Best 17 quotes in «peru quotes» category

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    We can only love what we know.

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    The investor knows quite well that we don't have anymore the widespread terrorism here in Peru.

    • peru quotes
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    Happier than a cat in a Peruvian fish market.

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    Ha sido evidentemente por aquello que llamamos responsabilidad que el primate se convirtió en humanao, en sujeto de derecho o sujeto moral que debe asumir las consecuencias de sus actos y ser, por lo mismo, objeto de castigo o de recompensa, de repudio o de estima social, de desprecio o de respeto.

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    He asks wether Christians eat gold. Ari, nispa. Qoritam mikhunku. Yes, they are saying. They do eat gold.

    • peru quotes
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    You told us to leave you in the desert, because you planned to start a new life as a cactus.

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    He divided the inhabitants of the world into two groups, into those who had loved and those who had not.

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    Nothing can happen to me that hasn’t gone through His hand first. If He wants to deliver me, He will. If He doesn’t, He has a good reason for it.

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    Our fathers were demons,' Catarina said. 'Our mothers were heroes.

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    Quizá les haya pasado alguna vez en la vida —como me ha pasado a mí— que llegamos a un punto en el que sencillamente dejamos de creer en todo y empezamos a no creer en nada

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    Somehow Geryon made it to adolescence. Then he met Herakles and the kingdoms of his life all shifted down a few notches. ... Geryon was going into the Bus Depot one Friday night about three a.m. to get change to call home. Herakles stepped oof the bus from New Mexico and Geryon came fast around the corner of the platform and there it was one of those moments that is the opposite of blindness. The world poured back and forth between their eyes once or twice.

    • peru quotes
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    Art is not to be found by touring to Egypt, China, or Peru; if you cannot find it at your own door, you will never find it.

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    I have learned that each and every piece of cloth embodies the spirit, skill, and personal history of an individual weaver. . . . It ties together with an endless thread the emotional life of my people.

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    Time and space. Castillian needs two words : ' tiempo ' and ' espacio '. Quechua has one : ' pacha '. Pacha is space, and Pacha is time, for neither exists without the other.

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    Let observation with observant view, Observe mankind from China to Peru.

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    Going to Peru is, well, if you ever have an opportunity in your life to go there, you should do it because it is absolutely mind boggling.

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    Peru score their third, and It's 3-1 to Scotland.