Best 47 quotes in «valor quotes» category

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    Zaphod did not want to tangle with them and, deciding that just as discretion is the better part of valor, so was cowardice is the better part of discretion, he valiantly hid himself in a closet.

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    ...A world is supported by four things...the learning of the wise, the justice of the great, the prayers of the righteous and the valor of the brave. But all of these are as nothing without a ruler who knows the art of ruling.

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    Acuérdate De Tu Grandeza Antes de que naciera, y aún eran demasiado pequeños para el ojo humano, que ganó la carrera por la vida de entre 250 millones de competidores. Y sin embargo, ¿qué tan rápido se ha olvidado de su fortaleza, cuando su propia existencia es la prueba de su grandeza. Usted nació un ganador, un guerrero, quien desafió las probabilidades de sobrevivir a la más sangrienta batalla de todas ellas. Y ahora que es un gigante, ¿por qué usted aún duda de la victoria contra el menor número, y márgenes más amplios? Los únicos muros que existen, son aquellas que se han colocado en su mente. Y cualesquiera que sean los obstáculos que concebir, existen sólo porque ha olvidado lo que ya han logrado.

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    A vida continua me atirando pedras pelo caminho. E eu sempre acho um diamante brilhando sozinho.

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    ... as long as mankind shall continue to bestow more liberal applause on their destroyers than their benefactors, the thirst of military glory will ever be the vice of the most exalted characters.

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    Cuando te asocias con otra persona por tanto tiempo, es difícil volver a ser tu propia persona.

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    But think about it. We’ve tried for over twenty years to do everything right, to save our money, to pay our bills, to raise our kid, and to live within the law. We’ve done everything the right way, at least to the best of our ability.” Rick grabbed her hand. “But that’s not enough. That guy is right about at least that much. He’s giving us a chance to do something that will lash out, and he’s willing to pay for it. I can see the sincerity all over his face. He’s not trying to con us. He just wants an ally, a foot soldier.” “Why you?” Renee asked bluntly. “Is it that hard to find someone crazy enough to do something that extreme?” She caught herself and started laughing. “Maybe it is.

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    Casi el único valor de las grandes obras maestras del ingenio humano consiste en haber provocado un libro de crítica o de comentario.

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    challenges are everywhere. Awake! challenge and defeat the challenges that challenge you in a challenging way and be not be defeated by the challenges that challenge you in a challenging way

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    Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." Patrick Henry, St. John's Church, Richmond, VA, 1775

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    Courage is like magic, courage vanishes crisis.

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    El camino hacia el triunfo se vuelve solitario porque la mayoría de los hombres no está dispuesto a enfrentar y vencer los obstáculos que se esconden en él.La capacidad de dar ese último paso cuando estás agotado,es la cualidad que separa a los ganadores de los demás corredores

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    Discretion is the better part of valor.

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    Quería llorar, pero no lo haría, el llanto propio es a veces un trofeo para otros, y un trofeo solo debe ser entregado a quien se lo merece.

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    Escrever produz um processo de decoerência colapsando meus estados quânticos sobrepostos, somando meus valores vetoriais oscilantes e o ângulo de mistura resultante me impele adiante, me compele a compilar tomos e mais tombos de tomos sobre a realidade.

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    I said, 'I have heard people talk about war as if it was a very fine thing.' Ah!' said [Captain], 'I should think they never saw it. No doubt it is very fine when there is no enemy, when it is just exercise and parade, and sham-fight. Yes, it is very fine then; but when thousands of good brave men and horses are killed, or crippled for life, it has a very different look.' Do you know what they fought about?' said I. No,' he said, 'that is more than a horse can understand, but the enemy must have been awfully wicked people, if it was right to go all that way over the sea on purpose to kill them.

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    —Lo que determina que algo sea caro o barato es la comparación entre el precio (lo que cuesta) y el valor (lo que vale). No entre lo que cuesta y lo que tienes. Es caro, Demi, aquello que cuesta más de lo que vale. —Más de lo que vale... Claro, por eso hay muchas cosas por las que siento que estoy pagando caro... Ahora entiendo. —El valor de las cosas que no son materiales –siguió Jorge— (y a veces el de éstas también) es tan subjetivo, que solamente uno mismo puede determinar si un determinado precio es justo o no. Pero hay bienes preciados que todos poseemos y no sé si sabemos evaluar. Uno de ellos es la dignidad. Me parece que la propia dignidad, el autorrespeto como te dije alguna vez, son tan valiosos que pagar con ellos es siempre demasiado caro.

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    Never on me let such wrath lay hold, as the wrath you cherish, you whose valor causes harm!

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    Es como su estuviera desesperada por casarme con él, perdí la voz. Mis opiniones. A mí.

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    I wonder is it because men are cowards in heart that they admire bravery so much, and place military valour so far beyond every other quality for reward and worship?

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    Need to be more persistent to an unexpected to happen and accepting it needs more valor.

