Best 60 quotes in «latino quotes» category

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    It’s a great honor, m’ijo. We know that. I’m sure everyone in Ysleta is proud of you. But this is who you are," she said, for a moment scanning the dark night air and the empty street. A cricket chirped in the darkness. "God help you when you go to this ‘Havid.’ You will be so far away from us, from everything you know. You will be alone. What if something happens to you? Who’s going to help you? But you always wanted to be alone; you were always so independent, so stubborn." "Like you.

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    It's Easy To Feel Like A Big Fish, When Your Pond is Just A Puddle!

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    My African roots made me what I am today. They’re the reason I’m from the Dominican Republic. They’re the reason I exist at all. To these roots I owe everything.

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    Look at you. Riding the gravy train with biscuit wheels.

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    Los locos de amor eran tres o cuatro, pero sólo les resultaban asombrosos por la curiosa índole de su delirio.

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    Not Even The Greatest Sculptor Can Mold A Masterpiece Out Of Shit!

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    Thank God For Writing, As Now I Can Work Until My Last Breath!

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    The fact that I am writing to you in English already falsifies what I wanted to tell you. My subject: how to explain to you that I don't belong to English though I belong nowhere else, if not here in English.

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    The Latino community anchored me, but I didn't want it to isolate me from the full extent of what Princeton had to offer, including engagement with the larger community. Page 148

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    There are hundreds of miracles within a single machine. Americans calmly explain these with mathematical formulas. Our difficulty is to learn, theirs to appreciate. We Latins, even the most intelligent of us, still count on our fingers and toes. But once we do learn, we shall surpass the Americano, because we understand the spiritual significance of a machine. We see the beauty of combining gas, grease and steel into a powerful, exact movement. We appreciate the material destiny of the universe.

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    To Me, The Best Part Of Success, Is The Journey!

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    Never Let The Roosters Wake You!

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    The scent of him was subtle, beautifully fresh, and she couldn’t think clearly. No man had ever brought out these intense feelings in her. Chris Augustine was dangerous and she could get lost in his arms.

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    The tension between people is palpable, and the ideal of what it means to be and look American becomes a preoccupation to folks around the country, including me.

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    This is definitely / for the brothers / who ain't here.

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    Usiwe na wasiwasi, Peter. Hizo ni hisia zangu tu. Huwezi kuwa mpelelezi. Lakini, kusema ule ukweli, ningependa sana kuonana na John Murphy. Kuna kazi binafsi ningependa kumpa. Wewe unatoka Afrika, hujawahi kumwona?” Debbie alizidi kumshtua Murphy. “Nani?” Murphy aliuliza huku akitabasamu. “John Murphy wa Afrika.” “Sijawahi kumwona. Mbona unamuulizia hivyo?” Debbie alitulia. Kisha akarusha nywele ili aone vizuri. “Nampenda sana!” “Kwa nini?” “Simpendi kwa mahaba, lakini.” “Ndiyo. Kwa nini?” “OK. Nampenda kwa kipaji chake. Alichopewa na Mungu, cha ujasusi. Kusaidia watu.” “Ahaa!” Murphy alidakia, sasa akifikiri sana. “Murphy ana mashabiki wengi hapa Meksiko bila yeye mwenyewe kujua, kwa sababu ya kupambana na wahalifu wa madawa ya kulevya – hasa wa huku Latino. Tatizo lake haonekani. Wengi hudhani ni hadithi tu, kwamba hakuna mtu kama huyo hapa duniani.” “Hapana! Murphy yupo! Ni mfanyabiashara maarufu huko Tanzania. Lakini ndiyo hivyo kama unavyosema ... Haonekani!

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    You Can't Be A Hero To The World, If Your Aren't First A Hero In Your Home!

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    You Can't Change Your Life... Until You Change Your Heart, and You Can't Change Your Heart... Until You Change Your Mind!

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    Your friends, and your associates, and the people around you, and the environment that you live in, and the speakers around you - the speakers around you - and the communicators around you, are the poetry makers. If your mother tells you stories, she is a poetry maker. If your father says stories, he is a poetry maker. If your grandma tells you stories, she is a poetry maker. And that’s who forms our poetics.

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    You Can't Replace A Star with A Lightbulb

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    You Don't Have To Be A Crook To Be Successful!

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    And Hillary Clinton is going to do nothing for the African- American worker, the Latino worker.

