Best 5 quotes in «dressage quotes» category

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    The stallion’s crest was arched, his nose was perpendicular to the floor, and his hind legs were gathered underneath him, showing off the powerfully developed muscles in his massive hindquarters. His ears cocked back toward his rider—he was concentrating.

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    First, if you’re fighting, you’ve lost already. Second, there’s no negotiating power in being right if it makes your horse wrong.

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    If the truth is that you’ll never be a world-class rider on a world-class horse, then why not do life-changing work? Ride a rescue.

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    And it's not that going out for a hack is wrong or bad, I certainly don't view it as that; it's just that there's something about the dressage, being put through your paces, that makes you better.

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    Dressage is when you put a dress on your horse. It's like putting on drag, but for horses.