Best 60 quotes in «bleach quotes» category

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    We fear which we cannot see

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    We have Not one In common No two Are shaped alike The third Because of that eye we lack In the fourth Direction there is hope The fifth Is at the heart -Orihime Inoue

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    Well if that's the kind of pride you're talking about, you can bet your ass, I'm going to mess with it.

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    What is this "heart"? If I tear open that chest of yours, will I see it there? If I smash open that skull of yours, will I see it there? ~ulquiorra

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    We should not shed tears. That is a surrender of the body to the heart. It is only proof That we are beings that do not know What to do with our hearts

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    What is the point of hitting? Hurting those who hurt you... and what is left?

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    You are becoming a snake tomorrow, and as you start to devour people, with that mouth that has eaten others, you cry your love to me, and the same as today, I do wonder, will I be able to say my love to you?" - Gin Ichimaru awww

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    Why are you putting so much distance between us? If you want to make sure it hits me, then you should get close and fire. Or is it that you're afraid of letting even a part of me out of your field of vision by getting close? If that's the case, then it's a foolish thought. Distance only has meaning in a fight between equals. With you and I, distance holds no meaning at all. Watch... If I do this, my hand is almost instantly at your heart.

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    Dirt is dirt, and we've all got it no matter where we come from. I'm not sure Christ sees one kind of dirt as dirtier than another. One thing is for sure: His blood is able to bleach any stain left by any kind of dirt.

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    You are so, even when falling." (Byakuya Kuchiki)

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    Excuse me while I go bleach my face.

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    Doesn't sunlight kill them? Doesn't it turn them to dust, or make them burst into flames or something?" "Nope. Vampires tan, just like you and me. Well, just like you. I tend to bleach.

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    if something is perfect, then there is nothing left,there is no for imagination, no place left for a person to gain additional knowledge or abilities

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    Emo always meant emotional. Any kind of art or music should be emotional. If its not, than it's pretty much just a jingle selling bleach or pizza.

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    If you were to turn into a snake tomorrow and begin devouring humans, and from the same mouth you started devouring humans, you cried out to me 'I love you,' would I still be able to say 'I love you' the same way I do today?

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    I can't protect without holding a sword, I can't embrace you while holding a sword.

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    Nobody bleaches [e-mails] because that's an expensive process. [Hillary Clinton] bleached. Get rid of them. And then she made everybody get rid of iPhones, her iPhones, and some of them were hammered. They were hammered to death. All to cover up her crimes.

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    If it rusts, it can never be trusted If its owner fails to control it, it will cut him Yes, pride is Like a blade.

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    I walked over and picked up one of the jugs. "What's this? Some kind of Caster disinfectant?" Lena took it out of my hand and lined it up with the others. "Yeah, it's called bleach.

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    Noooo, there’s no way I, a mere handsome and sexy shopkeeper, could possibly have bankai!

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    My hair is too fine to bleach. I get so much breakage, it's not worth it to dye it.

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    Softball is the reason Washing Machines and Bleach are so popular. Don't think so? Just ask a softball Mom.

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    Live well, Ichigo. Live well, age well, go bald well, and die after me. And... if you can, die smiling.

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    Sentiment is for those who don't know what to do next.

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    Those who do not know what love is liken it to beauty. Those who claim to know what love is liken it to ugliness.

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    Sunshine cannot bleach the snow, Nor time unmake what poets know

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    We are all like fireworks. We climb, shine and always go our separate ways and become further apart. But even if that time comes, let's not disappear like a firework, and continue to shine... forever.

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    People have hope because they cannot see Death standing behind them.

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    The thing that I really love about the 80s is, there was a sense of hand made-ness about the fashion then. You could have a pair of jeans and dump some bleach on them, and make them something that was really trendy for that era.

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    You are becoming a snake tomorrow, and as you start to devour people, with that mouth that has eaten others, you cry your love to me, and the same as today, I do wonder, will I be able to say my love to you?

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    The water in L.A. tastes like bleach. I literally have to make my tea with Evian water.

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    What is this "heart"? If I tear open that chest of yours, will I see it there? If I smash open that skull of yours, will I see it there?

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    And if you can, die laughing.

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    A crossroad. What a pain in the ass spot to end up in. (Abarai Renji, Bleach)

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    All living things believe in someone superior to them, and cannot live unless they blindly follow them. Then, the objects of their faith try to escape this crushing pressure by seeking another being that is more superior to them to believe in. And they, in turn, seek a stronger being still. That is how all kings are born. That is how... all gods are born. –Aizen

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    And what of pride? If you help him now, yes, you can probably save his life. But at the same time, It will kill his pride for all eternity. Listen to me. Remember this well. There are two kinds of fight. We must always know the difference. A fight to defend life and a fight to depend pride.

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    Everything in this world exists to wear you down.

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    Anger dulls the blade.

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    ...But living creatures are strange. They are made in such a way that they can actualize only what their minuscule minds wish for.

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    Dispose of everything that was lost. There’s no time to dream about something that won’t come back. I must look forward. Forward…

    • bleach quotes
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    Everything in this word exists to wear you down.

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    If one abandons all other abilities and focuses his strength entirely on a single specialized skill, then he can overcome even the greatest of powers.

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    Ichigo: You got that? Huh?! I'm the rescuer, so you just SHUT UP!! Rukia: Wha--wha'd you say? A rescuer isn't supposed to ignore the rescuee! Ichigo: Yeah? And what kind of rescuee complains about the rescue!? Why don't you go sit in a corner and tremble in fear and cry out "Save me! Save me!" like you're supposed to?! Rukia: I do not need saving, and I do NOT tremble!

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    I hate the rain. When your heart is in chaos, this sky becomes terribly easily. Can you understand... the horror of being pelted by rain in this solitary world? If only to stop the rain, I shall lend you any strenght. If you trust in me. I will let no rain fall in this world. Trust me. Your not fighting alone.

    • bleach quotes
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    I have no way to ask about that. I have no elegant way of stepping into your heart to ask about that without tracking in filth. So I will wait, someday, when you want to tell me.. tell me then. I'll wait until then.

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    It’s the same for those who die and those that survive both are sad as the other

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    I'll cry!! Ububu... BUEEEEEEE!! I... Ichigo, you thupid! Baldy!! Piece of poop! Ichigo: Alright! Alright! I get it already, stop crying! Nel: Impotent! Ichigo: I'm not impotent!! Rukia: What's he shouting about? Nel: Virgin!!! Ichigo: SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY!!!

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    I have not thrown my life away. I have merely gambled it. Genryūsai-dono gambled his own life on this battle. I see no reason why I should not do the same. From the moment I set foot on this battlefield, I had already left my life behind!

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    I hit something...alright.

    • bleach quotes
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    Live well, Ichigo. Live well, age well, go bald well, and die after me. And... if you can, die smiling. (Isshin Kurosaki)