop among a rain of burning human skulls. The voice of John Fogerty garbled and died. The driver's door opened and John flung himself out, clutching a sawed-off shotgun. He screamed, 'DID SOMEBODY ORDER SOME FUCKING PRISON BREAK WITH A SIDE OF SHOTGUN?

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    We dare not talk of the darkness for fear it will infect us. We dare not talk of the fire, for fear it will destroy us. And so we live in the half-light, Like our mothers before us. Come to the fire, Feel it warm your skin. Come to the fire, Feel it burn in your belly, Shine out through your eyes. Come dance in the fire, Let it fuel your prayers.

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    And far and wide, in a scarlet tide, The poppy's bonfire spread.

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    When the bonfire of love still smolders in the wake of emotional convulsions, seeds of regret and remorse may endlessly linger about on the path of life. ("Taken for a ride)

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    I like to sing around the bonfire, in my car and in the shower.

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    As the bonfires of knowledge grow brighter, the more the darkness is revealed to our startled eyes.

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    The bigger you build the bonfire, the more darkness is revealed.

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    Real zeal is standing still and letting God be a bonfire in you.

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    The same way that I know that I'll never do a movie as good or as celebrated as 'Forrest Gump,' I know that I'll never do a movie as bad as 'Bonfire of the Vanities.'

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    Most fires crackle and pop, but that's not really the fire talking, it's the wood. To hear the fire itself you need a huge blaze like this one, a furnace so powerful it roars with its own wind. I crouched as close as I dared and listened to its voice, a whispered howl of joy and rage.

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    SUBJECT: NEXT TIME You Jackasses Throw an 'Unofficial' Bonfire ... How about making sure that you won't burn down the grounds in the process?! How about ASKING your neighbors if they'll mind having five hundred students in their streets until three in the morning? I know damn well that this was not a "team" idea and whenever KYLE and GRAYSON want to own up to this shit, I'll reduce the extra five daily miles you all now owe me, to three miles. I'm waiting. --Coach Whitten __________________________ SUBJECT: RE: NEXT TIME You Jackasses Throw an 'Unofficial' Bonfire ... It was me, Coach. Grayson had nothing to do with it this time. He didn't even show up. Speaking of which-- Dude, where were you? I fucked like three girls from the bonfire. You probably could've hooked up with at least five. I don't think I'll need another blowjob for a month after how amazing these were. PS--Are you back at our apartment yet? I need to tell you these stories in person when Coach isn't acting like this shit is a big deal. --Kyle ___________________________ SUBJECT: RE RE: NEXT TIME You Jackasses Throw an 'Unofficial' Bonfire ... Kyle, Meet me in my office at the complex NOW. --Coach Whitten _____________________ SUBJECT: RE: RE: RE: NEXT TIME You Jackasses Throw an 'Unofficial' Bonfire ... I meant to send that last part to just Grayson. Not to you, Coach. Can I come in a few hours? I mean, now that you've read what I said, surely you understand how exhausted I am. Three girls, Coach, THREE. --Kyle ________________________________ SUBJECT: RE: RE: RE: RE: NEXT TIME You Jackasses Throw an 'Unofficial' Bonfire ... Right. Fucking. NOW. --Coach Whitten

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    Edward Campbell Lowe was a radical in his blood and in his bones... his maternal grandfather had famously made a bonfire with a valuable portrait of the Marquess of Bute because, he had declared, it was more than a man could stomach to encounter a Tory every morning before breakfast.

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    There's a very big part of me that just wants to take all of comics history and toss it on the bonfire. I'd sort of like to get on to the future.

    • bonfire quotes