Best 17 quotes in «biking quotes» category

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    The bicycle is the noblest invention of mankind.

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    Biking is about rhythm and flow. It's the wind in you face and the challenge of hammering up along hill. It's the reward at the top and the thrill of a high-speed descent. Biking lets you come alive in both body and spirit. After awhile the bike disappears beneath you and you feel as if you're suspended in midair.

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    When you're turning the crankset, you're riding the bike. When you're coasting, you're just along for the ride.

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    With mountain biking, it's always that constant thing, negotiating singletrack, which I like, but for a road ride that rhythm is really Buddhist. When you get a good pedal stoke, it's that thing of everything works.

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    Suddenly, launched in one dynamic motion, we were off, cutting like a chainsaw through the stillness of the day. The noise and the speed, ever rising, seemed to take us into another dimension where all the wind and sound in the world was our own

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    If a city is designed in a way that makes a long drive to work necessary, we harm the social health of that city. If a lot of people cycle, it's probably an indication that you live in a healthy neighborhood. This is something that should be seriously considered in urban planning, if you want to ensure a neighborhood togetherness and trust among locals.

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    It was always scary, Charlie replied, but that was why you did it, right? If it was safe... it wouldn’t be fun.

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    This little piggy saved some water, This little piggy biked for sun, This little piggy used windmills, This little piggy used sun, And this little piggy squealed 'Re-re-recycle!' All the way home.

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    She had felt good for a few moments, racing across the face of the hill on her old bike, but the happy feeling had burned itself out and left behind a thin, cold rage. She was no longer entirely sure who she was angry with though. Her anger didn't have a fixed point. It was a soft whir of emotion to match the soft whir of the spokes.

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    I love being outdoors - hiking, biking, and swimming.

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    Biking through New York's boroughs in 2005, I thought about some old friends, Joe and Eileen Bailey. Though they are imaginary, I frequently talk to them.

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    I don't really go mountain biking per se, like a proper sport.

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    If biking is your passion, set aside time to enjoy a good ride.

    • biking quotes
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    If the constellations had been named in the twentieth century, I suppose we would see bicycles and refrigerators in the sky.

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    I used a bike in London and that's it. I learnt a lot about biking, and really got into. Now I cycle regularly.

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    My culinary wardrobe is the same as my biking wardrobe, just no shoes.

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    In my day-to-day, I do a bit of yoga, I go biking, I read, I watch shows, I go to music concerts.