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    Our hearts bear a similarity with storerooms. We hold in them our trampled convictions, our fears, suppressed acts of valor, disappointments, enmity, anguish, secrets, things we wish we should have done, things we wish we shouldn’t have, regret. And continue piling them up with emotions, memories, conversations which did happen and conversations which didn’t, soured relationships and bitter people all of which we should have discarded, we keep it within until there is no space left, until the room is full, occupied after which we go on to lock it. Once in a while we happen to open the room and sight the dust accumulated all over, we relive each moment, each memory and each emotion again and soon fall upon the realization as to how deeply the room is in need of cleaning and so we clean it. We clean it so that we can fill it once more, hold it, bear it, relish it, heal from it and then finally let it go.

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    Si fuera madre, no daría por hecho ni un sólo momento de la vida de mi hijo. Estaría agradecida por cada segundo que se quejaran, lloraran, se enfermaran o me respondieran. Apreciaría cada segundo que estuvieran en casa durante el verano y los extrañaría cada segundo que estuvieran en la escuela.

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    Somente as idéias que vivemos é que têm valor.

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    To kill the enemy is valorous. To condemn him to torment is infamous. To condemn him to eternal torment is eternal infamy.

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    SU GRAN ANIMAL Dicen que si usted es Confrontado por Un león o un oso, Nunca actue con miedo. En su lugar actue como El animal más grande Y que ellos son La liebre De lo que eres Para hacerlos llorar. Esto ha sido Probado Y comparado. Así es como los presidentes Son amados Y temidos. Cada uno de nosotros tiene un animal Entre nosotros Que está armado con Mental, Físico o Regalos Espirituales Eso podría disparar lanzas A través del aire. Así que la próxima vez Que te enfrentes en Una pelea que parece injusta, Sólo recuerde el león y el oso. AUMENTAR Tu mayor animal Y todo lo que sientes en tu magnificencia Rápidamente este se alejará Y desaparecera. ~ Suzy Kassem, Rise Up y Salute the Sun: Los escritos de Suzy Kassem

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    Sword rang on sword, the metallic sounds echoing throughout the wide market place and filling the crannies of every dark alley. Strength waged against strength, as, indeed, rivals of evil have ever-battled the adversaries of truth. The face of one combatant appeared cool and certain, the other passionate in his resolve, intent upon seeing the battle through and winning the day with valor...

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    There are only two valor essential to achieve the infinite knowledge, first is devotion and second is continuousness.

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    Tu valor será puesto a prueba, junto con el de todos los demás. Sólo habrá una norma, al de sobrevivir a cualquier precio, y te corresponderá a ti decidir cuál es el precio de la supervivencia. Mantén las cabeza bien alta, y si tienes que caer, cae luchando, consciente de que no has comprometido tu alma de ninguna manera

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    (...) vencer a la muerte no es solo sobrevivir: también se trata de decidir, por uno mismo, los motivos por los cuales enfrentarse a ella.

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    Valor consists in the power of self-recovery, so that a man cannot have his flank turned, cannot be out-generalled, but put him where you will, he stands. This can only be by his preferring truth to his past apprehension of truth; and his alert acceptance of it, from whatever quarter; the intrepid conviction that his laws, his relations to society, his Christianity, his world may at any time be superseded and decease.

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    Wars have little to do with justice. Or valour or sacrifice or the other things traditionally associated with them. That's one thing I hadn't quite realised. War has been much misrepresented, believe me. It's had a disgracefully good press.

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    War, not peace, produces virtue. War, not peace, purges vice. War, and preparation for war, call forth all that is noble and honorable in a man. It unites him with his brothers and binds them in selfless love, eradicating in the crucible of necessity all which is base and ignoble. There in the holy mill of murder the meanest of men may seek and find that part of himself, concealed beneath the corrupt, which shines forth brilliant and virtuous, worthy of honor before the gods. Do not despise war, my young friend, nor delude yourself that mercy and compassion are virtues superior to andreia, to manly valor.

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    Y aunque sus trescientos valientes morirán... sólo siente que tenga tan pocos hombres que sacrificar.

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    I have known men of valor cowards to their wives.

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    You have shown true valor. Any man can fight in battle, but it takes a man of true courage to expose his heart. " - The Father

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    And that’s about all any of us can really hope for, to die with our dignity, to die with honor and valor. To die knowing we did everything we could.

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    Distressed valor challenges great respect, even from an enemy.

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    Forgiveness is the best part of valor...Discretion is easy. It's finding the courage to forgive yourself and others that is hard. [Acheron]

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    I am bravery. I am courage. I am valor. I am daring. I am holding a thesaurus.

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    He who has resolved to conquer or die is seldom conquered; such noble despair perishes with difficulty.

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    In valor there is hope.

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    The better part of valor is to spend it learning to live with differences, however hostile, unless and until we can find another planet.

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    Valor consists in the power of self-recovery, so that a man cannot have his flank turned, cannot be out-generalled, but put him where you will, he stands.

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    The truly valiant dare everything but doing anybody an injury.

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    Valor is a gift. Those having it never know for sure whether they have it until the test comes.

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    Valour that parlies is neare yeelding. [Valor that parleys is near yielding.]

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