Best 205 quotes in «cause and effect quotes» category

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    I can't say I know at this moment what all these laws are. But on some level everybody knows that we are all getting exactly what we deserve.

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    I don't really believe that people can predict the future,' he admitted. 'People predict the future every day, Stenwold Maker,' she replied, studying the rainbow carefully as the glass panels shifted slightly on the creaking wooded framework. 'If you drop a stone, you may predict that it shall fall. If you know a man to be dishonest, you may predict that he will cheat you. If you know one army is better trained and led, you may predict that it will win the battle.' He could not help smiling at that. 'But that is different. That is using knowledge already gained about the world to guess at the most likely outcome.' 'And that is also predicting the future, Stenwold Maker,' she said. 'The only difference is your source of knowledge. Everything that happens has a cause, which same cause has itself a cause. It is a chain stretching into the most distant past, and forged by necessity, inclination, bitter memories, the urge of duty. Nothing happens without a reason. Predicting the future does not require predestination, Stenwold Maker. It only requires a world where one thing will most likely lead to another.

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    If natural philosophy does not teach us the remedies for many diseases, it furnishes us at least with certain means to contract them.

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    If you are with egoism then you are the doer and if you are egoless, then vyavasthit (scientific circumstantial evidence) is the doer. One (The Self) is not the doer at all.

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    If you doubt what you have asked for in your prayers, then you commit a big sin because you doubt the abilities of God.

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    If you insist on the temporary truth (satya), you become temporary. Therefore insist on Sat (eternal truth). Sat (Eternal truth) is the pure soul; it is immortal.

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    If God created the world; then who created God? And then who created the one who created God?...

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    If the natural environment is changed and the electromagnetic radiation levels increase, then it may cause illness and disease in humans.

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    If you become impressed by someone, you will become infected by his disease. Then you will become impressed by his attributes and his powers.

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    If you hurt any of your fingers, your whole body will feel its effect. Everything is connected. Infect one part of something, and a reaction will spread and affect the rest. We sit sometimes not knowing why we feel restless or sad, but in truth we are feeling transferred emotions moving through our atmosphere. We pick up on frequencies that come from near and far that affect us unconsciously. Humans are like moving antennas. We are magnetic entities living in an electromagnetic world. The core of the earth is a gigantic crystal that captures and amplifies strong energies in all directions. We all act and react as its transmitters and receivers. Every cause has effect and every effect has cause. All words and actions do matter.

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    If you listen at doors, you hear what you deserve.

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    If you want to understand the causes of aggression, study police officers

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    I guarantee it will change your life, but only because everything does, however small.

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    I’m a guardian angel. I'm condemned to share the responsibility for my ward’s life, and therefore the ultimate course of the progression of the human species. So you see, while I’m here I cannot change my conduct, I cannot choose for myself, and every movement I make sends millions of tiny aftershocks across the present and future of every living human.

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    Importance is not of ‘discharge’ (of karmas) that occurs; but the importance is that of the ‘dhyan’ (internal state of being) at that time in effect.

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    I never dreamed about success, I worked for it

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    In every action we must look beyond the action at our past, present and future state, and at others whom it affects, and see the relations of all these things.

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    Inspiration is both the cause and the effect of living a positive life.

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    In the worldly life, what is misery? It is the pain created from wrong suspicions.

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    In this world, ‘I am the doer’ and ‘I know it’’ - that which brings these two inner intents together is called illusion (bhranti).

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    In whatever work that you do in this world, the work has no value. You will be ‘binding responsibility’ for next life only if there is attachment and abhorrence involved in it. There is no responsibility if the attachment and abhorrence do not occur.

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    I think this is one bad side of a mirror; it helps us to see the reflection of the effects of our own actions on ourselves. We smile and it smiles back to us, we frown and it frowns to us. How I wish it shows us the reflections of the effects of our actions on other people as well so that we will be conscious!

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    It is better to be the cause of an effect rather than be the effect that was caused.

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    It is considered pure ‘discharge’ (of karma) when a person does no ‘planning’. Charging occurs where there is planning. Discharge is of natural characteristics. There is no pain in it.

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    It is called Purusharth (real spiritual effort) if it certainly becomes fruitful!

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    It is no consolation to reflect that every cause itself is an effect, making the search for causes and reasons a fool’s errand.

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    It is often interesting, in retrospect, to consider the trifling causes that led to great events.

    • cause and effect quotes
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    Karma, simply put, is an action for an action ... good or bad.

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    Karma alone does not take care of everything. One had made a desire of enjoying sex. He does that one karma. So what does parsatta (nature, the other power) say at that time? ‘We cannot give you just the karma of sex, in this world. We have to look at everything around it. So we have to give you a wife, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, aunt-in-law, we have to give you all that too!!’ In wanting just a wife, how much more became latched on to it! What a fiasco! How can one untangle from this web?