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    I wanted to get away from the Mexican vernacular and do more 'nuevo Latino.' Americans are starting to understand regionality in Mexican food. It is very regional in terms of ingredients.

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    And there's some Latino music I like, and some reggae music.

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    Being Latino means being from everywhere, and that is exactly what America is supposed to be about.

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    I don't understand how they can call me anti-Latino, when I've made four movies in Mexico.

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    I love Latino culture but I hate the concept of "la raza." It is a divisive mindset.

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    Latino poets, are really having a significant impact on American poetics today.

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    Latinos are just like everybody else. There are conservatives. There are moderates. There are liberals.

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    Who is as free as a writer? Nadie es tan libre como un escritor . . . No one is as free as a writer!

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    For me, the hardest thing was dropping the whole Latino comic title.

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    Head Start is especially important to Latino children. Latino children make up more than one-third, 34 percent, of all those eligible for the program.

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    If we do with Latinos what we did with African-Americans, Republicans and conservatives will be doomed.

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    Latinos are Republican. They just don't know it yet.

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    Latinos care about education, yes, so we need reform, not just money.

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    Mr. Latino with the big ego got bested by a ditzy, blond bimbo.

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    Some people wanted me to be the Latino quarterback. Some people wanted me to be the USC quarterback who happens to be Latino.

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    When I was growing up, I lived in a neighborhood that was largely Latino and I thought I was Latino!

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    The only people that deserve to be called Americans are Native Americans, otherwise, I'm a Latino American, you know.... Anybody else... well where did you come from?

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    A Decision That Can Change Your Life Forever, Can Happen In Just One Second.

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    Again, this week as I walked on Broadway, in front of giant photographs of voluptuous supermodels at a Victoria Secret mega-store, who was rebuilding the sidewalks? With sweaty headbands, ripped-up jeans, and dust on their brown faces? Their muscled hands quivered as they worked the jack-hammers and lugged the concrete chunks into dump trucks. Two men from Guanajuato. Undocumented workers. They both shook my hand vigorously, as if they were relieved I wasn’t an INS officer. I imagined how much money Victoria Secret was making off these poor bastards. I wondered why passersby didn’t see what was in front of their faces. We use these workers. We profit from them. In the shadows, they work to the bone, for pennies. And it’s so easy to blame them for everything and nothing simply because they are powerless, and dark-skinned,and speak with funny accents. Illegal is illegal. It is a phrase, shallow and cruel, that should prompt any decent American to burn with anger.

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    A good writer should be able to communicate to the reader, 'I know your life. I know what you have truly experienced. It’s not right or wrong. It’s survival. It’s making mistakes, and trying to redeem yourself. It’s imperfections, and trying to make yourself better. It’s outrages, and crimes, and insults, which often are not righted, which you have to fix yourself, in your own mind, in your own heart, so that you are not poisoned'.

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    A Memory Is Better Than A Phony!

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    A group of ten prisoners from Dachau, I was with them, we hid in the forest to wait for the Americans. The Germans had already left everything behind. We had food but no weapons. For days we could hear bombs exploding around us. We just wanted to survive long enough for the Americans to control the territory. We didn’t want to die. At that point, our prison uniforms were the only things to keep us from being shot on the spot by the Americans. That was all we had. Who would the Americans believe? Real prisoners or guards dressed as prisoners? Those devils might even say we were the Germans. This was our nightmare.

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    Whenever another Latino tells me they're more Mexican than me I stop working and let them do the work for me.

    • latino quotes
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    Don't let any of 'em in the room 'til my guy gets what he needs. We'll be outta here before they get their gloves on. Tea Party Teddy's Legacy

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    Attitude Is More Important Than Talent

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    But Anja. I hear Anja's voice. Maybe I am insane. I hear her crying. I see her alone in the trees. I remember being alone and humiliated. I remember, too, the fat little boy hiding in the bathroom. And I see this man, Ariane. I see this evil man, Ariane. He laughs everyday still. He has had years of laughter. He has triumphed over the screams of others, he has triumphed with blood on his hands. And he laughs still. God has cursed us! He has either cursed us or He was never here to begin with. We've pretended God was here for our own sanity! That's the truth! We've pretended evil is punished and good is rewarded. A perfect scheme!

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    Don't Rush Up The Stairs, you Just Might Fall. Take it One Step At A Time!

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    Even the most political poem is an act of faith.