Best 79 quotes in «traditional quotes» category

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    I've always been clear, I support the traditional definition of marriage.

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    I want the traditional family upheld, but I don't want it upheld to the detriment of other people.

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    Looking at traditional marriages, it seems the surest way for a woman to be alone is to get married.

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    I want 'The Lady' magazine to be restored to its traditional place in the pantheon of weekly magazines.

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    I wished my wife to be not so much as suspected. Common traditional saying: Caesar's wife must be above suspicion.

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    Just as there's some technologies that jeopardize revenue for traditional products, there are also technologies that can significantly lower costs.

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    My time of martial arts was traditional.

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    Mine is not a traditional music, but it comes from a tradition.

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    Technology is the friend of traditional animation. It doesn't have to replace it. It can help you do it.

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    New York is traditional New York, you know what I'm saying? It's the stomping ground of the hustlers and go-getters

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    Public school teachers are the new priesthood while traditional religion is ridiculed and maligned.

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    Since the beginning, the people of the college and I have agreed that the music of MerleFest is 'traditional plus.'

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    The good NCO has never been short in confidence, either to perform the mission or to inform the superior that he or she was interfering with traditional NCO business.

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    There is no rivalry between Google and traditional advertising.

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    The hard left is a very small section of the British population and I myself am not hard left. I am a traditional Labour left-winger.

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    There is no conflict between favouring Islamic and traditional values and being more open and international.

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    The manufacturers of mechanical typewriters believed that they had developed sufficiently when they introduced electric typewriters. Then came the PC, and the deeply traditional makers of typewriters disappeared from the market.

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    The thing with me is, I'm from a rap background so I'm not really a traditional singer in that sense.

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    Tourists who go to Africa have more of a traditional experience than Africans do. A tourist goes on safari; Africans don't.

    • traditional quotes
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    Traditional credentialing really doesn't have a lot of predictive value to if people will be successful.

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    Traditional ads placed into digital just shout at the consumer

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    Traditional ad agencies have so much to unlearn.

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    Traditional doctors say I'm a mystic. I don't deny it.

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    Traditional market researchers are cold and calculating and scientific.

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    Traditional values are big in my life.

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    The traditional disputes of philosophers are, for the most part, as unwarranted as they are unfruitful.

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    Traditional methods of sales prospecting are grossly inefficient.

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    Traditional science is all about finding shortcuts.

    • traditional quotes
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    Be batty, be traditional, and be proud.

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    When it comes to dating, Im straightforward and traditional with a twist.

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    We desecrated the traditional values, but new values didn't come along.

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    And see ye not that braid braid road That lies across that lily leven? That is the path of wickedness Though some call it the road to heaven

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    Before we complicated life with money, machines and missiles we did well with morals, manpower and meetings.

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    Herman and I have been doing a lot of talking about the cake the past couple of days, and we think we have a good plan for the three tiers. The bottom tier will be the chocolate tier and incorporate the dacquoise component, since that will all provide a good strong structural base. We are doing an homage to the Frango mint, that classic Chicago chocolate that was originally produced at the Marshall Field's department store downtown. We're going to make a deep rich chocolate cake, which will be soaked in fresh-mint simple syrup. The dacquoise will be cocoa based with ground almonds for structure, and will be sandwiched between two layers of a bittersweet chocolate mint ganache, and the whole tier will be enrobed in a mint buttercream. The second tier is an homage to Margie's Candies, an iconic local ice cream parlor famous for its massive sundaes, especially their banana splits. It will be one layer of vanilla cake and one of banana cake, smeared with a thin layer of caramelized pineapple jam and filled with fresh strawberry mousse. We'll cover it in chocolate ganache and then in sweet cream buttercream that will have chopped Luxardo cherries in it for the maraschino-cherry-on-top element. The final layer will be a nod to our own neighborhood, pulling from the traditional flavors that make up classical Jewish baking. The cake will be a walnut cake with hints of cinnamon, and we will do a soaking syrup infused with a little bit of sweet sherry. A thin layer of the thick poppy seed filling we use in our rugelach and hamantaschen, and then a layer of honey-roasted whole apricots and vanilla pastry cream. This will get covered in vanilla buttercream.

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    For anyone who understood the essence of modernism based on and originating in the secularizing and humanistic tendencies of the European Renaissance, it was easy to detect the confrontation that was already taking place between traditional and modern elements in the Islamic world.

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    How old does a recipe have to be in order to be traditional? What should we think when an old industrial food like salted (corned) beef or pickled herring becomes a part of “traditional” ethnic cuisine?

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    historical arguments; traditional apologetics breaks down here. Since man is here dealing with God and this by definition means with the invisible, impalpable, uncontrollable, only one attitude is appropriate and required : believing trust, trusting faith.

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    If we are really ready for thinking, not the traditional, conventional, rehashed thinking, but the exploratory and adventurous thinking, we can move forward and discover the astounding appeal of new mind-blowing visions. ( "Ready-to-wear thinking")

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    I always encourage them to practice in a way that will help them go back to their own tradition and get re-rooted. If they succeed at at becoming reintegrated, they will be an important instrument in transforming and renewing their tradition. ... When we respect our blood ancestors and our spiritual ancestors, we feel rooted. If we find ways to cherish and develop our spiritual heritage, we will avoid the kind of alienation that is destroying society, and we will become whole again. ... Learning to touch deeply the jewels of our own tradition will allow us to understand and appreciate the values of other traditions, and this will benefit everyone.

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    I am a traditionalist; proud to be eccentric; delighted to be different.

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    If traditional doesn't work, then traditions won't do.

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    Rural and traditional escapism. That’s my angle. Places and events where we are free to relax and be ourselves, where nobody tells us to hurry along or conform or grow up. Somewhere we can properly live.

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    Men allermeest er det forundringer værd, En Ganne indsætter, en anden har lærd, Den samme med Konst at udtage. Nu maatte man spørge, hvor giøres det got, At Satan mot Satanem øver sin Spot, Kand Diævel en Diævel uddrive;

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    Modernity is kind of a tradition and tradition itself is not a rulebook. It's a dialogue and a dialectical process— just as tradition affects us, we too affect tradition and culture, and we change it.

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    Night fishing accentuates the atmosphere of a lake. It is as if, once darkness falls, the character of the pool announces, “I am here.

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    Relatedness and interaction between individuals may have lost their drive and liability. In our contemporary “brave new world", traditional trust or generous receptiveness has been replaced by ‘security devices’ and ‘safety gadgets’. (“Could we leave the door unlocked?”)

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    In a funny way, Dad was always a bow-tie wearer, always a little more traditional than you might imagine. Because even though he had blue hair and tattoos and wore leather jackets and worked in a record store, he wanted to marry Mom back at a time when the rest of their friends were still having drunken one-night stands. "Girlfriend is such a stupid word," he said. "I couldn't stand calling her that. So, we had to get married, so I could call her "wife"'.

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    [O]ur revolt was as much against the traditional black leadership structure as it was against segregation and discrimination.

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    Recent generations seem to consider ‘old-fashioned’ thinking as out-dated and without place in the modern world. I beg to differ. After all, who has greater faith? He who looks to and learns from the past, or the man who cares not for consequence?

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    The Gingerbread House has four walls, a roof, a door, a window, and a chimney. It is decorated with many sweet culinary delights on the outside. But on the inside there is nothing—only the bare gingerbread walls. It is not a real house—not until you decide to add a Gingerbread Room. That’s when the stories can move in. They will stay in residence for as long as you abstain from taking the first gingerbread bite.