Best 22 quotes in «good mood quotes» category

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    Rats! It's rainy outside, And to be a good fella Invite a smile so wide Nobody needs umbrella!

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    Have you ever been in a great mood, or at least a good one, then decided, “You know what, I’m going to troll through Facebook and see what’s happening with my friends.”? I have. I shouldn’t though. It’s a disco strangler of good days. It’s the Ted Bundy of good moods. One minute you’re cruising along and the next you’re chained in a moldy hole in someone’s basement, waiting to be transformed into some psycho’s personal Halloween mask, metaphorically speaking, mind you.

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    When something seems unbalanced and out of rhythm, just a song can tune things up in a moment. The power of music is therapy.

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    Good moods’re as fragile as eggs...Bad moods’re as fragile as bricks.

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    Guard your good mood.

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    what an introvert/unsociable person like me needs to be alright.. 1- a good book. 2- an animal pal. 3- lots of meditation. 4- a good friend. 5- netflix and more netflix. 6- trip and time in nature. 7- weed and some of drugs. 8- time to think. 9- some creativity. 10- headphones. 11- alooot of solitude.

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    I haven't been in a good mood since I was 6 years old

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    I don't get to be edgy and angry, but the rewards are that I'm generally quite happy with my day. I spend an awful lot of time in a good mood.

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    If you’re not in a good mood, the only thing you should make is a reservation.

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    Don't equate the presence of God with a good mood or a pleasant temperament. God is near whether you are happy or not.

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    My mum and dad have always enjoyed life, and it's something that's been instilled in me. I wake up in a good mood most mornings.

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    I'm not encouraging massive boycotts of turning off the news. That's what the left does. I'm just telling you my own personal experience. I'm just in a much better mood. I'm in a good mood anyway, but I'm in a much better mood day in and out. I look at things entirely differently not watching that crap. It's all I'm telling you.

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    In a good mood I call my hair Chestnut with Gold Glints. In a bad mood, I call it mousy brown

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    To create well I have to be in a good mood, happy and cool.

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    Running is a quick trigger for a good mood. The great thing about endorphins, you don't have to be in great shape to get them.

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    Old God sure was in a good mood when he made this place.

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    To understand me, you have to meet me and be around me. And then only if I'm in a good mood - don't meet me in a bad mood.

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    The thing with pretending you're in a good mood is that sometimes you can actually trick yourself into feeling better.

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    Usually, your personality doesn't come out on the cover of Vogue. If the photographer says, "Smile," you smile. You might not be in a good mood that day, but you're smiling anyway.

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    You have to learn how to stay in a good mood as you overthrow the sour, puckered hallucination that is mistakenly referred to as reality.

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    You always know when you're going to arrive. If you go by car, you don't. Apart from anything else, I prefer cycling. It puts you in a good mood, I find.

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    What I'm working on is for people to be able to say that Kippenberger had this really good mood