Best 6608 quotes in «religious quotes» category

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    Welcome to His poem. His play. His novel. Skip the bowls of fruit and statues. Let the page flick your thumbs. This is His spoken word.

    • religious quotes
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    We must truly listen to each other, respecting our essential brotherhood and the courage of those who try to speak, however they may differ from us in professional standing or religious belief or moral vision. We must speak and listen patiently, with good humor, with real expectation, and our dialogue can serve both truth and charity.

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    We need your patience Your knowledge we need your caring heart

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    We pray for a messenger from God—who knows but what the messenger also prayed for a place to take his message?

    • religious quotes
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    We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity … in fact our movement is Christian.

    • religious quotes
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    We will take a few moments and make fun of religious people, and we do this in love. No, we do, because we love to make fun of religious people.

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    What a joyful journey, to travel with the Lord.

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    What does religious freedom mean if we would use it as a cover for hate and privilege?

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    What happens is our lives become so heavily oriented around the expectations of others that we become more and more like them and less and less like ourselves. We become split. I was split. I had this person I knew I was made to be, yet it was mixed in with all of these other ... people. As the lights were turned on, I saw I had all of this guilt and shame because I wasn't measuring up to the image of the perfect person I had in my head.

    • religious quotes
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    When everyone drowns and I'm the only one to escape, God is protecting me. When everyone else is saved and I'm the only one to drown, God is protecting me then too.

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    When asked, 'What is more important: praying or reading the Bible?' I ask, 'What is more important: breathing in or breathing out?

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    When the challenges of mortality come, and they come for all of us, it may seem hard to have faith and hard to believe. At these times only faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His Atonement can bring us peace, hope, and understanding. Only faith that He suffered for our sakes will give us the strength to endure to the end. When we gain this faith, we experience a mighty change of heart, and like Enos, we become stronger and begin to feel a desire for the welfare of our brothers and sisters. We pray for them, that they too will be lifted and strengthened through faith on the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ.

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    When frustration shows up and negativity is holding its hand, take a moment to pause for positivity and watch how your attitude change.

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    When God gives you a mountain of struggles to climb, it’s because He wants you to see the view from the top.

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    When God lays His finger on your heart it cannot help but be filled with love for others; if that doesn't happen there is nothing wrong with God's finger there is something wrong with your heart

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    When I stand strong in you I can look beyond the clouds With your words The sun will rise again

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    When people think they know you and put you in a box, keep growing and give them the box.

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    When the GRACE of God is empty in a man's life then the DISGRACE of the devil comes in.

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    When sorrows surround you few will comfort you. When happiness arises many will be part of the celebrations And when Tragedy happens only the Lord is a prayer by calling out his Glorious name

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    When unity of the mind, speech and body occurs, God has called that the ‘foremost’ religion. If they do not remain in unison, you should maintain the intent of ‘I want to keep them in unison’; then some day it will come into fruition if this resolve is there.

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    When we attempt to clear up the mess others have made, or when we love the unlovely, we demonstrate the kind of weirdness God likes. We give the lie to the evolutionary survival of the fittest maxim...

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    When we focus on our humanity and not our ethnicity or religion, we allow unity to connect us with our diversity to the one who created us all in his divinity.

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    When we look back, it becomes clear that the acts and accomplishments of human beings are the signatures of history. Human signatures have created an enormous chasm between the joyeous light of the age of the Renaissance to the dark shadow of September 11, 2001. Those of us living on that fateful day experienced the lower depths of mankind. As an author, avid reader, world traveler, and person of enormous curiosity, my life experiences have taught me that discord often erupts from a lack of knowledge and education. To discourage future dark moments, I believe we must nourish the minds of our young with learning that creates understanding between ethnic and religious groups. Perhaps understanding will lead to a marvelous day when we take a last fleeting look at violence so harmful to so many. I sincerely believe that nothing will further the cause of peace more than the education of our young. I would like for readers to know that a percentage of the profits from the sale of this book will be devoted to the cause of education. May all roads lead to peace.

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    When your only competition is becoming a better you, you will always win the game.

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    When you are here, God is near.

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    When you are at your lowest God speaks the loudest.

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    When you turn the construction of your life over to God, He'll build something beautiful.

    • religious quotes
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    Why doesn't the pope convert to Calvinism? Why doesn't the Dalai Lama, convert to Christianity, why doesn't Billy Graham convert to Islam, Why doesn't the Ayatollahs convert to Buddhism, Why isn't Buddhism swept away? Religious leaders know that all religions are equal; they know that no one of them has the monopoly to the knowledge of God. They know that each religion is trying to find the hidden God and that no one religion can claim to have found him beyond doubt. That's why they remain where they are and respect each other.

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    Where's your church?" "We're standing in it." "But this is a bookstore and it's a Friday." "Yes, but you might also choose to see it as a cathedral of the human spirit-a storehouse consecrated to the full spectrum of human experience. Just about every idea we've ever had is in here somewhere. A place containing great thinking is a sacred space.

