Best 41 quotes in «how to love quotes» category

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    Love as if love is the only way to live.

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    Awakening involves mind training. Step back and pay attention to the thoughts that come into awareness. Feel your desire for healing. Preferences are judgments, and as the mind yields to the nonjudgmental Perspective of the Holy Spirit, the Awakening is obvious. Observe that as long as appetites seem to exist there are the ego defenses of indulgence and repression. Neither is better or worse than the other, for they are the same illusion. The miracle offers a real alternative and when one is consistently miracle-minded, defenses are no longer needed.

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    It seems like every day you have to deal with problems, interpersonal problems, survival, and so on and so forth. But you only have one problem and there is one solution to that problem. Isn’t that nice to think it is so simple? If there is such a thing as truth, it will be simple – one problem and one solution. If I perceive the problem to be in the world, it cannot be solved because the Holy Spirit is the one answer to that one problem and the Holy Spirit is in the mind. God did not place the answer where the problem was not. He did not place the answer out on the screen. He did not place the answer in the world; he placed the answer in the mind of the sleeping Son. And that is where the Holy Spirit is.

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    Let the waves of ocean teach you how to love and dance.

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    Many people who experienced love their whole lives, in childhood and all throughout, do not know the worth of being loved as adults. People fed love on silver spoons don't feel the weight of love anymore. They don't feel the value of it because they always had it anyway. They are insatiable, they don't trust it, they always ask you for more! Fucking shits! It's the people who had to pull love out of cracks in the wall and out of holes in trees, who know the value of love, who feel the weight of love, even the smallest ounce of it! Love people who weren't loved. They're worth their weight in gold.

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    Many people define who they are, based upon what the world sees when it looks at them. They build themselves with their foundation set upon the perceptions of others. Do others think they are good, kind, smart, loving? But I define who I am, based upon the person who looks back at me in the mirror. If you were the only person on Earth, with nobody to see you, know your name, or ever be aware of your existence; what kind of person would you be? Live for the person who looks back at you in the mirror and be that person even if you are the last human being on Earth. Too many people live for what the world will think and will see; too few people live for their own soul. Are you smart, successful, got lots of super ideas? But those are not important questions. This is the most important question: do you know how to love? I do not care if nobody on Earth were to know my name; do I know my own soul? Do I know how to love? These are the questions I ask myself.

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    Relationships without a Divine Aim always "break up," for they are based on nothing. Divine Purpose could be described as forgiveness -- the undoing and releasing of the ego. Belief in the ego prevents awareness of True Union and Intimacy. The underlying fear of Intimacy and Union is the ego's fear of loss of itself, the 'personal self' and the 'personal world.

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    There is only one thing to learn and that is how to love and how to be loved.

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    The worst thing you can do is to hate someone. The best thing you can do is to totally love someone without expectations.

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    We all have thorns in our flesh. All of us. Love is when we stay and help someone pluck out their thorns one-by-one and they do the same for us. Love is also when we pluck the thorns out of our own flesh, one-by-one. But today, the world teaches us that we shouldn’t even see those thorns, that we should only see the petals. As a result, we don’t know how to love ourselves and we don’t know how to love others. Stay with the darkness, and bring that darkness into the light. It’s there, look at it.

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    I must learn to love. And when love is first there, it will soon find an object - a child, a man or a woman. When you're full of love, you'll find a way to release it. Love grows. And when it has grown large and powerful, it will free itself gently from its object and flow out over the world and the people in it - like sunshine, like warmth, like light . . .

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    Love is 100% percent practical, oral performance is an ultimate turn-off, whether you like it or not.

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    Love hard. Love not like the world loves. Love hard, go hard, let it kill you.

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    Love more. Love often. Love endlessly.

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    We must relearn how to love because, by incarnating into this denser and material world, we tend to forget more and more just why we were created.

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    Harlow would later write, "If monkeys have taught us anything, it's that you've got to learn how to love before you learn how to live.

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    Your desire and willingness will call forth witnesses to Awakening, and there is nothing in form that can speed up Awakening – for form but witnesses to the desire within.

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    You will be told that the best way to love is in the absence of yourself. But listen to me when I say, that the more treasures within you that you see and you find, the more purely you will be able to love another. We do not love properly when we have no treasures to give; but seeing the cave full of treasures within us, we love as the gods do.

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    A person learns how to love himself through the simple acts of loving and being loved by someone else.

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    But really, we also need to learn how to love one another as women. How to appreciate and respect each other.

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    "Happy he that knows Thee, even if he knows nothing else," says St. Augustine. If we knew all the sciences and knew not how to love Jesus Christ, our knowledge shall profit us nothing to eternal life. But if we know how to love Jesus Christ, we shall know all things, and shall be happy for eternity.

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    Heal my heart and make it clean, open up my eyes to the things unseen, show me how to love like you have loved me.

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    If you don't like Louis Armstrong, you don't know how to love.

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    Imagine how much easier it would be for us to learn how to love if we began with a shared definition.

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    I think it's possible to realize you love someone as deeply as you know how to love and not end up spending the rest of your life with him.

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    I think every human being knows how to hate. Because if they didn't know how to hate how to hate they wouldn't know how to love.

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    I'm tired of living unable to love anyone. I don't have a single friend - not one. And, worst of all, I can't even love myself. Why is that? Why can't I love myself? It's because I can't love anyone else. A person learns how to love himself through the simple acts of loving and being loved by someone else. Do you understand what I am saying? A person who is incapable of loving another cannot properly love himself.

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    I shall never forgive you for teaching me how to love life.

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    I still care for you, you know.. That phrase again. Everyone cares for me. They just don't know how to love me.

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    Love doesn't hurt you. A person that doesn't know how to love hurts you. Don't get it twisted.

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    Not even old age knows how to love death.

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    Only the great Souls can and know how to love.

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    Oh, my dear, my tragedy is that you don't need to be loved as I know how to love.

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    Sometimes you have to step away from what you love in order to learn how to love it again.

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    Those who live passionately teach us how to love. Those who love passionately teach us how to live.

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    The more you love, the more you crave.

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    We are shaped and fashioned by what we love.- Henry Ward Beecher - I never knew how to worship until I knew how to love.

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    When we truly discover how to love our neighbor as our self, Capitalism will not be possible and Marxism will not be necessary.

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    We must remember how to love, remember what's important, and remember God's truth as it applies to our relationships.

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    Whether we learn how to love ourselves and others will depend on the presence of a loving environment. Self-love cannot flourish in isolation.

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    We need to learn how to love each other. If we cannot do that, then we need to learn to respect one another. If we can't manage to do that, then we must learn to tolerate each other.