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    Karma has been a pop culture term for ages. But really, what the heck is it? Karma is not an inviolate engine of cosmic punishment. Rather, it is a neutral sequence of acts, results, and consequences. Receiving misfortune does not necessarily indicate that one has committed evil. But it is a sufficient indicator of something else. And that something else can be anything, as long as it is a logical consequence of what has come before. Consider: if you fall into a well, you are not a bad person who deserves to suffer—you are merely someone who took a wrong step. Or someone who had one drink too many. Or got a head rush due to poor circulation. Or forgot to wear your glasses. Or— The reasons are plentiful, and all plausible. But the chain of cause and effect goes way, way back into the deepest hoariest recesses of your personal past. So never rule out retribution. But never expect it.

    • cause and effect quotes
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    Karma literally means “deed” or “act” and more broadly names the universal principle of cause and effect, action and reaction which governs all life. Karma is a natural law of the mind, just as gravity is a law of matter.

    • cause and effect quotes
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    Kramic Gnan (Step By Step Knowledge) refers to ‘effect’ as the ‘cause’ and the Akram Gnan (Stepless Knowledge) calls the ‘cause’ as ‘cause’.

    • cause and effect quotes
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    Life is to be lived with a focus and thoughtfulness. One has to see ‘what is the outcome’ of each and every action. In thinking about the consequences, does the soul become like that? No. The knower of thoughts about the consequences is the Soul. But the consequences will have to be forthright, no? Should one not live with careful attention?

    • cause and effect quotes
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    Listening is an effect. Communication is cause.

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    Magick is the manipulation of the Laws of Cause-and-Effect in accordance with one's Will, via states of Higher Consciousness.

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    Meeting a woman is not harmful, but it is harmful for the eyes to be attracted to her. So do pratikraman (do apology) at that time and resolve this case.

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    Merit karma (punya) is fruit of action, demerit karma (paap) is also a fruit of action too, and moksha (ultimate liberation) is the fruit of becoming still (becoming a non-doer).

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    Nature is not some entity. Nature means coming together of circumstances. The effort of circumstances coming together is nature and the circumstances came together is ‘vyavasthit’ (Scientific circumstantial evidences).

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    New dispensations may await us; the Kingdom may come in ways we never dreamed of; the beyond may be more momentous than we have ever expected, but always and everywhere 'the within' determines 'the beyond,' and character is destiny.

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    No Action is possible without a Reason. Action is an ‘Effect’, Reason is a ‘Cause’. ‘Causes’ and ‘effect’, ‘effect’ and ‘causes’…this is how such routine cycle goes on. Changes can be made in causes but not in effect.

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    No cause occurs without effect, and no effect occurs without cause. No unjust action goes without penalty, and no action or thought flows unnoticed throughout the universe.

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    No circumstance interferes with the one whose attachment and abhorrence towards the body are gone. Circumstances are not the obstacles, attachment and abhorrence is the real interference. Circumstance is a gneya (that to be Known) and you are a Gnata (Knower).

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    No incident, however seemingly trivial, is unimportant in the scheme of things. One event leads to another, which triggers something else and before you know where you are, the ramifications spread far and wide throughout History. Echoing down the ages. Getting fainter and fainter, but never completely dying away. They talk of The Harmony of the Spheres, but History is A Symphony of Echoes. Every little action has huge consequences. They’re not always apparent, and sometimes, in our game, sometimes effect comes before cause, not after. It makes your head ache.

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    No one takes birth. Being born is an ‘effect’. Birth takes place automatically. If the causes are nurtured, rebirth is inevitable. The Gnani Purush (the enlightened one) can put a stop to the ‘causes’ and so only the effect will remain.

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    Nothing’s random. Even if it looks that way, it’s just because you don’t know the causes.

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    Nowadays most of the quarrels at home arise from suspicions. Suspicions create vibrations which create a blazing fire. And if one becomes suspicion free, the fire will extinguish on its own. How can the flames be put out if both parties are suspicious? There is no choice but for one of the two to become suspicion free

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    Once you are clear with the process of input-output and its consequence, you become more careful with every choice and decisions with your life.

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    One cannot change his current life span but one can change his next life form. The ticket can be changed but death cannot be changed. At the time of death, whatever one is latched on to, that will be his condition in the next life – ya mati, sa gati (His next life will be decided by his state of opinion and intellect at the time of his death).

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    One Situated in a situation’ (Avasthit) is ‘causes’ and result of scientific circumstantial evidence (vyavasthit) is an ‘effect’. The energy of avasthit is “causes of action”. The energy of avasthit can be changed, Vyavasthit shakti (result of scientific circumstantial evidence) cannot be changed.

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    One should not be obstinate even in worldly interaction. If you are obstinate with a ‘collector’, what will he do? He will throw you in a jail. So then what will happen if you are obstinate in front of God? God won’t put you in jail, but his contentment towards you will break away.