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    Wherever and however any one of us may be conceived, it is the same. We come into being in the arms of God.

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    Whether you call yourself a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, a Hindu or an Atheist, if you have kindness in your heart and compassion in your act, you are on the right path of religion.

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    whoever prolongs his desire ruins his actions

    • religious quotes
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    While it is true that religious beliefs are often a source of conflict but the so-called rational thoughts are no better. The two World Wars, which killed more than 75 million people were not fought on the ground of religion but on the basis of so called rational thoughts like freedom, communism, nationalism, fascism or Nazism.

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    Who should we be trying to make the most proud? Our family? Our friends? Our teachers or bosses? What about the one who molded us out of the earth itself, who formed us like clay, and instilled within us the very breath of life that shaped the universe?

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    Why not live for the reaches of Heaven than strive for the depths of Hell? If in the end there is nothing- what have you lost but fear and anger and hate?

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    Wide is the gate and broad is the path that leads to destruction and many go that way

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    Witchcraft isn't about picking up a book, and asking forgiveness.. or learning about spirituality through the words of others. What you learn from those books are the opinions of other people, and not your own. If this is what you believe then you are not an individual. Witchcraft is about accepting that YOU are responsible for the choices that YOU have made, and YOU teaching YOURSELF to make the right choices. Its about learning through YOUR OWN opinions, YOUR OWN life lessons, YOUR OWN inner self, and by doing so.. BECOME an individual.

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    With every morn my life afresh must break The crust of self, gathered about me fresh; That thy wind-spirit may rush in and shake The darkness out of me, and rend the mesh The spider-devils spin out of the flesh- Eager to net the soul before it wake, That it may slumberous lie, and listen to the snake. George MacDonald

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    ...With a religious book it is less what we see in it than what we see through it that matters. J. R. R. Tolkien's fairy-tale epic the Lord of the Rings helps draw the distinction perhaps. Some of its admirers have tried to make it into a religion book by claiming, among other things, that the Ring of Power which must be destroyed is the hydrogen bomb. Tolkien, on the other hand, denied this unequivocally. But intended or otherwise, there can be little doubt that for many it has become a religious book. The "Frodo Lives" buttons are not entirely a joke, because something at least comes to life through those fifteen hundred pages, although inevitably it is hard to say just what. It seems to have something to do with the way Tolkien has of making us see the quididity of things like wood, bread, stone, milk, iron, as though we have never seen them before or not for a long time, which is probably the truth of the matter; his landscapes set deeper echoes going in us than any message could. He gives us back a sense that we have mostly lost of the things of the earth, and because we are ourselves of the earth, whatever else, we are given back too some sense of our own secret. Very possibly again he did not intend it. I may well be axiomatic that, religiously, a writer achieves most when he is least conscious of doing so. Certainly the attempt to be religious is as doomed as the attempt to be poetic is.

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    With his revelation,...I shattered into a million shards. I felt each piece as it splintered and separated from the whole like a glass I had broken the day before. Debris flew everywhere. It left me without any option but to pick each broken piece up, analyze it, and find out where it belonged. I had to find out where I belonged. Allison La Crosse - Warriors of the Cross

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    Words only penetrate the heart when spoken in truth.

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    Yakinilah keberadaan-Nya. Sebab meyakini keberadaan-Nya akan membuat kita semakin mengenal hakikat sebuah persinggahan. Ada kehidupan yang lebih kekal, yaitu akhirat, yang sering kali terabaikan oleh kita, entah sadar ataupun tidak.

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    World is full of lost lives, full of unfortunate souls ruined in the name of unreasonable religious rules!

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    Yes an atheist priest can perfectly minister to a believing congregation and miracles can happen in that congregation. Miracles depend on the faith of the believer, not that of the officiant. A bartender who never takes alcohol can serve alcohol to his clients. What is necessary is that the priest believes he is doing the good work. The congregation needs faith and it helps them. It would be evil to deny them such a service in the name of his lack of faith. - Bangambiki Habyarimana

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    Would God be a frequent contact or an in case of emergency in your phone? If he is only an in case of emergency, he will you in different emergencies so he can be frequently contacted.

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    Yes, silence is painful, but if you endure it, you will hear the cadence of the entire universe.

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    You can be spiritual all by yourself. Everybody has a soul. But to be religious, it seems like you need other people, and then sometimes it becomes more about the people than the soul.

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    You are my strength when I am weak You are my shield when I am hurting Whatever you say unto me Lord I will do

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    You can be RELIGIOUS without being SPIRITUAL or You can be SPIRITUAL without being RELIGIOUS or Both It all depends on your Philosophy.

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    You can't fight and claim you want to be free from the oppressor while still holding tight to things the oppressor gave you.